101 Unique Arabic Baby Boy Names With Meanings


Well, getting to know that one is pregnant a lot of things come across, different type of question arises and one does everything to answer the question which he or she is facing. After knowing that one is pregnant it’s obvious that one faces a lot of difficulties in dealing with day to day possibilities. They start imagining about different stuffs. Like whether it would be a girl or a boy, they start planning for their individual rooms as well and which colour they should prefer, if boy than blue, if girl than pink and so on. Being a parent is one of the most difficult job or I would say responsibility were one should always be with the other to handle the whole scenario.

Now, the curiosity one goes through that whether it will be a boy or a girl. And in this advance world to know everything is so possible by a single click and so does it is possible to know whether a couple is going to have a baby boy or a baby girl.

Baby Boy Names: 101 Unique Arabic Names With Meanings

arabic baby boys

Having a baby boy

Everyone in this world differs in opinion, about choice, about hobbies and so does they are different in opinion of having a boy or a girl. Generally people say whatever god sends us we should accept that happily and should always cherish that. And that’s the thing we should do but once you are pregnant its an obvious fight or conversation you will be having with your family about whether boy is coming or a girl. Many women prefers girl child and many women prefers boy child. Girls are the sweetest, loving, innocent and really very cute from their childhood itself. They are pampered more and they are always kept like a princess. In the same way boys are just as wonderful, sweet, charming like other baby’s. For a parent both boy child and girl child means the same. Actually the experience what matters not the sex of the child.

If you are expecting a baby boy and want to keep that a surprise within yourself then be prepared for becoming a mother of a gorgeous baby boy.

some of the lovely facts about having a baby boy:


They love their mother’s

As his mother you’ll be his favorite person I the world and he will be very good in sharing things with you more than anyone else in the family.

Boys are easier

Parents who have both boy and girl child they often claim that raising a baby boy is much more easier than raising a baby girl.

He’ll have a soft side

Little boys aren’t all mud, worms and wrestling. They’re also soft, sweet and sensitive. He will always try to protect you and also will try to understand you.


So, these are some of the facts which are very often found in most of the baby boy cases. So, if you are having a baby boy congratulation for that. Pamper him and make him feel that you all are really very supportive towards him.

Now, as we came across so much about having a baby boy and what all parents usually think when they face  this sort of a situation, what all question arises and so on. The main question which every parent comes across is that what should we name our child? This is a compulsory question one faces.

Name is sort of an identity, by which one is recognized always. Without a name there won’t be any primary introduction to oneself. Now, what does name actually signifies is a vital question which maximum of the people faces. Well, name is very important. It is something which one carries throughout his or her life. Essentially a name does not have an effect on one’s abilities and relationships, but it does serve as a tool for distinction. We all work or feel like doing something very important just in the sack that one should remember our work as well as our name. That’s how important name can be.

Now in India people go to rishis and they also prefer books which contains different names in there for their child. Some people name their kid on something which is common and beautiful, some on God’s, some people try to bring out something which is quite uncommon and not that popular so that their child could lead a different as well as unique existence.

Lets know 101 unique Arabic baby boy’s name with there meaning:

                           Names                          Meaning
Sab Beautiful
Ahud Beautiful
Araf Beautiful
Arav Peaceful
Baha Smart
Esak Magnificent
Hali  Graceful, kind
Jama Obedient
Mert kind
Mika Strong
Sebu Unique graceful
Shaj Talented
Shaz Companion
Syen Obedient
Zahi Unique graceful
Zain Nurture
Zayn Warrior
Aabis Intelligent
Aaraf Pure
Abbey Light
Abraj Beautiful eyed
Afsan Gift of god
Ahsan An act of kindness
Ajmal Pious
Ajman Jewel
Ajmel Beautiful
Alawi Smart
Alfar Skillful
Amlah Passionate
Amtar Charming
Amzan Peaceful
Assad Happier
Asbah Dawn
Ashin Innocent
Ayana Emotional
Azman Infinite
Azmik Beautiful soul
Azwar Beautiful face
Azyan Adornments
Ezaan Charming
Farib Intelligent
Fazin Beautiful
Gamil Tiger man
Haian Kind
Halis Unique graceful
Hamad Amazing
Hasan To praise
Hasin Compassionate
Hiras Laughter
Hisan Good looking
Ibsan Blossom
Izhan Dusk
Izrin Shining
Jamil Convivial
Jamal Pious
Jazib Unique
Kahul Kind
Majdy Obedient
Misam Kind
Nafiz Pious
Nahan Unique graceful
Najad Star
Najmu Companion
Navaz Obedient
Nehal Unique
Nehan Pious
Qabus Unique graceful
Rafan Obedient
Rahid Sacrifice
Ruzmy Kind
Tajheer Unique
Ahmath Companion
Zahab Clean
Eajaz Obedient
Oliur Unique
Aksad Glorious
Munseer Destiny
Aksad Glorious
Zahab Pious
Jamiel Handsome
Kedar Powerful
Kadin Companion
Nail Attainer
Rida Pious
Ridwan Kind
Usama Enlighten
Zahid Pious
Harb War
Hisham Generous
Fihr Stone pestle
Eisa God is my salvation.
Afif Chaste
Adam Man
Alva Sublime
Harun Superior
Hikmat Wisdom
Khayri Generous
Mubin Clear
Makeen Strong
Rida Satisfaction
Nizar Little
