21 Summer Fruits For Your Kids


Summer is a good time for kids to have some fun. Here are some awesome fruits that can make your kids’ summer this year delightful. These include oranges, melons, mango, grapes, pineapple, strawberries, bananas, lemon, apricots, peaches, papaya, lychee, plums, kiwi, guava, gooseberries, cherries, tender coconut, figs and nectarines.

Summer fruits are nothing but a combination of healthy, tasty and juicy fruits that will keep your cool all throughout the summer. Fruits and vegetables play a vital role in building up resistance, immunity and healthy eating habits in kids. In order to build a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, you should be eating three to four servings of fruits everyday day. Let’s take a look at some of the popular fruits that you can use this summer and give your kids taste and health.

21 Summer Fruits for Your Kids

1. Oranges

Oranges are one of the juiciest and a tasty fruit available that are rich in Vitamin C, thiamine and folates which provides natural UV protection, brings down stress levels and enhance the production of red blood cells in the body. It can be given to infants by squeezing out its juice alone. Kids of all ages can eat it simply by removing its peel or you can make simple juices, ice creams or shakes for tasty consumption.

2. Melons

Just like its name, watermelon has the highest content of water than any other fruits. Consuming this will keep you hydrated all day during the hot summers. Muskmelon is another healthy summer choice. It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and zinc, and helps improve immunity. Watermelon can easily be consumed by all age groups. For infants, you can either mash it or juice it. Muskmelon, on the other hand, needs to cut into small pieces for kids for toddlers to eat easily. Make sure to remove the seeds for both before giving to kids or infants.

3. Mango

Mango known as the ‘King of fruits’ in India, is one of the most popular fruits during summer season. It is rich in vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, which may help prevent cancer and promotes healthy skin. This can also be given to kids by removing the skin alone and for babies either mash it or juice it.

4. Grapes

Grapes are an easy to eat fruit, excellent in quenching hunger and thirst. This fruit is also well-known for its blood cleansing property and phytochemical called Resveratrol present in grapes can prevent cancer, heart conditions and degenerative nerve disease. Peel off the skin and remove seeds before giving this to infants and toddlers, juicing is also yet another tasty option.


21 summer fruits for kids5. Pineapple

Pineapple is an excellent choice this summer. It contains an enzyme called as bromelain, which help digest both proteins and fats. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. It is advisable to give pineapple to infants only after one year and for toddlers juice it or make delicious desserts.

6. Strawberries

Strawberries are pretty and yummy rich in vitamins. It can also resolve UTI, which is a common summer health problem. They are a potential allergen hence should not be given to babies below 12 months age. For toddlers and young kids it can be given by adding them in ice creams or desserts.

7. Bananas

Banana is one of the most abundantly available fruits. It is a highly nutritious fruit with high amounts of potassium. It is rich in iron and will keep you active and energetic. Banana can be given to infants from 6 months onwards and to kids of all ages. Avoid giving to infants and toddlers during winters, as cold and phlegm can develop.

8. Lemon

Lemon is another important citrus fruit rich in Vitamin C, which can be taken as juice with sugar or salt. Due to its acidic nature, it is best to avoid giving lemon juice to infants below 2 years, but can we give to kids after removing seeds.

9. Apricots

Harvested in early summer, apricots are rich in potassium, magnesium, Vitamin C, beta-carotene and iron. They also have high fibre content. You can mash it up and give to infants. For older babies, try making delicious recipes or juices.

10. Peaches

Rich in beta-carotene with good amount of Vitamin C. Peaches have many skin benefits. Kids love to dig their teeth into the juicy and fleshy fruit. Don’t stop them! Mash up a puree for infants and juice it up for older kids.


11. Papaya

Sweet and fleshy, papaya helps with the digestion of proteins with enzymes chymopapain and papain. Removing the seeds it can be given to infants after 8 months and kids of all ages.

12. Lychee

It is juicy and sweet, with a soft flesh and good taste which contain protein, vitamins, fat, citric acid, pectin, phosphorus and iron. In small quantities it can be given to infants and for older kids, juice it up.

13. Plums

Rich in dietary fibre and Vitamin C in good amounts it helps in easy digestion and strengthens your immune system to prevent any contagious diseases during summer. It can be mashed and given to infants and kids.

14. Kiwi

It is a rich source of Vitamin C and twice the amount of this antioxidant than an orange. Do not give it to infants as it’s not sweet, but can be given to all other age groups.

15. Guava

They are sodium-free with low fat and calories and rich source of Vitamin C that will help prevent cough, cold, diarrhoea and dysentery. It should not be given to infants, but can be given to older kids by simply cutting it or make interesting desserts.

16. Gooseberries

It is rich in Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and iron. It can be given to kids of all ages except infants. Make sure you remove the seeds for younger kids.


17. Cherries

Cherries are tasty and nutritious with enzymes and vitamins. Chilled cherries are a perfect summer fruit. It can be given to kids of all ages after removing its seeds, except infants.

18. Blackberries

It contains polyphenol antioxidants, which are powerful enough to act against free radicals. Delicious delicacies can be prepared using them for kids of all ages except infants. Blackberries can build the immune system and make your children more resistant to common diseases.

19. Tender coconut

Good to quench your hunger and thirst, it is also an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and electrolytes that will keep you hydrated and healthy. It can be given to kids of all age groups.

20. Figs

Figs are a high source of potassium will boost up your health and will keep you full of life this summer. Except infants it can be given to kids of all ages.

21. Nectarines

They are fuzz-less peaches that have antioxidants which can prevent skin damage due to UV rays by counteracting free radical movement. It can be mashed and given to infants and remove the seeds and given to younger kids. Then you will not have any problem if your kids play in the sun! They are protected.
