11 Must have Healthy Juices during Pregnancy


Pregnancy is one of the happiest phases in any woman’s life. It is important for moms to be, to eat healthy for the sake of their babies. Apart from a balanced diet, pregnant moms can also drink juices to up the nutrition they intake. Listed below are a few of the many juices that you can drink to get the vitamins and minerals you need.

Pregnancy is the perfect time to begin taking good care of you, not only physically but emotionally as well. You can have the most problem free pregnancy and a healthy baby by taking good care of your diet for what you eat goes straight to your baby. In addition to a healthy diet, it is also important to stay hydrated with a few juices that provide equal nutrition as well.

Read More: 7 Juices to Increase Lactation

Must Have Juices during Pregnancy

Here is a list of 11 juices that are a must have during the phase of pregnancy. These juices not only help the proper growth of the baby, but also maintain the mother’s health.

1. Strawberry Juice

Strawberries are packed with antioxidants to overall immunity of the body. Drinking strawberry juice regularly during pregnancy helps to maintain the natural glow of the skin. Besides, this juice contains folates that are essential for healthy immune system of the baby.

2. Beetroot Juice

Beetroots are loaded with vitamin A and essential antioxidants. Beetroot juice is the best option for expectant mothers who have the feeling of fatigue or weakness. This juice boosts your energy levels by providing all the essential nutrients, especially iron to avoid anemia issues. You can add this to your diet during breakfast time.


juices during pregnancy

3. Grape Juice

Grapes are known for their tangy taste and the rich content of antioxidants. Expectant mothers love the taste of this juice and find it quite easy to prepare at home. Take some fresh grapes and blend in a blender to prepare it fresh. Drinking this to get the amazing health benefits and stay hydrated through the day.

4. Guava Juice

Guava is an important source of vitamin C, required essentially to maintain a healthy immune system, thus ensuring a healthy pregnancy and delivery. You can easily prepare it fresh at home by blending 2-3 guavas in a mixer. You can improve the taste by adding some ginger and salt to it.

5. Carrot Juice

Carrots contain all the vitamins that are essential for the mother as well as the child. It helps to boost the eye health of your baby. A glass of carrot juice every day ensures healthy eye sight of the child. In addition, it also contains a healthy amount of antioxidants. The results are even better if the juice is prepared fresh at home.

6. Buttermilk

Buttermilk is a rich source of numerous nutrients. Moreover, it does not contain any fat, thereby avoiding obesity issues you can prepare it fresh easily at home and stay refreshed through the day. You can add some salt, black pepper and roasted cumin to get a refreshing experience. Yet another way to enhance the taste is by adding sugar.

7. Orange Juice

Orange is the perfect source of antioxidants that provide natural protection from various pregnancy health issues. Drinking orange juice helps to avoid flu and cold easily.


8. Lemon Juice

This is the best and the cheapest type of juice that can be prepared easily at home. Just squeeze half a lemon in a glass of water and salt or sugar to it, as per your taste preference. For a great taste and perfect experience, you can add both salt and sugar. Lemon juice also helps to avoid morning sickness along with other pregnancy health issues.

9. Pineapple Juice

Pineapple is a common fruit available through the year. It is highly beneficial for pregnant women as well as the baby in the womb. Drinking pineapple juice during pregnancy provides all the essential vitamins and minerals required for proper growth and development of the baby.

10. Apple Juice

Apple is considered the perfect fruit that helps to avoid doctors. It contains all essential vitamins and minerals. It is strongly recommended to pregnant ladies to get the best health benefits. Drinking apple juice during pregnancy keeps you fresh while providing all the nutrients to the body. Alternatively, you can also prepare a smoothie to get an amazing juice experience.

11. Coconut Water

This is one of the perfect juice types which are completely natural and safe for expectant mothers. Besides being refreshing, it also helps to regain the natural salts of the body. It also keeps you hydrated through the day.

Read More: Health Benefits of Coconut Water During Pregnancy

So, what are you waiting for? Drink up these healthy juices to have a healthy and rosy baby!


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