11 Must Eat Fruits During Pregnancy


Diet is a very important part of your pregnancy. Fruits and vegetables make the greater part of your diet. Choosing the right foods can make the difference. Foods rich in fiber and vitamins are good choices. It caters to you and your baby’s nutritional choices. Fruits are one of the most important food groups you need during pregnancy. Fruits are the source of important nutrients like beta carotene. Beta carotene helps the tissue and cell development of your baby. Also fruits are rich in Vitamin C. This group of vitamins helps your child to develop good teeth and bone. The frolic acid present in several fruits prevents your child from several growth related defects.

Also fruits that are rich in fiber are useful for your digestion. But not all fruits are equally useful. Here is the list of fruits you should have during pregnancy.

11 Best Fruits For Pregnancy


This one of the tastiest fruits found in the market. It is consumed as drupe fruits.

  • Rich in Vitamin A, C, E which is good for both you and your baby.
  • Contains Beta Carotene essential for your baby’s growth
  • Contains Iron, calcium and phosphorus.
  • During pregnancy, you can consume 2 to 4 apricots in a day.


  • Cherries are great source of Vitamin C. This helps your baby a lot.
  • Cherries will also help you fight off infections and flu.
  • It also boosts the blood supply to the placenta, thereby helping the baby.
  • Cherries also contain antioxidant hormone. It promotes cell growth in your child.
  • The melatonin found in cherries also helps you to get proper sleep at night.


  • Grapes are good choice for snack when you are pregnant.
  • Rich in glucose, fructose and many essential minerals and nutrients like magnesium, calcium and iron.
  • It also contains the B group of Vitamins.
  • The fruit also has many enzymes.

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Many pregnant women have reported guava cravings during pregnancy. This tropical fruit offers you a good energy source.

  • Helps in improving the immune system as well as the blood pressure during pregnancy.
  • Rich in Vitamin C, E along with Iso-flavonoids.
  • It helps in proper digestion and also provides strength to the child in the womb
  • It boosts the central nervous system of the growing child.


  • Kiwi contains many important nutrients like potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and folic acid.
  • It is also rich in Vitamin, A, C and E.
  • It also contains loads of dietary fiber.
  • They will heal and protect your respiratory tract, during pregnancy
  • They will provide you immunity against common cough and cold.
  • Kiwi aids in absorption of iron and also makes sure that the blood does not clot in your system.


  • Apple enhances immunity of the child.
  • They reduce the risk of suffering from asthma or any kind of respiratory disorder.
  • Apples also protect your child from eczema.
  • Apples contain zinc which makes them very beneficial for the baby’s growth and immunity.
  • It also contains the Vitamins A, E and D.


If you love having mangoes then you should not hesitate having one or two during your pregnancy.

  • Mangoes are very rich in Vitamin C.
  • It will relieve you from constipation (which is so common during pregnancy) and help you regulate your digestion.
  • It also protects you from minor infections.
  • You can enjoy this seasonal fruit, while you are pregnant, without having to worry about the side effects.

Sapodilla (Chikoo):

  • Sapodilla contains a high amount of electrolytes. This helps you to fight off dizzy feeling and nausea during pregnancy.
  • The high amount of carbohydrate also helps in easing out bowel movements.
  • It helps you to fight off the chances of stomach disorders like diarrhea and dysentery.
  • They are rich in Vitamin A and are also good for lactating mothers.


Bananas are one of the healthiest food alternatives for pregnant women.

  • Bananas are rich in folate, potassium and also magnesium
  • They are also rich in vitamin C and B6.
  • The folate found in bananas helps in protecting the fetus’s nervous system.
  • The magnesium, found in bananas, helps in maintaining the desired fluid balance.
  • The Vitamin B6 helps to regulate the sodium level. This in turn helps you to control the tendencies of nausea and vomiting.
  • The potassium found in banana protects you from heart attacks or strokes, during pregnancy.
  • Doctors mostly recommend bananas, everyday during the first trimester of the pregnancy.


  • Watermelons are rich in Vitamin A, C and B6.
  • It is also high in magnesium and potassium content
  • The fiber content of water melon is ideal for a pregnant woman to consume.
  • Watermelon is also very effective in fighting off the issues of morning sickness.
  • If you are in your last trimester, watermelon will be effective in reducing the chances of heart burn and hand and feet swelling.
  • The fruit helps you keep hydrated.
  • It will protect you from muscle cramp.
  • Watermelon is certainly a must have fruit during your pregnancy.

Custard Apple

It is certainly one of the must have fruits during pregnancy. But like mangoes these fruits are seasonal. So, if the period of pregnancy matches the arrival of the fruit, consider yourself to be lucky.

  • Custard Apple is very high in both Vitamin A and C.
  • This helps in the growth of skin, hair , eyes and other body tissues of the young baby.
  • The fruit is also known to improve the cognitive ability of the child in the womb.
  • As of for moms, the fruit contains high fiber and so it helps them tackle the odd constipation which bothers most people during pregnancy.
  • The fruit is also rich in antioxidants and for that reason it helps detoxify your body and keeps you active during your pregnancy.


This is the list of the must have fruits you must have while you are pregnant. There are other fruits also, like strawberries and blueberries which you can add to your diet. However, there are fruits which are also harmful to your child’s growth. Consult with your doctor before deciding to add a fruit in your diet. Also you must remember to have a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, proteins and cereals. Only relying on fruits is not a good idea. This might make you weak. Mix and balance your diet after discussing with your doctor or nutritionist.
