15 Ways To Reduce Breast Pain During Pregnancy


The body is in a changing mode! A new life is part of your system and the possibility of side effects cannot be ruled out. The levels of hormones are surging and havoc could emerge from the first day of conception. Symptoms of nausea, morning sickness and sore breasts are common at this juncture.

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Ways to Reduce Breast Pain During Pregnancy

Having sore breasts is a common indication during pregnancy. However, to combat breast pain here are some remedial measures.

1} Supportive bras

Proper fitted bras are important as they decrease pain and enhance comfort levels. Your breasts are prone to constant changes during pregnancy, so do change bras as part of the pregnancy process.

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2} Increase intake of water

Water retention could contribute to sore breasts. It is suggested that you drink plenty of water during the day to flush out the excess fluids and toxins from the body.


Adding ginger, fennel or lemon could help you with hormonal imbalances or soreness that you might be experiencing during pregnancy.

Breast Pain

3} Flaxseeds

Consumption of a single teaspoon of flaxseed will subsidize pain. You can mix it with juice, yoghurt or water and is a vital source of fiber.

Read More: 11 Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil During Pregnancy and Nursing

4} Warm compresses

Breasts can be covered with a warm along with a wet towel for 10 minutes. It reduces tenderness and swelling in the breasts whereby increasing blood circulation.

You can check with your doctor but a warm shower works wonders in terms of pain reduction


5} Patience

The greatest asset you have at your peril is patience! Though there are natural methods that will help you get rid of breast pain, but the symptoms of it is not going to last forever. Being patient is the key!

6} Nutrition and diet

A diet rich on minerals and vitamins front is a platform for your body to alleviate soreness of your breasts.

7} Reduction in intake of salt

For a lot of would be mothers, healthy consumption of salt would build up blood volumes. Conversely reduction of sodium intake could provide you temporary relief. Reduction of salt along with increase in water intake can reduce tenderness in your breasts.

8} Being physically active

During pregnancy women are advised a lot of rest but it is better to stay active. It could be half an hour of walking or some small household chores. This will keep the blood circulation going and make you feel lighter.

9} Exercises

Exercises in the form of medication or yoga are known to relax your body and mind. This will eventually help you to cope up with the breast pain during pregnancy.

Read More: 11 Must Do Exercises For a Fitter Pregnancy


10} Castor oil

Empowered with anti-inflammatory component, this works out to be one of the best remedies in reducing breast pain. You can dilute this oil with olive oil and then apply it on the breast. For sure it assures timely relief.

11} Ice packs

Take a few cubes of ice and then wrap it around a clean cloth. Then apply it on your breasts. Relief is provided from the pain that could arise due to constricting of the blood vessels.

12} Cabbage leaves

Pluck or purchase some fresh cabbage leaves from the market and then place it on your breasts. This is to be wrapped with a cloth. After 30 minutes or so you will notice considerable relief.

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13} Peepal leaves

Apply olive or castor oil on the peepal leaves. Then heat them and it is to be placed on the breast till it becomes cool. This procedure needs to be repeated 4 to 5 times. Fluid accumulation on the breasts will be dismantled whereby pain will subsidize.

14} Coconut water

One of the best home remedies to get rid of breast pain is coconut water. Being rich in potassium it does help to get rid of fluid accumulation in our body. In hindsight the pain of the breasts is a foregone conclusion.


15} Banana

Consumption of bananas alleviates the pain of the breasts. Being a rich source of potassium it reduces fluid accumulation of the body whereby pain is a foregone conclusion.

To conclude, breast pain is uncomfortable, embarrassing and painful. You should be aware of the fact that is normal and there is nothing to panic .It would be prudent on your part to consult your gynaecologist at frequent intervals so that further complications do not arise. This is after all the above mentioned methods have failed to subsidize the pain.



