21 Must Have Things For Your Newborn Baby


Babies are a blessing and great joy, but they also have certain needs and requirements. There are a few things every newborn baby needs. With these items at hand, you can avoid all the hustle. These items can simplify managing your newborn baby.

21 Must Have Items For Newborn Baby

If you are running helter-skelter to figure out what your newborn baby needs, here is a list of 21 must have items.

Baby Clothes

You want clothes that are durable and can take frequent washing, while ensuring they allow your newborn to move and kick without obstruction. Fill your baby’s wardrobe with onesies, leggings, pajamas, socks, booties, pull-on pants, shirts and T-shirts. Don’t buy anything with ribbons, tassels and drawstrings. They could be choking hazards.


You can choose between reusable or disposable diapers. Newborn babies can go through diapers like a rocket. Expect to use about 10 to 12 diapers on a daily basis. The frequency of change will reduce with time, but make sure you have sufficient diapers in your house.

Baby Wipes

Just like diapers, wipes finish before you know it. You can buy ready-made wipes or opt to use a washcloth and lukewarm water, but make sure you are prepared, as you will be using it quite a bit.


Changing Area

While you don’t have to invest in a regularly changing table for your little angel, it is best to designate an area in the bathroom or bedroom as the changing area. Make sure you hold on to the baby if you use an elevated place. You can easily place a towel or a changing pad on the floor or bed when changing diapers.

Baby Carrier

When you take your newborn outdoors to get some fresh air, you will be lugging a lot of things. It is sensible to have a baby carrier to keep your baby safe, secure and comfortable and leave your hands free to carry other things. Make sure the carrier conforms to the regulations set by the Product Safety Commission.

Baby Car Seat

This is a must if you intend driving your baby around. Make sure it can safely seat your baby and is easy to carry around without being cumbersome and heavy.


Rather than spending money on something expensive and heavy, just opt for a snap-and-go kind of stroller. This type of stroller can accommodate the baby car seat and it is lightweight and easy to transfer into the vehicle. Above all, it is not very expensive.

Nursing and Feeding Pillow

When you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding your baby, you want to ensure you are comfortable and not straining your neck and shoulders. Get a nursing and feeding pillow, so that you can hold your baby comfortably while feeding him.

Burp Cloths

After every feed, you have to burp a newborn or you risk your baby from developing colic. When babies are burped, they regurgitate their feed. A burp cloth helps to catch it without letting your clothes (shoulders) get messy. You would need about 6 or more cloths.


Feeding Bottles and Bottle Brushes

Initially, newborn babies require 4-ounce bottles and as they grow and consume more milk or formula, you will need 8-ounce bottles. Make sure you have sufficient nipples and the feeding bottles are BPA-free. When washing the bottles, use the bottle brush to clean the bottles and nipples thoroughly.


Let’s face it! Newborns tend to drool quite a bit. So it is best to invest in waterproof bibs to catch the drool. It also can be used while feeding the baby.

Play Mat

Even a newborn baby requires exercise and a soft play mat is perfect for kicking and staring at the ball.


Newborn babies don’t need that many toys or anything fancy. Buy some musical toys and a few rattles and your baby will be extremely happy.

Mattress and Crib

Get a sturdy crib with slats that are close together. Make sure the crib mattress is soft and comfortable. Line the mattress with a waterproof pad to prevent it from getting wet. Avoid other beddings, such as bumpers and pillows, as they are known to increase the chances of SIDs.

Swaddling Blanket

Newborn babies have to be swaddled and they love it. Get special swaddling blankets that come with flaps and Velcro.


Digital Thermometer

Keep a digital thermometer handy in your first aid box for your baby. It will make it easier for you to read your baby’s temperature should your baby develop a fever.

Baby Monitor

It is always tough to leave your newborn baby, but you need some rest and me time. So get a baby monitor that allows you to listen in on your baby while you are resting or finishing household chores.

Baby Nail Clippers

Yes, newborn babies need to get their nails clipped as well. But there are special clippers for them to trim their nails safely.

Hair Brush

Get a soft-bristled baby hair brush. You will thank yourself when dealing with your baby’s cradle cap.

Bouncy Seat

This is a type of baby seat that bounces up and down each time your little one moves or kicks his leg. It comes with straps and is safe. Generally, babies love the movement created by the seat.


Pacifiers can be a great way to soothe your newborn baby when it is not his feed time or you are away doing something else.


