8 Symptoms of Rice Allergy in Children


Children when born become the integral part of the family. They grow up fast and become a part of your everyday life. Food habits of children is something that you as a parent need to develop. However, in the due course of developing the best nutrition routine, you may come across “Rice allergy”. Rice allergy is a hypersensitive reaction that your child’s body will display upon reaction with certain proteins from rice. This can happen after ingesting rice as food or at times by inhaling the steam of cooked rice. It is a kind of food allergy and is one of the toughest immune response of the body.

8 Symptoms of Rice Allergy in Children You Should Watch Out For

Every new food introduced to your child will be treated as a foreign body by your child’s immune system. Most of the cases, the immune system will accept the food, but, at times might give up. Well, rice allergy symptoms in children will vary with that of adults. The rice proteins which are 14-16, 26, 33 & 56 kDa range are known to be the allergens. Majority of the allergens are albumin components and their size fall between 14-16 kDa. Below are the top 8 symptoms of rice allergy in children that you should watch out for.

rice allergy in children

Food Protein Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome(FPIES)

This is the most common symptom in children and infants and the allergy occurs in the gastrointestinal tract(GI). It causes recurring vomiting and diarrhea. The symptom will be coupled with dehydration, lethargy, poor weight gain and delayed mile stones.

Skin Rashes

While you have introduced solids to your baby or child, you need to keep a close check on any skin rashes that appear soon after meals. Rice allergen when enters the body will react quickly and give out rashes. The same will appear when your child is exposed to rice or any of its items.

Read more: Common Skin Problems in Children


Red Eyes

Again, a common symptom of rice allergy would be the eyes of your child becoming red. The eyes would start itching and eventually become red and the whole eye getting puffed. Eyes can easily display if the body is under any stress.

Running Nose

A fast paced rice allergen reaction that the body will display is running nose. In not time, after eating rice, your child will have running nose. Mucus will start flowing out and suddenly sneezing also might increase. Breathing will get difficult in the due course of time as the nose will get blocked.

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Weigh Loss

While you have introduced rice into your little one, you would expect a weight gain. Gaining the desired weight is a sign of normal growth. However, no matter the quantity you feed, your child will drop in weight. This symptom should not be ignored and would require immediate attention.

Delayed Milestones

As your child is introduced to solids, there are certain milestones that need to be completed at this stage. However, due to lack of energy and proper nutrition your child will not achieve the milestones. This is a major concern and symptom and you should talk to the doctor right away.

Vomiting and Stomach Cramps

Rice allergen will directly interfere with your child’s gut function and will result in severe vomiting and stomach pains. The inconsolable cry coupled with vomiting upon eating rice is a symptom of rice allergy.


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Mucus Accumulation

Instant mucus accumulation in chest including nose will put your child’s body under stress. You will be able to feel the mucus accumulation while you monitor your child’s breathing.

All the above symptoms are quite common and easy to identify. The best thing of this tragedy is that the signs of the reaction are instant and can get medical attention immediately. Observing your child’s behavior while you feed rice is crucial. For a while, per say 30 days of continuous monitoring of your child is mandatory. Once the period passes you can rest assure that there is no immune reaction towards rice.

While you concentrate on your child’s diet, do not forget to keep your pediatrician in loop as you can rush in case of any emergency. Also, keep a watch on other solids if causing an immune reaction.

Read more: Common Allergies among Children- Causes and Tips to Avoid





