21 Foods That Help You Survive Flu Season 


The coronavirus pandemic hasn’t been kind to any of us. And if one looks at the correlation between winter and flu, then one would know how devastating winter is going to be. Although the two infections are different, the dangers posed by the flu haven’t magically flown out of the window because of the pandemic. This is where we come to help you. By tweaking your diet here and there, you can easily survive this flu season. In this article, we will discuss 21 foods that will help you survive this flu season. Read on to find out what those foods are.

flu season

21 foods that help you survive flu season


Usually associated with their high-fiber content, this is also what makes [beans] good probiotic foods. Probiotics feed the good bacteria in the gut, and the gut is actually where most of the immune function in the body is mediated. Anything that is okay for the gut will also be good for immune function. Any beans are okay really, so you can have the varieties you like.


Berries are packed with antioxidants. Antioxidants are the key to our immune health because they help the body deal with inflammation or invaders, such as bacteria and viruses. Berries also have soluble fiber and are lower in sugar than other fruits, which can help keep inflammation at bay.


Buffalo meat is high in zinc, which is important in increasing white blood cells to fight off infections. It is also packed with protein, iron, and vitamin b12.

Oysters and shellfish

Oysters have more of the mineral zinc than any other food. But a lot of people don’t eat oysters every day, you can also get zinc from other seafood, like shrimp or crab.


Dark chocolate and cocoa powder

Dark chocolate is high in antioxidants, flavonoids in particular. Like other antioxidants, flavonoids help to reduce the impacts of inflammation, which can tax the immune system. Cocoa is rich in theobromine, which may help quell persistent coughs. You can make your own hot chocolate with real cocoa powder and sweeten it with some stevia or any preferred sweetener, but go easy on the sugar.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits have long been thought to be great boosting agents for the immune system since they contain vitamin c, a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin c may actually help shorten the duration of a cold.

Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables such as kale, cabbage, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower contain powerful phytochemicals, they also happen to contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Consuming these vegetables can also stimulate the immune system and reduce stress.


Garlic is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. It helps to reduce the hardening of arteries and lower blood pressure. It is also known for boosting immunity and reducing heart disease and other bacterial inflammation.

Whole grain bread

Whole grains improve measures of immune function. The best part about switching to whole grains is that it includes really easy swaps, like whole-grain bread crumbs in place of ordinary breadcrumbs in a turkey meatloaf.

Green tea

Green tea contains polyphenols, namely catechins, which may stimulate the production and activity of specific cells associated with combating viruses. In fact, drinking green tea has a whole host of health benefits.


Greek yogurt

If you are one of those who consume a diet low in vitamin d, then you are more susceptible to colds and the flu. Greek yogurt contains probiotics, which ease the severity of colds and maintain gut health. Therefore, you should definitely add greek yogurt to your diet.


People who eat mushrooms have better-functioning gamma delta t cells and reductions in inflammatory proteins. In fact, powerful antibiotics such as penicillin and tetracycline come from fungi extracts. Therefore, add that mushroom to your tasty stir-fries and soups!

Nuts and seeds

If you are looking for healthy snacks that may also act as immunity boosters, then look for nuts and seeds like almonds, peanuts, and sunflower seeds. They have things like vitamin e, vitamin c, and a. They also have powerful antioxidant properties that help the body protect against free radicals that damage cells, thus increasing immunity.

Pumpkin puree

Pumpkin has a high level of vitamins and fiber. Including it in your diet is a perfect way to incorporate these amazing properties. You can stir it into yogurt, oatmeal, or even chili.

Red peppers

Red peppers have more vitamin c than citrus fruit. If you are feeling sick or run down, you can add these to your salad, snack pack, or tacos for a hefty vitamin c boost.


This popular green is loaded with vitamins a and c. Cook it as little as possible so it retains its nutrients because if you melt it, it will lose its flavor.


Sweet potatoes

Sweet potato contains enough vitamin a and c for your daily requirement. Just have them as fries, curry, or in any form you like.

Tart cherries (or tart cherry juice)

Tart cherries have tremendous effects on inflammation and immune function. Tart cherry juice is a great way to get this food into your diet, so if you will have it, have eight ounces once per day.


Watermelon is mostly water and contains vitamin c, beta-carotene (through vitamin a), and lycopene. This gold fruit also has high levels of the antioxidants beta-carotene and lycopene, which may help protect against heart disease and certain cancers, and the antioxidant glutathione, which helps strengthen the immune system to fight infection.

Wheat germ

Wheat germ and wheat germ oil are some of the highest vitamin e containing foods. Vitamin e is another antioxidant that can help keep inflammation within healthy levels and, therefore, keep the immune system strong.

Winter squash

Winter squash such as butternut, kabocha, acorn, and Hubbard are high in carotenoids, potent antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and bolster the immune system.


Upping your intake of these foods can give your immune system a boost, but there is no “foolproof system to ward off illness.” You could eat every food on this list daily and still get sick. But these foods are all part of a healthy diet and you’ll have plenty of vitamins in your system to help you get better.
