7 Best Probiotics For Babies


Probiotics are suggested for babies by many pediatricians as they promote a strong immune system as well as boost good gut bacteria. They are generally considered potentially beneficial for adults, but research proves that probiotics benefit children also. Probiotics support a baby’s immune and digestive health. It prevents some specific conditions like acid reflux and constipation. It’s very important to choose the perfect probiotic for your baby, the choice will be based on their needs.

If you want to consider probiotics for your kids, then consult with the pediatrician first, they can suggest you the best. Here in this article, we will know about the 7 best probiotics for babies along with other important details. Firstly, let’s know what actually probiotics are.

What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that have numerous health benefits when consumed. They can be found mostly in fermented foods such as yogurt, beauty products, dietary supplements.

Probiotics are considered to be the good live bacteria or yeast that lives in your body naturally. Good bacteria eliminates extra bad bacteria and returns the balance in your system. Thus, they keep your body healthy and working well.

probiotics for babies

Does Your Infant Need Probiotics?

The red hot trend is healthy germs. But there is always confusion about considering probiotics for your children. Kids who are healthy may benefit from these. An infant’s digestive system is extremely delicate, the use of antibiotics during delivery may wipe out the good bacteria from the infant’s gut. This creates an imbalance of good and bad bacteria that cause a number of symptoms such as asthma, allergies, acne, eczema, respiratory infections, constipation, diarrhea, etc.


Probiotics prevent these symptoms and offer remedies by activating the immune system. But if your child is chronically ill, then it is best to consult with a doctor first before adding any probiotic to their diet.

When to Introduce Probiotics To Your Baby?

Probiotics don’t have any harmful effects on babies, so they can be introduced to them from an early age. But children whose diet consists of breast milk only, don’t need them. It’s important to start a solid food diet for introducing probiotics to the babies. The exposure of the child to the environment is higher when he/she is introduced to solid food.

If your babies are given antibiotics constantly, then probiotics can be introduced to them earlier. Antibiotics generally remove the bacteria that have colonized the gut, which makes the intestinal tract gullible to bacteria attacks and infections.

Health Benefits of Probiotics for Infants


Your baby will experience constipation frequently if he/she has an unhealthy digestive system. According to an Italian study, probiotic can improve the regularity of an infant’s bowel movement, even if he/she has any history of constant constipation problems.

Reduce gassiness

Children who experience gas problems should definitely consume probiotics. Their use reduces the symptoms of colic and gassiness in infants. Lactobacillus reuteri present in the probiotic reduces inflammation in the intestines and aids digestion. This condition occurs because of the imbalance between harmful and friendly bacteria. Probiotics make it balanced.

Prevents diarrhea

Diarrhea happens when the child’s digestive system is not well. So doctors recommend probiotics for babies with diarrhea. The digestive system of your baby will start to work well quickly with the probiotics supplements recolonizing the gut.


Reduces eczema

According to some elaborated studies, probiotic consumption alleviates the eczema symptoms in babies.  Eczema can be recognized by the  red and itchy rashes on the baby’s skin. Give probiotics to your baby to reduce eczema.

Reduces reflux

Probiotic bacteria are capable of reducing the reflux symptoms to a great extent occurring in the baby’s digestive tract. Probiotic helps the infants to digest their food well in the stomach that reduces the risk of dyspepsia, reflux or other similar conditions.

No more diaper rash

Diaper rash is something caused by yeast in babies. Lactobacillus that is present in probiotics helps in the healing of the existing rashes and it also prevents the infants from affecting again. Diaper rash causes because of the continuous use of antibiotics.

How to Give Probiotics to Infants?

Probiotics supplements are available in many forms such as powder or liquid drops that can be mixed in water, milk, or any other formula.  Liquid is the easiest form to give probiotics to babies. It can be mixed into bottles or put directly onto the nipple for breastfeeding. But don’t heat the bottle over 100 degrees f, as the higher temperature can destroy the microorganisms. If you’re using probiotic powders, then mixing the product thoroughly is very important. There is very limited evidence to support the spray form of probiotics.

7 Best Probiotics for Babies

Renew life kids probiotics

This berry flavored supplement contains six strains and three billion cultures. This probiotic is specially designed to reduce occasional digestive imbalances and promote immune health. The amazing thing about this supplement is sugar, gluten, and dairy-free. It doesn’t contain any kind of artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners. If you want to refrigerate it, you can, but otherwise it’s shelf-stable.

Biocodex floraster kids

It is available in kids’ favorite flavor tutti-fruity. The natural sweetened supplement promotes healthy digestion in children. It is specially designed for children ages two months and up. This gluten-free supplement maintains the balance in intestinal flora. You can mix it with any juice, soft foods, cold water twice a day for getting the best result. But don’t refrigerate it.


Garden of life raw probiotics kids

This one is available in banana flavour. It promotes healthy digestive bacterial growth in your child. And, is suitable for children aged three months and older. It contains 23 organic and raw fruits and vegetables, five billion live probiotic cells and prebiotic inulin. Introduce this to your children gradually by adding a quarter of a teaspoon in the starting

Pedia-lax probiotics yum

It is as effective as yogurt. This supplement contains many live cultures. It is artificial sugar, preservatives, colors, soy, peanuts, and gluten-free. It boosts the good bacteria in the children ages 2 to 11. This probiotic supports the natural digestive balance of your child.

Now foods berrydophilus kids

It’s a kind of chewable tablet. It is designed specifically for children ages 2 and up. This supplement contains 10 probiotic strains. It promotes healthy and strong digestive and immune system. This supplement is available in a fun animal shape and kids will definitely love the natural berry flavour.

Digestive advantage kids daily probiotic

This is a natural fruit-flavored gummy. It provides daily support to the digestive and overall health of you and your child too. This supplement contains a probiotic named bc30, that can survive stomach acid. It is more effective than yogurt and other probiotics. It is specially designed for children ages 3 and up.

Culturelle kids packets daily probiotic supplement

This one contains lactobacillus gg that promotes good digestion and immune health. This single-serve packet is specially designed for the children ages one year and up. It can be given once per day and can be mixed in any cold food or drink. It is again gluten, sugar, added preservatives, dairy, lactose, colours, soy and yeast free.

Side Effects of Probiotics

A few problems may occur in the initial few days when you start to give probiotics to your babies. But there is no lasting side effects of it on the babies. The few side effects that may occur are mild digestive problems, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence. Because of the balance changing in the intestine, these conditions may occur. If you notice any kind of symptoms, you should reduce the dosage.



If your infants are physically healthy and fit, then probiotics are a must for them. The consumption of it enhances the digestive stability and immunity of the baby. Before introducing it to your child, discuss with the doctor first.



