11 Tips to Discipline Your Kids


Some of the tips to discipline your kid can include stating your requirements, being as clear and simple as possible, staying committed to rules, leading by example, putting in time and effort for training, rewarding for good deeds, taking a break, learning from mistakes, giving attention when due and respecting your children.

“Okay now, honey, that was really funny yesterday, but it’s not how children should behave.” This is a very common statement that you’ll hear many parents say.

Love Them, Hate Them

Kids are a real delight and their way of discovering the world can be hilarious on many occasions. They love unconditionally and have a sensitive approach to life. Impressionable though they may be, instilling discipline can sometimes be tough. What you might have found funny yesterday, could suddenly turn into outrageously unacceptable behavior a little while later.

11 Tips to Discipline Your Kid
11 Tips to Discipline Your Kid

Source: Josh Christophersen

Good parenting requires patience, understanding, and the more experience you acquire, the more confident you will become in the art of parenting.

Misbehaving children are a lot to handle, and in places like the grocery store, a birthday party or even when you’re stuck in traffic, it can draw attention of strangers which could get a little embarrassing. Try not to bother about the stares, focus on your child because he should come first. Assess the situation then try to fix it in a loving yet stern demeanor.


Children are young individuals who have no experience in the sphere of right and wrong. As a parent, it is your fundamental job to teach your child the difference between the good and the bad. The kicking and screaming are all part and parcel of the parenting gig, and you must take it as a sign that there is something frustrating your kid.

There’s no need to worry if you find it tough to get through to your young ones. You might feel like you’ve tried everything, but it’s quite probable that you haven’t. If you tend to get worked up, it will only fuel your child’s emotions. So rein in your emotions before you attempt to do the same with your children.

11 Tips to Discipline Your Kids

Let’s take have a look at a few tips, you could add to your mode of parenting.

1. State Your Requirements

As you explain to your child what is right specify the bad too. Repeat this regularly depending how old your children are. Continuous repetition will help small children remember, “I mustn’t do that, it’s wrong.”

2. Be as Clear and Simple as Possible

Knowing that children may have difficulties in understanding big words and terms, break down your rules for them in a language they understand. When you come to their level, the communication will be easy. Ask them if they understand your need for them to do what they’ve been told. Be precise, for example “If you do not clean your room, you cannot go to the park with your brother.”

3. Stay Committed to the Rules

When your child doesn’t do what is acceptable by your rules, make sure you instill your plan of action or punishment. For example, if you’ve told your child to keep his shoes in place, but he decides to leave them around the house, be sure you make him do it. The moment you dismiss this behavior, and pick up after him, he will see it as an okay thing to do.


Bring the bad behavior to your child’s notice, and clearly specify your expectations to him. Stay committed, even when your child throws a tantrum in public. No should mean no, not probably or maybe. Both parents should show unity when either of them chastens bad behavior. Otherwise, kids are shrewd and intelligent enough to set up one parent against the other to get what they want!

4. Lead by Example

Practice what you preach. You are now the mother hen, everything you say or do will be reflected by your children. Children learn by copying grownups, so think about how you’re going to act and speak. Practice manners around the house and outdoors. Even for the simplest of things invoke the golden words, please, thank you and sorry.

5. Put in Time and Effort for Training

Give it some time to soak in, as all good things come to those who wait. When you lead by example, you tend to put in an effort for the betterment of your youngster. Keep working at it regularly to see good results.

6. Reward Good Deeds

Focus on the good things too. When your child does something nice, and is well-mannered and obedient, reward his good behavior. Encourage these behaviors with positive words or a little more freedom. This mustn’t be delved in occasionally. Rather, good deeds should be noticed often and frequently.

7. Take a Break

Teaching is exhausting, particularly when you’ve experienced an excruciating day at work/ home. Separating your foul mood from your parenting will avoid misdirection of anger and frustration. Work as a team with your partner and have him or her do the correcting when you feel you can’t handle it. We all need to take 5 minutes, sometimes even 10 minutes, to calm ourselves so that we can keep going.

8. Make Mistakes but Learn from Them

In the heat of the moment we’re likely to make mistakes. When you know you’re in the wrong correct yourself. Apologize to your child when necessary. There is nothing wrong in admitting your mistakes. In fact, this is a wonderful way to teach kids how to accept their mistakes. Try to figure out why you were wrong and strive to do it right the next time.


9. Give Attention When Due

Neglecting a child is as good as bad parenting. Children are bound to throw tantrums when they feel neglected. This will encourage bad behavior, because he will see it as the only way he can obtain attention. Make sure you spend time with your children it will build stronger relationships.

10. Show Some Empathy

Empathy requires you to put yourself in another person’s shoes, though they may be little shoes in this case, feeling empathy for your children is the same as feeling it for any other person. Analyze the reasons for your children’s temper tantrums, it will allow you access into their way of thinking.

11. Respect your Child

In order to get respect you’ll need to give some too. You cannot gain it by screaming till you’re out of breath. The more you force it the less you’ll get in return. Just like you, your child is a human being as well, who’s bound to make mistakes.

Now you are armed with 11 different ways to discipline your child. So, go ahead and try a combination of these tips to teach your kid the right values in life.
