Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy: Is it Common?


Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be a normal part of the process as your body changes to accommodate your growing baby. While there are many harmless causes of abdominal pain during pregnancy, some may be more serious. As an expectant mother, it is important to educate yourself on all potential causes so you are able to recognize symptoms that may cause concern.

All You Need to Know About Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy

abdominal pain


When Is Abdominal Pain Normal During Pregnancy?

Some abdominal aches and pains during pregnancy are quite common and generally pose no threat to you and your baby. They are:

Round ligament pain

This can be characterized by a sharp stabbing pain when you change positions, or it can also be an achy, dull, lingering pain. Round ligament pain is caused by the two large ligaments that run from your uterus to your groin. As the uterus grows, these ligaments are stretched and create discomfort. This pain is generally reported in the second trimester, and considered to be harmless.

Gas and constipation

Gas during pregnancy is caused by increased levels of progesterone.  As more of this hormone is released, your gastrointestinal tract slows down, which makes food travel more slowly. Drinking plenty of water, eating fiber rich foods, exercising, and using stool softeners are excellent ways to combat excessive gas and constipation.

Braxton hicks contractions

Sometimes labeled “practice contractions,” braxton hicks are more of a mild annoyance than a risk to you or your baby. Many women report that braxton hicks feel like a tightening of the stomach muscles so your stomach feels firm or hard. It is important to differentiate braxton hicks from true contractions. True contraction will be closer together, last for a longer period of time, and are painful. True contractions will take your breath away, so a general rule of thumb is that if you are able to carry on your normal activities, then it is most likely braxton hicks. Also, doctors report that braxton hick can be caused by dehydration, so drinking plenty of water can help eliminate this problem.


Common discomforts

In addition to those listed above, there are several other common abdominal discomforts that can be experienced during pregnancy and are generally non-threatening. Your growing uterus, stomach viruses, kidney stones, fibroids, and food sensitivities are all valid forms of harmless abdominal pain.

When is abdominal pain not normal during pregnancy?

Although many women who experience abdominal pain have healthy pregnancies, there are times when abdominal pain can pose a serious risk.  If you exhibit any severe symptoms, such as those discussed below, please consult your medical care professional immediately.

Ectopic pregnancy

Occurring in 1 out of 50 pregnancies, an ectopic pregnancy is when the egg is implanted anywhere other than the uterus.  Most often, the egg is implanted in the fallopian tube.  Sadly, an ectopic pregnancy cannot continue to term and requires medical treatment.  In the unlikely event that you have an ectopic pregnancy, you may experience intense pain and bleeding between your 6th and 10th weeks of pregnancy. Women at increased risk for an ectopic pregnancy include those who have had an ectopic pregnancy in the past or have had endometriosis, a tubal ligation, or an intrauterine device (iud) in place at the time of conception.

Placental abruption

Placental abruption is a life-threatening condition in which the placenta separates from your uterus before the baby is born. One symptom of placental abruption is constant pain that causes your stomach to stay hard for an extended period of time without relief. Another sign is bloody fluid or premature breakage of your water. Additional symptoms include tenderness in your abdomen, back pain, or fluid discharge that includes traces of blood.


The unfortunate truth is that 15 to 20 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage making it the most common form of pregnancy loss. Sometimes referred to as “spontaneous abortion,” miscarriage most often occurs in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Signs of a miscarriage include mild to severe back pain, true contractions (happening every 5-20 minutes), brown or bright red bleeding with or without cramps, tissue or clot-like material passing from the vagina, and a sudden decrease in other signs of pregnancy.


While easily treated during pregnancy, if ignored, a urinary tract infection can cause complications. Most often recognized by pain, discomfort, and/or burning when you urinate, utis can also produce lower abdominal pain. Should you notice pain in your lower back, the sides of your body under your rib cage or above your pelvic bone accompanied by fever, nausea, sweats, or chills, then it is possible that the uti has spread to your kidneys. If this is the case, seek medical attention as soon as possible.



Preeclampsia is a condition in pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure and protein in the urine after 20 weeks gestation. Upper abdominal pain, usually under your ribs on the right side, can accompany other symptoms used to diagnose preeclampsia. Nausea, vomiting and increased pressure on your abdomen are additional symptoms that will affect your abdomen.

You should immediately consult a doctor if you feel your abdominal pain isn’t normal. These cases require immediate medical attention and there should be no delay with regards to that.

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