7 Ways to Manage Lochia: The Postpartum Bleeding


Pregnant? I’m not telling it is going to be easy, all I’m telling that it is going to be worth it. Because there is such a sweetness to be able to participate in creation. Delivering a baby doesn’t end it all rather it is the start. There awaits endless responsibilities and ample of duties to fulfill. Besides just focusing on your baby’s health and care your wellness is equally essential.  After a delivery, several health issues do arise. The repair mechanism of the uterus after delivery can be hellish. Postnatal period is the after the delivery stage. One thing can become your concern in this phase which is called lochia.

Lochia is the postpartum uterine/vaginal discharge, it is the physiological part of the recovery of the body after delivery. Initially, for the 1st few weeks, it can be heavy but gradually subsides. The release includes blood, bold clots, mucous and the reposed tissue. It generally takes 3-4 weeks to completely cease and the flow is maximum during 1st and the 2nd day just after childbirth. It is red and turns to light pink later. The fluid smells foul and has a similar odor from that of menstrual blood.

7 Ways to Manage Lochia

ways to manage lochia

Many women think that the flow of lochia is less after a C-section. But for the matter of fact, lochia doesn’t depend on the type of delivery. Unlike in normal delivery where there is vaginal discharge, in caesarian section, the fluid oozes out from the incision. Also, the amount and duration are almost similar in both the cases. Complications in lochia include:

  1. Fever
  2. Lower Abdominal pain
  3. Heavy bleeding (initially red for 2 days to one week later light pinkish in color)
  4. Foul odor from the vaginal discharge
  5. Mood swings can drive you crazy sometimes
  6. Fatigue

 For instances, both (normal and C section) the case can be embarrassing in lochia and can be difficult to manage for new and young mothers. Don’t worry though as we here will provide you with necessary measures which will take care of you and help you manage this time much easier. It is important for you to know that lochia and menstrual flow resemble each other except that it may last for a month or so. Remember that medical intervention should be taken when the flow volume is not decreasing with time, if it smells any different than menstrual blood or if the color of the release turns green. Apart from given mentioned given below are few ways to deal with normal lochia:

Avoid sex


Abstain sex because you will be at a higher risk of acquiring an infection as the uterine injuries from your delivery have not yet healed. Intercourse can injure your uterus severely and further complicate the situation.

Use pads:

Use of tampons or anything which is to be inserted in the vagina will certainly increase the risk of infections. Sanitary napkins should be preferred over them. This is easy and convenient to use and will help absorb heavy blood flowing in the lochia.

Urinate frequently:

An empty bladder will actually reduce the pain and contractions of the uterus. Further, this will reduce bleeding and pain too. But at this time your bladder sensitivity is lost. So even if u don’t feel like peeing, go pee anyway.

Increasing iron uptake:


Iron-rich diet will replenish the iron loss from heavy bleeding. More so iron upregulate’s the RBC number which you will be losing during labor and delivery. Do contact your doctor for the right amount though.

Plenty of rest:

Lay low and stay off your feet, avoid any strenuous activity or any exercise too as all of these can worsen the abdominal pain and blood flow. So just sit back and make good use of the abundant time you are going to get. But don’t you forget your whining baby.


Your selfless deeds of motherhood too will help you to get through this typical time. Breastfeeding will be the very best diet your baby will ever receive. Breastfeeding one among many forms of mothers love releases oxytocin which act upon the uterus and initiates its contraction. Uterine contraction cleans the uterus and lowers down the pain of the blood flow.

Proper hygiene and sanitation:


It is of utmost importance as the breached skin of the vagina can be a channel to plenty of bacteria and can cause ill health. This includes regularly washing your private parts and frequently changing the sanitary napkins. Proper maintenance of cleanliness is important as it may directly or indirectly affect your child’s health.

Taken care of this stuff and no doubt your toil will tail off.

Hope this article was of help for all our parents!! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy and Healthy Babies!!
