201 Unique Girl Names Starting with J


If you are expecting a baby girl and are in a search of girl names starting with J, here are 201 unique and beautiful baby girl names starting with J.

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Top 201 Girl Names Starting with J

Names Meaning
Jaane A gracious gift of God
Jacala One who likes truth and filled with youth and charm
Jacee A flower type, a hyacinth flower
Jacie She who heals people
Jackeline One whose portector is God
Jackelyn She who believes God is her protector
Jacki Her protector is God
Jackie A woman protected by God
Jackleen May God be her protector
Jacklin God may protect her
Jacklyn She may be undr God’s protection
Jacklynn A girl who believes God is her protector
Jacky A pet name, means the one who finds God to be gracious
Jacobina A woman who believes in the protection of God
Jacolyn She is a supplanter
Jacynth A woman who looks like hyacinth flower
Jacynthe She is pretty as a hycinth flower
Jadira One with gren eyes, the gemstone jade
Jadis Apparently created by C.S. Lewis for the character
Jady A jade of a gemstone, the beautiful green color
Jae Woman who is like a jay bird
Jaeden A thankful person
Jaedyn One who will be judged by the God and is thankful
Jaen The mercifulness of Yahweh
Jaena A graciousness of Yahweh
Jaenette One who knows God’s graciousness
Jailand A youthful. energetic and talented individual
Jakodi Oda’s child
Jalene Modern English combination name
Jalyn A jay bird
Jamecia She who is from Jamaica
Jamely She who is from the valley
Jamelya One from the glen
Jameya One who heals
Jami A beautiful woman
Jamisyn A name for girls
Jamiya A surrogate, a replacement
Janai God has given an answer
Janaia God has heard
Janais God has answered
Janaya God has answered
Janaye God has heard and gave an answer
Janberk One who likes to explore, creative and full of youth
Jancey One from the glen
Janea God is gracious
Janeane Variation of Jane meaning God is gracious
Janel Diminutive of Jane, mening God is merciful
Janele God is gracious
Janesha Hebrew – Yahweh is Gracious; Yahweh is merciful; A Form of Janessa
Janetta A gift from God
Janeva Race of Women; Juniper Tree; White Wave
Janey Jehovah has shown favour
Janiett Variation of the name Jane meaning God is gracious
Jannae God has given an answer
Jannette God has been gracious
Jarima A girls name
Jarret A strong spear
Jasayla A talented person who is very considerate and youthful
Jaslene An invented name
Jasminka Bosnian term for Jasmine.
Jassy Usually a pet form for names starting with Jas
Jaunie A woman who is brave
Java A place name, Jawa
Javme Judicious, talented, funny and eccentric being
Javmee A refined, reasonable and poised individual
Jaxine A modern invented name
Jaxx Short name for Jackson which means Son of Jack
Jayda A form of jade, resembling the green gemstone
Jaydah The Lord is salvation
Jayde Precious green stone
Jaydee Precious stone
Jaylinn A fowl which brings nimble.
Jaynella Little Jane; gracious god
Jayni God has bestowed his mercy upon me.
Jazzalyn Mixture of Jocelyn (kind hearted) and Jazz (kind of music).
Jazzy Modern accent of Jasmine (yas flower)
Jeanae God has heard my requests or prayers.
Jeanay God has returned to my crying.
Jeanelle True grace is coming from God.
Jeannell Diminutive of Jeanne (Mercy is God)
Jedda The precious black shady gem stone.
Jeffie The one who is fair minded and charming.
Jelion A restless and refined individual
Jelise Mixture of jean (Gift from God ) and Lisa (promise of God).
Jelissa A type of insect, honey bee.
Jellion Variant od Giles; one who is desirable
Jemarica Combination of Jessica and Marcus
Jemina The one who uses her right hand always.
Jen Pet for Jennifer that means a fair one
Jenae The God has answered
Jenai God has answered my prayers.
Jenalie The white enchantress
Jenalynn Variation of jenny (God has been gracious).
Jenarae Diminutive of Jenny (God has been merciful).
Jenay God has heard my prayers.
Jenaya God is gracious
Jenaye The Answer from the God
Jendra A fair point or a fairer person
Jenea God’s grace endures forever.
Jenean God’s mercy sustains forever.
Jeneane The mercy of God is forever
Jenee God endows his mercy upon mankind.
Jeneefer The white colored girl
Jeneen God bestows his grace upon me.
Jenefer Bright, tender, kind and gentle.
Jeneil The winner of all hard waves.
Jenell The one who is forgiving, reasonable and warm.
Jenene The person who is impartial in her spirits.
Jenessa The girl who is easy going, soft and fine looking.
Jenetta Person who is just and upright.
Jenianna A graceful or favourable lady
Jenibeth The oath of a white lady
Jeniefer A lady with the fair complexion
Jenifar The fairer of all
Jenilee Blend of Jenny(God is merciful) and Lee (green field).
Jenilyn A benevolent and merciful
Jenilynn The one who is benevolent, without malicious intent.
Jennabel The girl who is just of peace.
Jennabelle A girl who is just and true
Jennarae The girl who is just in her spirits.
Jennasee Latest variation of Jenny (God is gracious) and Jennifer (just and reasonable).
Jennavieve One who possess good spiritual moralities.
Jennay God has given his blessings to me.
Jennelle God’s grace is adequate to all of us.
Jennessa Combination of Jennifer and Vanessa
Jenneva Variant of Genevieve (Race of women)
Jennex One who is attractive and good looking
Jennyann Variation of Jenny (God is graceful)
Jennye God has been fair and yielding
Jenralyn Refers to an intelligent and bold girl.
Jentrie Nobility or aristocracy
Jentzie A noble born or a high born
Jeorjia The girls who works in a farmhouse.
Jeovana Refers to precious talent from God.
Jeovanna God is full of mercy and tender care.
Jeraldeen One who is a king with spear
Jeralyn Mixture of jerry (ruler hold the spear) and Marilyn (wishing for a baby).
