Can You Breastfeed with Implants?


In this day and age, correction of a perceived anomaly in any part of the body is not considered a big deal. Cosmetic surgery has come a long way in the last couple of decades, allowing women to insert implants into their bodies, no matter what their motivation. The reconstructive nature of breast implant surgery has allowed both men and women suffering from cancer to retain the natural look of their bodies, and the surgery also allows the congenital error correction in the chest wall of both genders. Women looking to enlarge their breasts or change the shape and contours can also go about it without any hassle.

But the question of motherhood is what makes many people questions the prosthetic process for getting implants in one’s breasts. Wouldn’t it affect the already complicated process of breastfeeding after childbirth? Can women with breast implants breastfeed? Even if you have not considered having a child of your own, it would do well to look far into the future and weigh one’s options.

A Guide for Breastfeed with Implants

can you breastfeed with implants

What are breast implants?

Breast implants are prosthetic devices that can be used to change the size and shape of a woman’s breasts and also bring about any desired changes in the contours of the breasts. The objective of breast implant surgery may be reconstructive or cosmetic. In the capacity of reconstruction, breast implants are needed to restore a natural looking breast in a woman who is a post-mastectomy patient. Patients who have survived cancer may wonder if can you breastfeed with breast implants, but it is not impossible.

The other objective of getting breasts implants is cosmetic, allowing the breasts to be larger with the help of the implant devices. Breast implants can often stimulate self-confidence in a woman and there is no harm in getting an implant in your breasts. But you must speak to your cosmetic surgeon in details so that they can assure you when you wonder, can women with breast implants breastfeed.

The other purpose of getting a breast implant surgery is for the correction of defects that are congenital in nature and correct any deformities or defects on the chest wall. This applies to both men and women, and the women should know that it is not impossible to breastfeed with implants in your chest.


Do the devices damage your body?

The devices used for breast implant surgery is generally of three types:

  • Saline solution
  • Silicone gel
  • Composite filter

More than the kind of devices used for the procedure, it is the location of the implant that you should think about while considering whether women with breast implants can breastfeed.

Areas of concern regarding breastfeeding with implants

If you plan to be a mother sometime in the future, make sure you have a detailed dialogue with your cosmetic surgeon before incorporating silicone implants within your breast. If you wonder, can you still breastfeed with implants, it is pertinent that you understand a few main facts:

Avoid damage to milk ducts

During a breast implant surgery, an incision is made on the breasts to insert the implant. Make sure to talk to you doctor about the location of said incision. If can you breastfeed after breast implants, you should make sure that the cut is not over the areola or similar sensitive areas that may cause damage to the milk ducts.

Avoid damage to milk glands

Milk glands are responsible for the production of milk in the phase after childbirth. Your surgeon must make sure that the milk glands remain undamaged during the process of implant insertion or it can affect the way your body produces milk.

Avoid damage to nerves

The nerves are essential for your body to judge the amount of milk needed and amp up the production according to the need of your child. Any serious damage to the nerves while breast implant surgery will confirm all you worries about whether you can breastfeed with breast implants.


Location of your implants

The location of your implants can ascertain that the milk glands, ducts and nerves in the area remain unharmed by breast implant surgery. Inserting them between the chest muscles and breast tissues is generally the best case, and the incision should be made through the fatty tissues underneath the breasts.

Threat of mastitis

Even as you start the process of breastfeeding in spite of having implants, you might face certain problems. Mastitis is a condition where you may experience a peculiar case of engorgement or your breasts while producing milk. Pain in the chest area, fever and occasional shivering are also symptoms that accompany the condition.

Issues with regard to breastfeeding with implants

All in all, you have breast implants and still be able to produce milk for your infant. However, the production of milk, the quantity and quality of it stands the risk of being affected by implants. If the implant in your breast is not ideally located, it might affect your ability to produce milk for your child.
The question arises then about how you know that your production offers enough sustenance for your baby? If there are problems with regard to dehydration, dry diapers, you should get your baby checked out. In case your baby is not feeding more than eight times a day, consulting a professional may be a good idea.

