Tylenol During Pregnancy: is it Safe?


Pregnancy brings a new meaning to concept of beauty. It is a period of immense joy coupled with excitement. The feeling of carrying a little soul within you is magnificent. And if you are pregnant for the first time, it is like a long sea journey to a country where you don’t know the language but you have to understand. So, when you make choices for your pain, choose carefully because every choice you make has an end result. Tylenol during pregnancy is one such choice.

Tylenol is a paracetamol (acetaminophen) used to treat pain and fever. It is typically used to treat mild to moderate pain relief. You may know that some medications aren’t safe to take while pregnant, but you’ve probably received the green light from your doctor to take Tylenol. However, no medication is considered 100 percent safe. Currently study is going on whether taking acetaminophen during pregnancy might lead to:

  • Behavioral problems:A few studies suggest that taking acetaminophen during pregnancy – particularly in large amounts or in late pregnancy – might be connected to behavioral problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. We all know kids who can’t sit still, who never seem to listen, who don’t follow instructions no matter how clearly you present them, or who blurt out inappropriate comments at inappropriate times. Sometimes these children are labeled as troublemakers, or criticized for being lazy and undisciplined. However, they may have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD makes it difficult for people to inhibit their spontaneous responses—responses that can involve everything from movement to speech to attentiveness.

Can I take Tylenol while pregnant? 


Children with ADHD show signs of inattention, and hyperactivity, in specific ways. Here are some signs and symptoms:­

Self-focused behavior

A common sign of ADHD is what looks like an inability to recognize other people’s needs and desires. This can lead to the next two signs.

Tylenol During Pregnancy


Self-focused behavior may cause a child with ADHD to interrupt others while they’re talking or butt into conversations or games they’re not part of.


Trouble waiting their turn

Kids with ADHD may have trouble waiting their turn during classroom activities or when playing games with other children.

Emotional turmoil

A child with ADHD may have trouble keeping their emotions in check. They may have outbursts of anger at inappropriate times


Children with ADHD often can’t sit still. They may try to get up and run around, fidget, or squirm in their chair when forced to sit.

Problems playing quietly

Fidgetiness can make it difficult for kids with ADHD to play quietly or engage calmly in leisure activities.

Unfinished tasks

A child with ADHD may show interest in lots of different things, but they may have problems finishing them. For example, they may start projects, chores, or homework, but move on to the next thing that catches their interest before finishing.

Lack of focus

A child with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, even when someone is speaking directly to them. They’ll say they heard you, but they won’t be able to repeat back to you what you just said.


These are some of symptoms of ADHD. ADHD is treatable. Consult your doctor and he will guide you accordingly.

  • Asthma: Research suggests using acetaminophen during pregnancy might be linked to asthma in children. But again, more research is needed to figure out whether the effect is due to acetaminophen or other factors, such as the mother’s illness or condition she treated with acetaminophen.
  • Language delay in girls: According to a study, Overall, about 10% of children in the study had a language delay at 30 months, with boys having greater delays than girls. But girls born to mothers in the high-acetaminophen group were nearly six times more likely to have language delays than girls whose mothers had used none. The more tablets women reported taking, and the higher the levels detected in their urine, the more likely their daughters were to have language delays.
  • Cryptorchidism: In this condition, one or both testicles don’t descend, and some research indicates that exposure to acetaminophen – especially during the first two trimesters and for more than four weeks – makes it more likely for boys to be born with cryptorchidism.

Experts don’t believe these possible risks are any reason not to take Tylenol if you need pain relief during pregnancy, but talk with your healthcare provider, especially if you need it frequently. Keep in mind all these points before taking Tylenol. Take proper precautions and live healthy.

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