Jerelyn Girl who is having clever mind and daring.
Jerilene Feminine of gerald; One who is good at spear
Jerilyn Rules with spear
Jerilynn A spear warrior
Jerline Your mother’s son; Female version of john
Jerrilyn Modern blend of jerry and marilyn; Waterfall
Jeselle Fair and smooth
Jesmynda A variant of Jasmine, a fragrant flower
Jessame The one who is rich in properties.
Jessamy A jasmine flower
Jessika A character in shakespeare’s the merchant of venice
Jeva Easy to give forgiveness
Jewel An accessory used as a decoration on oneself
Jewelia Jupiter’s child
Jewelianne Latin feminine form of julianus, which is a derivation of julius the first down the chin, downy-bearded
Jewell A precious stone
Jewelle Derivative of the breton name judicael which was used in honour of the 16th century bishop of salisbury, john jewel
Jezabel Oath of God; Lord Baal; A variant form of Jezebel
Jifinder One who has an amazing and mesmerizing personality
Jilian Jilian means youthful person who loves to enjoy her youth part of life.
Jillaine Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
Jillana Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
Jillanne Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
Jillayne Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
Jille Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
Jillene Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
Jillesa A varient of name Jill. Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
Jillet A varient of name Jill. Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
Jillian A varient of name Jill. Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
Jilliana A varient of name Jill. Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
Jilliane A varient of name Jill. Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
Jilliann A varient of name Jill. Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
Jillianna A varient of name Jill. Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
Jillianne A varient of name Jill. Young Person. In simple words powerful and full of life person.
Jilly In English the importance of the name Jilly is: Abbreviation of Jillian or Gillian. Jove’s tyke.
Jillyn In English the importance of the name Jillyn is: Abbreviation of Jillian or Gillian. Jove’s tyke.
Jimena Calm, focused, patient and are complex in nature. People with this name are highly organized and curious to know new things or learn new things in life
Jimmi coomunicative , out going, positive and full of energy people who struggle hard to achieve their goals. They love travelling, friendship and new things.
Jinni people with this name have urge to help other people and humanity. They are creative and wants to acquire knowledge. They are highly I maginative and visionary.
Jinny it means white wave. People with this name are dynamic in nature and have powerful and strong attitude. They love to help others because of their variant nature.
Jiselle it means prettiest girl on earth. Girls with this name are cutest and fun loving. They have good sense of humour and creative.
Joanie The name Joanie is a female name that means God is gracious. It has many variations that originate from a Hebrew name Yochanan. Joanie is a version used mostly in England.
Joann Joann is an English female name that means God is gracious. It is a variant of the name Joan, and originates from the Hebrew name Yochanan.
Joanne Joanne is a female name and means God is gracious. It has many variations that all originate from Hebrew. This version of the name is mostly used in England or France.
Joannee Means God is gracious. Female name that originates from a Hebrew name Yochanan. This variant of the name is moslty used in England.
Jocelyne The name means A Person who belongs to a Gauts Tribe
Joellen Feminine of Joel ,al powers belongs to the God he is the real Lord
Joetta Gracious, Jeovah is God emotional, fragile and capricious dreamer woman
Johamma Asssociated form of name Johannese means God is mild and good hearted
Johana God is merciful and gracious,God has favoured
Johnavon God has favoured ,he is merciful benovlent ,kind and gracious
Johnette God has given ,he has regarded and considered,he is merciful and kind hearted
Joiha Originated from the old word joy meaning happiness and pleasure
Jois Associated form of the name Joyce meaning liveliness, charm and bless
Jojo full of high inspirations,courageous, honest, determined, original and creative
Jolean it means gracious, pretty and merciful. Expressive, fun loving and have good sense of humour. They are creative and happy persons.
Joleane it means He (God) will increase. People with this name always seek the quality of life and desire to get the best. They are sensitive in nature.
Jolee it means cheerful and pretty. Such people are kind hearted and generous. They love helping people and making friends. They are more obliged towards their families.
Joleen it means something well established. People with this name are organized and love making friends. They have bold and mature attitude.
Joleicia honest, brilliant, high of inspiration people. they posses the leader quality and believe in law and methodical behaviour in every thing.
Joli countly and cheerful are the owrd meanings. People with this name have desire for loving companions. They tend to be leaders and are focused towards their goal.
Jollene such people are powerful and are focused towards their aim. They attain good wealth in their life. If they will implement their ideas, they will surely be successful.
Jonet the name means rejoicing, people with this name love to travel and are involved in many social activities. They are active and fast.


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