Breastfeeding with Implants: Is It Dangerous?


In, most of the cases, it is possible for women to breastfeed with breast implants. But there are some exceptions as well. It totally depends on the placement of the implants, type of the implants, the way of the surgery done. After the breast implant surgery, the ability of a woman to breastfeed will depend on the incision used. There is another possibility also that the breast implants may affect the breast milk amount that the woman can produce. Here, we will know whether it is possible to breastfeed with breast implants or not. We will discuss a few tips also to make your implants breastfeeding comfortable. But before that, let’s know what breast implants are.

In this article:

What are Breast Implants?
Is it able to Breastfeed with Implants?
Tips to Breastfeed with Implants

Breastfeeding With Implants: Every New Mom’s Should Know

What are Breast Implants?

Breast implants are considered as medical devices that implanted under the breast tissue generally to increase breast size. Breast implants are used for replacing breast tissue, removed for trauma or cancer, or that failed to develop properly for any breast abnormality. Breast implants are approved for correcting the result of previous surgeries as well.

There are two types of breast implants that are approved as medical devices. One is saline-filled, and another one is silicone gel-filled. But both breast implants are considered to have an outer shell that is made of silicon. These two implants are different from each other in size, shell surface texture, shape, and shell thickness. But the life of breast implants is not predictable, as it varies by person. If you have implants, then you have greater chances of developing complications and having additional surgeries in the future. Now, we will know if it is possible to breastfeed with breast implants or not.


breastfeeding pregnant

Is it possible to Breastfeed with Implants?

The possibility of breastfeeding with implants depends on the original state of breasts before surgery. There are some most important factors determining the success of breastfeeding with implants. Let’s have a look at the following factors.

1) The Location of the Incision

Your breastfeeding may not work, if they go across your nipples or areolae, as this procedure requires the milk ducts or nerves to be cut. But there is another procedure also. The incisions can be made near your armpits or underneath your breasts, in that case, the surgeon opts for saving your major nerves probably, and that’s why you will face no complication while producing milk.

2) The Location of Your Implants

So, there are certain factors, such as if you have implants under your chest muscles, then it is better for breastfeeding. But if you have implants under the glandular tissue of your breast, then it can create problems in producing milk.

3) The Feeling in Your Nipples

If you have still any feeling in your nipples after the surgery, then it is a good sign that your nerves are working as they should. But if your surgery is recent like within one or two years, then the nipple sensation may have not returned yet, but the good thing is that you still may be able to breastfeed.


4) The Reason for Your Breast Augmentation

Whether you are able to breastfeed with breast implants or not, largely depends on the reason for your breast augmentation. If you wanted implants for cosmetics reasons as you have small breasts, then you are good enough to breastfeed. But if you have got implants as your breast tissue never developed or your breasts are spaced far apart or asymmetrical, then there is a high chance that you don’t have enough of the glandular tissue that you would need to produce milk. In this case, you can consult with a doctor for further information.

5) Size of Your Implants

You will experience fewer complications if, before surgery, there were no issues with your breasts. But breastfeeding largely depends on the size of your breast implants. According to a few studies, bigger implants can damage the breasts and can cause numbness. Large implants generally stretch the skin around nipples, which can reduce the sensitivity.

The following are some useful tips to make your breastfeeding with implants more comfortable and easy. Let’s have a look.

Tips to Breastfeed with Implants

The following are some helpful tips to help increase milk production and breastfeed with implants. These tips will make your breastfeeding with implants more comfortable and easier. Let’s have a look.

Try Herbal Galactagogues

Certain herbs are considered to be very helpful in increasing breast milk production. The herbs are- fenugreek, fennel, milk thistle. But there is not enough evidence about the effectiveness of herbal galactagogues. According to some studies, fenugreek is quite helpful in increasing milk supply.


Lactation Cookies in Your Rescue

Some people use lactation cookies for this purpose. This can be made at home with some ingredients or can be bought online. To make these cookies at home, you need to have some ingredients, such as flax seeds, herbal galactagogues, brewer’s yeast, wheat gram, whole oats. But there are limited studies on the effectiveness of lactation cookies on increasing breast milk production. Consult with your doctor before having these cookies.

Regularly Empty Your Breasts

It is very important to empty your breasts regularly. You can use a breast pump or can express milk manually after feedings to increase your milk production. According to a study, it is said that pumping both breasts simultaneously can increase milk production. It increases the fat and calories in breast milk.

Try to Breastfeed Often

If you breastfeed your baby 8-10 times per day, then it will help you in maintaining and establishing milk production. It is said according to some studies that the more often you breastfeed, the more milk your body will make. If you are thinking that you’re only able to produce a small amount of milk, but even then you are still providing your baby with nutrition and antibodies.

Make Sure that Your Baby Latches Properly

To get the most out of the feedings, your baby needs a proper latch. Make sure that your baby’s mouth is wide open while latching on. First, take care of the fact that your baby is positioned well after that guide them toward your breast. You can also consult with a lactation specialist for this purpose. They will help you by giving on your baby’s position and latch.

Formula Supplementation

If you are noticing that you’re producing a small amount of milk, try to consult with your baby’s pediatrician or a lactation specialist about supplementing your breastfeeding with formula. Firstly, look for signs that your baby is getting the right amount of milk or not, such signs are:

a) with jaw movement slow and steady sucking


b) stools that change from black to yellow

c) six wet diapers and three soiled diapers per day

Your baby’s weight is another indicator from which you can understand whether your baby is getting adequate milk or not.

In conclusion, most women are capable of breastfeeding with breast implants. You need to visit your doctor or lactation consultant to talk about your concern. Always remember that your baby is getting enough nutrition and nourishment from the amount of milk you’re producing. Your baby’s nutrition doesn’t depend on the milk amount. But you can supplement your breastfeeding with formulas if needed.
