Anti-Colic Bottles for Babies: Pros and Cons


When your newborn deals with colic and gas problems, as a mother, you have to do your best to soothe them and solve the issue. Take very seriously these digestion problems and make sure you take the matter into your own hands from the beginning, to avoid complications.

Specialists indicate that certain types of bottles can help your newborn feed properly, only swallowing milk, not air. The discomfort appears when the air travels through your baby’s tummy while they are bottle feed. This transforms into gas, giving cramps to the baby who will start crying. Several brands produce baby bottles that reduce those air bubbles so make sure to purchase one of the best anti-colic baby bottles on the market.

9 Best Anti-Colic Bottles for Babies

anti colic bottles for babies

1.  Pigeon PP Wide Neck

Many mothers would consider this baby bottle a life saver. The Pigeon PP Wide Neck can help make the switch from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding very easy. The wide neck of the bottle will help the baby learn how to grip. Forget about the reflux and colic problems. Your little one will set their own pace while feeding, without even noticing the transfer from your breast to this bottle.


  • easy to clean and sterilize
  • not any problems with leaks.


  • slightly more expensive than the other bottles on the market

2.  NUK First Choice Polypropylene

This baby bottle will combat your baby’s colic problems. You will no longer have to worry about your little one’s digestion and gas problems. Mothers who have tried this product definitely recommend it. The only disadvantage is that it may be difficult to find it at times. This bottle will prevent spit-up and will promote your child’s good digestion.


  • the orthodontic nipple is better suited for your baby than the standard round type


  • not suitable for parents on a budget

3.  Medela Breastmilk

Not all those who have tested these baby bottles were pleased with the results. Some mothers argue that these bottles may not have a long life. The main disadvantage is that the measurement marks can wear off rather quickly after you purchase such a bottle. No matter how careful you are when cleaning the Medela Breastmilk baby bottle. Other mothers also complain about frequent leaks all the time.



  • works well with Medela breast pumps
  • easy to assemble


  • hard to clean
  • nipple leaks

4.  MAM Anti-Colic Baby Bottle

This anti-colic baby bottle is suitable for babies who experience gas problems. The bottle has a uniquely shaped nipple and it relies on a well-developed venting system. It comes in several designs and colors. However, you will have to be very careful when cleaning it since you will have a few separate parts to wash.


  • Anti-colic
  • Self-sterilizing function
  • BPA free


  • different design
  • hard for small hands to hold

5.  Cherub Baby Color Change Natribottle Glass

This baby bottle seems to be surprisingly durable. It is highly-durable not only at hot temperatures but also in case your little one drops it several times. You won’t have any surprises and you should not panic in case you hear it hitting the floor. This baby bottle has an important feature, letting you know when the milk is ready by changing its color, sparing you some time.


  • Durable glass bottle
  • No leaks


  • struggle to put the cap on the bottle

6.  Mimijumi Very Hungry

The Mimijumi Very Hungry baby bottle helped several mothers make the transition from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding, considering it a ‘realistic’ alternative. The texture of the bottle and its shape makes it very baby-friendly. Furthermore, babies learn how to grip and get rid of digestion problems. Furthermore, several mothers indicate it is a long-lasting bottle, without showing wear and tear signs.


  • BPA and latex free
  • integrated venting


  • milk coming out too fast for a newborn
  • a little too expensive

7.  Munchkin Latch

The Munchkin Newborn baby bottle is smaller than the usual baby bottles, also having a slower nipple flow known as stage one. This brand is famous for producing the ideal baby bottle for newborns, preventing gas and colic problems. The bottles are equipped with a stretchy, flexible nipple, providing a better latch. Furthermore, the bottle also features an anti-colic valve.


  • easy cleaning & transfer


  • poor venting
  • assembly
  • it can leak

8.  Mixie Baby Bottle

Numerous mothers recommend this brand as they used it to formula-feed their newborns. Those mothers used this baby bottle to prepare five to six formula bottles every day. Even if this can turn into a drag after a while, this baby bottle managed to ease their job. Now, preparing a formula bottle can become a piece of cake. An airtight compartment deposits the powder formula which won’t mix with water until you press the button to release it.


  • useful for moms who pump breastmilk


  • requires thorough cleaning

9.  Blue Smart Mia Baby Bottle

This smart baby bottle can help you track your little one’s feeding habits, especially when you are not around. You can install the app on your phone and you are ready to go. The BlueSmart Mia is a food-grade silicone sleeve which goes into the bottle. Hence, it is able to establish the quality and length of each feeding. Furthermore, it also indicates the bottle angles for gas prevention and the milk temperature.



  • easy to clean


  • not suitable for parents on a budget

Trying out numerous baby bottles to find the most appropriate one for your baby can be tiring. It’s just like in a kid’s storybook: you have to kiss a few frogs until you find the prince. These reviews can help you save time and money. Now, your little one can set the feeding pace as they go without you worrying about spit-up or gas problems. Make sure you purchase a bottle in a nice color and design and your baby will love it.

Hope this article was of help for all our parents!! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy and Healthy Babies!!