Bladder Pain Syndrome During Pregnancy: Can It Impact Baby?


Planning a baby, but suffering from painful bladder syndrome? There is no need to worry about it. Medical field have found great ways to manage both, without causing any problem to your baby. Yes you will have to be extra careful, you may find it tedious, but after all it is the question of your as well as your little ones health. Here are some points about painful bladder syndrome.

Guide for Bladder Pain Syndrome During Pregnancy

impact of Bladder Pain Syndrome in pregnancy

What is Bladder pain syndrome?

Bladder pain syndrome is also known as interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome. It is a chronic inflammatory condition which results in painful voiding of urine. It has mainly two components, increased frequency and increased pain. It is more prevalent in women than in men. Painful bladder syndrome as defined by the international continence society is, “the presence of suprapubic pain, related while filling of bladder, along with symptoms like urgency in urination in absence of any urinary tract infection.”

Symptoms of bladder pain syndrome

The symptoms of bladder pain syndrome differ widely. The 2 main symptoms which decide the diagnostic criteria are pain and the increased frequency in absence of any kind of pathophysiology. Some of the symptoms that may be experienced by the patients’ are-


normally our bladder has a capacity of 1 litre of urine. We get a slight urge to micturate at 300 ml, while at 500 ml the urge increases. But still we can hold for a long time i.e. upto 1 litre of fluid in our bladder. But in bladder pain syndrome you may experience decrease in your bladder capacity.


you may experience increase in frequency of urination due to decrease in bladder capacity. It is the characteristic symptom of painful bladder syndrome.


Pelvic pain

patient may experience throbbing pain in the lower abdominal region at the pelvic area. This pain is associated with the filling of the bladder.

Lower urinary tract pain

sometimes patient may experience pain in the lower urinary tract i.e. in the region of external genitalia.


dyspareunia means pain in the genital region after or during the sexual intercourse. It may be experienced by some patients.

Urinary incontinence

only some patient may experience urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence means inability to control urination.

Causes of  bladder pain syndrome

The exact causes of the disease are not completely known. But it is found to be associated with allergens, autoimmunity, toxins or irritation of bladder layer.


Bladder pain syndrome in clinical terms is a diagnosis of exclusion. When the patients experience symptoms, other disorders causing similar symptoms are ruled out first. The differentials for bladder pain syndrome include cystitis, trigonitis, urinary tract infection, over active bladder and cancer. The possibilities of infections are ruled out and then the condition is termed as bladder pain syndrome


What happens during pregnancy?

Bladder pain syndrome is classified as mild, moderate and severe bladder pain syndrome. Each condition modify differently during pregnancy. Mild and moderate disorder is found to increase the discomfort slightly. The frequency of urination increases, but the pain is manageable under proper treatment and management.  Some recent studies have found the disease in severe form to get better during pregnancy. Studies say it is due to the hormones and the change in position of the bladder. Also no study has found about any problems caused to baby due to this disease. This may be due to absence of any infection which has the risk of affecting baby. Hence with proper management of the disorder, the baby will be completely safe.

Management during pregnancy

Being hydrated- as the frequency of the mituration increases, you may try to avoid water, do not do that. Being hydrated is very necessary. Dehydration may first affect the amniotic fluid. It decreases the amount of amniotic fluid, which protects the baby. Thus dehydration causes first and foremost damage to the baby. Also dehydration may cause electrolyte imbalance, weakness, nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea. Hence keep a tract of amount of water you consume.

Taking care of nutrition

diet is the most efficient way of managing the painful bladder syndrome. Your doctor will suggest you about the diets. But in general, it is better to avoid spicy food, citrus and caffeinated drinks. Alcohol is a complete no during such conditions. These all food increases bladder inflammation. But during pregnancy the nutritional need of your body also increases, hence the best way out of this is to consult a nutritionist. He will give you a proper diet which will manage your condition as well as provide you complete nutrition. They may even start you on some supplements. Do follow the diet properly.

Visiting doctor regularly

do not self prescribe any medications. If you have any queries ask a trusted source or your doctor. Do not miss any of your antenatal visits. Keep your doctor updated about all the symptoms you may experience.

Monitoring of the baby

doctor may suggest you for timely ultrasound for your baby. It is important to monitor the growth of your baby. It keeps the check on growth and development of the baby and eliminates any chances of rare complications.

Avoiding any stress to the pelvic area

while exercising avoid any stress on pelvic area. Ask your doctor if you are planning to work out during pregnancy.


Trying constitutional methods as much as possible rather than drugs

during pregnancy some drugs may be proven teratogenic. Teratogenicity means the drug taken by the mother causing any problem to the baby. Hence to avoid any chances prefer constitutional methods like diet and hydration. If still not manageable then ask your doctor, he will replace your medications with the medicines that are safe during pregnancy.

Yes it is difficult to manage bladder pain syndrome during pregnancy but do not take any stress; with proper care your baby is going to be absolutely normal. Enjoy your journey towards motherhood. Wish you and your baby a healthy life.
