Health Benefits of Lemongrass for Kids and Toddlers


Some of the health benefits of lemongrass for kids and toddlers include relief from respiratory diseases, relief from diarrhea, has pain killer properties, anti-inflammatory properties, can reduce liver damage, has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, has a potential use as insect repellent and it can reduce malaria.

Lemongrass or scientifically known as Cymbopogon citratus is a commonly cultivated plant. It can be found in continents such as Asia, Africa and Australia and in other tropical islands and as the name suggests, it belongs to the grass family. Lemongrass is known for its culinary uses and medicinal uses in many Asian cultures for many hundreds of years now. Its mild citrus flavor makes it a favorite ingredient in many teas, soups and curries across Asia.

The oil from lemongrass has long been used for several purposes. Some of them include as an insect repellent, natural pesticide and as a preservative on palm-leaf manuscripts in Ancient India. Its hydrophobic properties keep moisture away from entering into the leaves and preserving them for longer duration. It is considered to be a native of Southeast Asia.

Health benefits of lemongrass for kids and toddlers

Listed below are some of the health benefits of lemongrass for kids and toddlers.

Has anti-bacterial properties

The leaves of lemongrass contain anti-bacterial properties. These anti-bacterial properties are especially useful in controlling Staphylococcus aureus, a species of bacteria that affects respiratory tract and skin. Studies have shown that lemongrass has great potential as an antibacterial.

Health benefits of Lemongrass for kids
Lemongrass for kids and toddler

Has anti-fungal properties

Apart from possessing anti-bacterial properties, lemongrass also has anti-fungal properties as well. Some of fungal species such as Candida are known to cause infections in humans. Studies have shown that lemongrass extracts can control these Candida strains, meaning that it has a promising role in controlling fungal strains as well.


Can reduce diarrhea

The leaves and stem of lemongrass have been used to control diarrhea in folk medicine in Northeastern part of India for many centuries now. Studies have shown that taking lemongrass leaves and stem and boiling them in water can reduce diarrhea significantly.

Can cure respiratory diseases

Lemongrass with its high vitamin C content is good for reducing coughs, cold, nasal blockages and respiratory diseases such as bronchial asthma.

Has pain-killer properties

Toddlers and kids are at huge risk of getting all the time while playing. What’s the best way to soothe their pain naturally, instead of giving them some painkiller drug. This is where lemongrass comes into picture. Studies have shown that lemon grass has the potential to decrease pain significantly. This is especially true with lemongrass oil.

Has anti-inflammatory properties

As mentioned above, kids and toddlers can get hurt more than adults, there is also a risk of inflammations developing. These inflammations can be reduced greatly by giving them lemongrass tea. Studies have shown that lemongrass can reduce inflammations significantly.

Can protect liver from damage

Liver is one of the very resilient organs in the body. But, sometimes even liver can be damaged and it would need external intervention. This is true in cases of hepatitis and jaundice. A child suffering from such diseases can be given lemongrass tea on a regular basis to reverse the damage caused to liver.

Can be used as insect repellent

Lemongrass, for long has been used as an insect-repellent, especially against mosquitoes. In almost, all parts of the world, mosquitoes are an issue. They are not just nuisance, but are the cause for spreading of infections such as malaria, filaria, dengue fever, etc. Growing this plant indoor can reduce mosquito infestations to an extent.


Has Anti-malarial properties

Extracts from lemongrass have shown a very good potential in controlling malarial protozoa. Malaria has been known to have killed people in millions. New reports suggest that malaria causing protozoa have now increased their resistance against standard medications and hence, there is a need for new type of medicine to control malaria. Lemongrass, in this respect is showing a potential promise.

Side effects and Interaction of lemongrass

Generally, there no known side effects or reported side effects from lemongrass. But, it is better to make sure that lemongrass really does not have any side effects.

Do not use undiluted lemongrass oil

Lemongrass oil should be applied or consumed directly without dilution. Topical application and consumption of pure lemongrass oil can cause harmful reactions and skin irritations. This is especially true in case of children.


Although lemongrass is considered safe, nevertheless, it could be allergic to such people. If you have any such allergies running in your family, please keep away from lemongrass. Immediate symptoms might include irritation, itchiness, hives, swelling, etc. If you notice such symptoms, immediately seek medical attention and also mention it to the medical staff about it, so that they can take right action.

If you want to know whether or not you and your family members are allergic to lemongrass, just have a small quantity of it and wait until you find any symptom. If you don’t find any symptom for a considerable amount of time, then its okay for you.

Pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant and lactating women should be very much careful while taking lemongrass. There is not much data about lemongrass and its interactions during pregnancy and lactation.


Drug interactions

Also, do not take lemongrass, if you are taking medications for liver. Lemongrass might interact with drugs of liver.
