Ultrasound versus sonogram: Are they different?


When two terms, such as ultrasound and sonogram, are exchanged for patients who need these tests, members of the medical community face many problems in clearing the concept. For example, pregnant women who want to determine the sex of their baby may feel confused if they need an ultrasound or a sonogram.

Difference Between Ultrasound and Sonogram

ultrasound versus sonogram

Ultrasound test allows the doctor to find out valuable information about the evolution of your pregnancy and the health of your baby.

During the test, an expert ultrasound technician (ultrasound or sonographer) passes through your belly a device that transmits high-frequency sound waves.

The waves pass through the uterus and bounce off the baby (but he does not feel anything). Then a computer translates acoustic sounds into video images that show the baby’s figure, position and movements.

It helps doctors see fetal growth, calculate their age, predict the birth date and detect multiple fetuses. It can also diagnose pelvic bleeding and cancer cells.


Ultrasound definition- High-frequency sound. It is used in ultrasonography to create an image.

It is used to produce sonograms. It can also ensure liquid uniformity and determine water depth, as well as locate objects in the water.

Sonogram definition- A sonogram is a procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to scan the cavity of a woman’s abdomen and pelvis, creating an image (sonogram) of the baby and the placenta.

Ultrasound and sonogram refer to the same diagnostic procedure since one depends on the other.

However, the words ultrasound and sonogram are technically different but are used interchangeably and refer to the same test.

Ultrasound vs Sonogram


In general, ultrasound is the cyclic sound pressure that occurs much more frequently than the limits of what humans can hear. As you already know, one of the many applications of ultrasound is sonogram- which is the process of producing images of a fetus in a mother’s womb, so if you want to see how your baby looks inside your belly, an ultrasound is required, and this is an application of sonogram.

If ultrasound is the frequency above what humans hear, a sonogram is actually the imaging technique that uses ultrasound. One is actually a product of the other as basically, the image created in the sonogram results are the result of the ultrasound.

This application of ultrasound technology can be used to take, not only images of the fetus in a mother’s womb but also images of internal tissues and organs.

Brief about ultrasound and a sonogram?

Ultrasound is high-frequency sound, which humans can not hear, reaches about 20 kHz.

When ultrasound waves are sent through the body, some bounce at different times depending on the density of the tissue. The time the waves take to bounce and be detected by the machine is translated into an image of that internal structure, or of the fetus in the uterus. This image is called a sonogram.


A sonogram is an imaging technique that uses ultrasound to visualize any part of the inside of the body. Pelvic bleeding which is one of the internal problems can be diagnosed with the help of sonogram. The sonograms are also used to locate cancer cells.

Ultrasound is used to produce a sonogram (the process is also known as “ultra probe .”) It is used in industry to measure the purity or uniformity of a liquid, to measure the depth of water and to search for objects underwater, such as submarines, whales and dolphins use ultrasound to communicate.

Sonography, which literally means “sound writing.” Ultrasonography means “extreme sound writing,” because sonographers make pictures using ultrasound, or high-frequency sound.

Ultrasonographers can use ultrasound machines to help medical professionals make ultraprecise diagnoses in their patients. They basically learn sonography and ultrasonography at a particular time.

Sound waves are pressure waves. They move energy through air, liquids, and solids by bumping the particles around. In the reverse of what many people think. The waves also bounce back, as echoes. When ultrasounds (sound waves above human hearing at 20,000 Hertz) are used, their echoes can be seen when processed by a computer. The pictures are sonograms.

Ultrasound machines generate and receive very high-pitched sound waves or ultrasounds. The ultracompetent ultrasound technologist uses ultrasound machines to help doctors and other healthcare professionals see inside patients.


With the help of Ultrasound devises today, one can produce astounding images(Both two-dimensional and three-dimensional pictures are possible). And also, with a little computer sleight-of-hand, four-dimensional movies can be made.



