11 Must Eat Foods after a Miscarriage


Beans and lentils, spinach, turmeric and milk drink, seeds, salmon and other fish meat, yogurt, almonds, eggs, orange, red meat and dark chocolate are some of the must eat foods after a miscarriage.

Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a child during pregnancy before the 20th week. It is an extremely emotionally and physically stressful event. Miscarriage is very common and it is nothing to worry about in most cases. According to a survey report by American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 10-25% of clinically verified pregnancies can go through a miscarriage.

The woman’s body needs extra care and nourishment after a miscarriage.

11 Best Foods to Eat After Miscarriage

foods to eat after miscarriage

Beans and Lentils

Beans and lentils are rich in their iron content. After a miscarriage the woman may feel fatigued, have pale skin and fingernails and feel dizzy. Deficiency of iron can also lead one to feel anemic. A good natural source for iron is beans and lentils. According to the study by Nutrition Data, one cup of cooked lentils fulfills 40% of our daily required iron content. Legumes are also rich in folate, potassium and magnesium, according to a report published in the British Journal of Nutrition.


In general, green leafy vegetables are an important source of nourishment. Spinach is rich in its contents of vitamin C, anti-oxidants and reduces inflammation. An antioxidant called carotenoid is present in spinach helps in absorption of body fat. It can be cooked easily and be added to any salad preparation. Spinach would provide the required amount of nutrition to the woman after her miscarriage.


Turmeric and Milk drink

This mixture is a well-known traditional method to make your immune system stronger.  Turmeric and milk mixture is a high protein drink. Miscarriage makes the patient’s body weak and reduces their count of red blood cells. Consuming this drink on a daily basis will increase haemoglobin levels in women and combat the feeling of physical exhaustion. Add one small spoon of turmeric powder to warm milk and consume it before bedtime.


Chia seeds, poppy seeds, celery and sesame seeds are high in their calcium, protein, and omega 3 fatty acids content. They are also rich in minerals like iron, copper and manganese. A substantial amount of nutrition is used up in the development of the fetus. After miscarriage, the woman’s body needs to be replenished with these lost nutrition and these seeds can be added to any recipe.

Salmon and other fish meat

According to a Nutrition Data report, a regular serving of fish fulfills 35% of our regular daily intake of calcium. The fishes also provide high quality protein and are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Calcium is used up in the body while carrying the baby for healthy development of its physical body and organs. When the pregnancy tissue is expelled due to a miscarriage, the calcium content of the body drastically falls and needs to be replenished through calcium rich food.


Yogurt is rich in its calcium content. According to a scientific study by United States Department of Agricultural Research Service, low fat yogurt is higher in calcium content than regular yogurt. Yogurt is an easily available food with various flavors like blueberry, strawberry and mango. Its high calcium content replenishes the calcium lost due to the miscarriage.


Almonds contain healthy fats, anti-oxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Nutrition Data reports suggest almonds contains fiber, protein, fat, vitamin E, manganese and magnesium. Inflammation and fatigue are common ailments that women have to face after a miscarriage. Consuming almonds can nourish the body with important healthy fats and proteins.


Eggs are the most popular source for protein as more than fifty percent of its content of protein is present in the egg white. Vitamin B2, selenium, Vitamin D, B6 and B12 are found in eggs.  Eggs are filling and low in their carbohydrate content. They provide the essential nourishment needed after a miscarriage.



Oranges are fresh, seasonal juicy fruits which contain potassium, fiber, Vitamin C and folate. Whole fruits are the perfect food for women after pregnancy. Its tangy and juicy taste is a fresh change from the healthy greens. It helps with the feelings of low self-esteem that are commonly experienced after a miscarriage and motivate the woman to feel better.  Oranges also help in reducing high blood pressure, improve heart health and skin according to a report by National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES).

Red meat

Red meat is scorned at by a number of nutritionists, but consuming red meat is highly desirable in moderation after a miscarriage. American Meat Institute reports that red meat is important for a healthy diet as it is rich in protein and zinc. Protein helps build bones and muscles and zinc strengthens the immune system. When included properly in the weekly diet, red meat is the perfect source of protein for women after miscarriage.

Dark chocolate 

Feelings of fatigue, loss of self-confidence, lack of motivation and a general feeling of hopelessness are common after a miscarriage as the mother grows emotionally and physically attached to the baby.  Chocolate is also rich in magnesium which improves your mood.  According to a report by Journal of Hypertension, dark chocolate also reduces blood pressure which leads to lower mental stress.

Apart from these healthy choices, women should actively avoid consuming junk food and fried food. Food containing low amounts of natural fiber like instant noodles can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Food rich in carbohydrates, including majority of sweet items should be avoided. Candies and carbonated drinks are a strict no-no. After miscarriage the body needs nourishment with calcium, protein, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins.

Hence all unhealthy food containing no substantial amounts of nutrients should be avoided. A miscarriage is a difficult time for women, both mentally and physically. A healthy diet can speed up the recovery process and help in coping with the loss. Support of loved ones and a general feeling of well-being improve the situation. Consultation of your nearest physician and inclusion of the recommended items can greatly speed up recovery.




