7 Efficient Home Remedies for Dysuria During Pregnancy


Home remedies for dysuria during pregnancy include plain yogurt, ginger, coriander seeds, cucumbers, fenugreek seeds and apple cider vinegar.

Dysuria is a medical term that is used for the condition when one experiences pain during urination. A number of people go through this pain and discomfort, which is why this is now pretty common among men and women of ages 18 to 50.  However, women are comparatively more prone to dysuria as compared to men.

The feeling of pain, burning and discomfort is felt in the tube that carries the urine out of the bladder or also in the area surrounding the genitals. There can be a number of causes of painful urination in women. One of the most common causes of painful urination in women is urinary tract infection, whereas in men, urethritis and some certain prostate conditions may also lead to this problem.

Apart from this, there are also other conditions that are quite commonly responsible for painful urination. These may include:

Symptoms of dysuria

There can be some other associated symptoms of dysuria, besides the pain and discomfort during urination. These are:

  • Fever
  • Stronger-smelling urine
  • Increased urge to urinate
  • Flank pain
  • Cloudy/bloody urine

Home Remedies to Treat Dysuria During Pregnancy



There are 7 home remedies listed below that can help in the treatment of dysuria during pregnancy. These are as given below:

Plain yogurt

Unsweetened yogurt with active cultures can be a lot helpful to treat dysuria. The active cultures help in promoting the growth of healthy bacteria and reducing the growth of bad ones. It fights against any infection that can further lead to this condition and thus maintains a healthy vaginal pH balance. Eat at least 2-3 cups of yogurt regularly or try yogurt smoothies.


Ginger has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can reduce the painful feeling during urination. Make a paste of ginger and raw honey, taking a tablespoon each and consume this paste once on a regular basis. You can also drink a cup or two of ginger tea daily. Or else, you can add a teaspoon full of ginger juice to a glass of water or lukewarm milk and consume it once daily.

Coriander seeds

The antibacterial properties of coriander seeds help in protecting the urinary tract from any kind of infections and promote normal urination. One of the benefits of coriander seeds is that, it also helps in controlling excessive body heat that may deteriorate the condition. Add two teaspoons of coriander seeds to a cup of water and boil it for a few minutes. Allow the water to cool down and then strain. Have it at least 2 times daily. Another option is to add a teaspoon of powdered coriander seeds to 3 cups of water and leave it overnight. The next morning, you can add some jaggery to it. It is recommended to drink a cup of this thrice a day.


Due to the diuretic nature of cucumbers, these are one of the oldest home remedies to treat dysuria. It helps to neutralize your body temperature, flush out the toxins from your body and keeps your body hydrated. Add a teaspoon full of raw honey and lemon juice to a cup of cucumber juice and drink this twice daily.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds help in improving the pH level in the vagina by preventing any sort of infection and accumulation of toxins. There are a number of options to consume it, for instance you can add half a teaspoon of powdered fenugreek seeds to a glass of buttermilk and drink it twice daily or you can soak a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in water overnight and then add half a teaspoon of raw honey after straining the water. But you have to consume this on an empty stomach. Another option is to mix a teaspoon of powdered fenugreek seeds with a teaspoon of raw honey and consume this twice or thrice daily.


Stay hydrated

It is imperatively important for you to increase your water intake as liquid will help to flush out the toxins from your body and also the bacteria causing this problem. This will also normalize your body temperature and thus, prevent any excess heat in the body. You can also get some water-based fruits and vegetables, smoothies, soups or juices as all of these will keep your body hydrated.

Apple cider vinegar

The antibacterial and antifungal properties of apple cider vinegar majorly help in reducing the pain felt during urination. Add a teaspoon of raw apple cider vinegar and raw honey to a glass of warm water and consume this on a regular basis. You can also add a cup or two of apple cider vinegar to your bathwater until the pain and discomfort is gone.

There are a number of additional tips that may help in bringing the relief. These are as follows:

  • Wipe from front to back after a bowel movement.
  • Keep the genital area clean by changing the sanitary pads or tampons frequently.
  • Do not use irritating soaps, vaginal sprays or douches.
  • Avoid wearing tight jeans or other bottom wear.
  • Do not hold your urine for longer durations.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Eat foods that are rich in vitamin C.
  • Avoid caffeine, spicy food, artificial sweeteners and carbonated drinks.
  • Wash before and after the intercourse and always practice safe sex.
  • Do not stay in wet clothes for a long time.
  • Have a glass of coconut water twice daily.

Dysuria is a condition that demands immediate action as and when you get to know of it and especially, when it’s during pregnancy. It is thus vital to take steps so as to avoid further complications.

Hope this article was of help to you! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy, Healthy and Empowered Women!!