11 Natural Pain Relief Options During Labor


The miracle of birth is not easy but it is worth it. While it can certainly be said that labor is one of the most painful experiences for a woman and not every woman experiences labor in the same way. Some women experience intense pain that resembles diarrheal cramps, others feel a severe pressure and still others experience menstrual-like cramps.

natural pain relief during labor

11 Best Ways Ease Labor Pains Naturally

More than the actual contractions, it is the frequency and periodicity of the contractions that make it one of the hardest parts of labor. Getting close to labor, the less time to have rest between the painful waves. Here are some ways on to how to manage labor pain naturally –

Consider A Doula

A doula is someone who is a professional in assisting women during labor. The main aim of a doula is to provide emotional and physical support to a pregnant woman without being involved in the medical aspect, which will lie in the hands of the doctor. The partner may not be capable of providing with both comfort and help at this time. As a doula is trained in birth support, it will guide through all the labor pain relief techniques as well as provide emotional support.

Warm or Cool Compress

Placing a cool pack on the painful parts or a hot compress on the abdomen, groin or lower back during labor can help bring some relief to the body.

Get A Massage

A gentle touch can be very soothing and bring a lot of comforts. Indulge in a relaxing massage and pain will not be as bad.


Water Therapy

A warm bath is very helpful, especially if you sit on a stool and direct the warm water directly onto the lower back or abdomen with a showerhead or a mug. Make sure the pressure of the showerhead is not so forceful.

During labor, try opting for a birth pool as it can be especially soothing and the water will help to cope with the contractions. If the partner or doula pours warm water on the shoulders it will help to relax even further.

Rhythmic Breathing

For this one, need help from the partner or someone comfortable being with at this time. During contractions, breathe in a slow and rhythmic manner. Try moaning as exhale to help release the tension. If you lose the rhythm, the person accompanying should help to get back with some rhythmic hand or head movements and by making eye contact.

Move The Body

Walking, stretching, swaying, and squatting comprise as good tips for labor pain. Do whatever that keeps the body moving. Some positions are maybe more comfortable for the body. A birthing ball is a great way to help encourage the baby down the pelvic canal by using gravity and rotation.

Have No Fear

The circulatory, nervous and hormonal systems all work together to help cope with labor pain. If you begin to show fear, the entire system will get thrown out of whack and will then cause the body to begin to produce more stress hormones that counteract the hormones that are helpful in relieving the labor pains and help to enhance labor. There are physiological reactions caused by the fear that reduce the flow of blood to the uterus, thereby causing the muscles within to tire out faster. This results in more pain.

Learn About Labor

Knowledge is power, so learn more about what to expect during labor, the better preparation. Always seek the advice of the doctor, doula, or friends and members of the family had childbirth.


Pain Medication

The epidural was once taken as a shot that would numb the lower half completely. But now, most of the hospitals use the drip technique that is controlled by the patient. The setting is usually kept on low, but the patient is allowed to press a button that usually releases more if needed.

Comfortable Environment

During birth, the environment can play a huge part in if able to relax and be more comfortable during labor. It is best to have the lights turned down and the favorite calming music playing. Bringing objects from home that make the room smell and feel more familiar will instantly help to become more relax.


It can reduce pain in labor.


At the end of the most painful event in life, it will be the most precious thing in it. Some women do opt to not use any medication during labor and go more for the natural route as not every woman can handle the pain. Make use of natural tips and consult the doctor in advance.

