Yeast Infection During Pregnancy: Ultimate Guide


Yeast infections are rather common in pregnancy. Several hundred women are afflicted with this infection. Though harmless, when left unattended they can get worse and cause harm to both mother and the unborn baby. Today, we present to you a guide on yeast infection that we think will be particularly useful if you are pregnant.

Yeast infection during pregnancy is one of the common fungal infection that affects as much as 75% of the adult women. During pregnancy, the vaginal area comes under threat from yeast, a type of virus and it causes irritation. The comforting news is that this fungal infection does not affect the health of your child growing inside you. You simply need to know the causes and remedies to treat the infection. A number of anti fungal creams are available, besides other treatments. Let’s have a look at the reasons that may lead to a yeast infection during pregnancy.

Read More: Home Remedies for Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

Causes of Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

Hormonal changes

You may have known that the level of oestrogen rises in the body during pregnancy. This leads to increased secretion from the vagina. The level of glycogen in this region increases during this time, which facilitates the fungus to grow.


Diabetes is one of the key reasons for which women suffer from this infection. The level of immunity in the body decreases as a result of diabetes. As a result, they become vulnerable to yeast infection and the fungus easily grows in their body.

Yeast Infection during pregnancy



Fungal infection can spread through intercourse. In case a person has fungal infection, he can transmit the same to his partner during intercourse while she is pregnant. This is one of the reasons why physicians impose restrictions upon sexual activities during pregnancy.


Douching refers to the process by which the pregnant women clean their vaginal regions with a mixture of vinegar and water. This may be harmful in certain cases, altering the proportion of bacteria already present in the vaginal region. As a result, they may invite other microorganisms like fungus and bacteria and this might aggravate the infection.

Antibiotics and steroids

According to various researches, intake of steroids and antibiotics results in fungal infection in the vagina. In case the dosage is higher, the chances of catching the infection, too, is high.

Read More: 11 Home Remedies to Treat Yeast Infection during Pregnancy

Symptom and complications

In ordinary situations, you may notice a mild-smelling thin, milky discharge coming out of the region. This is quite normal and is known as leucorrhoea. However, when you catch the infection, the discharge becomes milky and odourless. It is a bit lumpy, and it indicates that you have caught the infection. The area around your vulva experiences a burning or itching feeling during this time, and it may be swollen and reddened. The discomfiture will tell you that you are suffering from a fungal infection. You will also have a certain irritation while urinating.

The infection is not too dangerous for your baby, unless it passes during labour. It may cause an infection in the oral region of your baby. You will notice while patches around the mouth of your newborn in these cases. This, can again be passed back to the mother when she breastfeeds the child.


In any case, you should inform your physician about the trouble to keep yourself and your baby safe.


It is impossible for you to control the hormonal discharge. However, you can create an environment where the fungus finds it difficult to grow. Keep the area dry and ensure good air flow, that will prevent the growth of fungus. In case you notice the infection, you can take the following measures:

  • Do not wear think undergarments. Use a cotton underwear, that will ensure breathability of these areas.
  • You may want to cleanse the infected area. Use an unscented soap for this purpose. It should be mild, or the irritation may increase.
  • You should practise meticulous hygiene to do away with the symptoms. While wiping, the motion should be from front to back.
  • It is recommended not to sit for a long time wearing a wet bath suit. The vaginal region should be kept as dry as possible.
  • In case you go for swimming, make sure that you wipe off the water completely before putting on your undergarments. Even if you take a shower, take care to ensure complete dryness. No scope of moisture in the area should be entertained.
  • Maintain a low-sugar diet to prevent diabetes deteriorating the problem.

Hopefully, you will be able to take care of yourself at home. In case the problem persists, have a visit to your doctor. You should try to get rid of it before the delivery.

