101 Popular Serbian Baby Names with Meaning


We all know that names vary regionally, nationally, and culturally. If you are a new parent looking for a beautiful Serbian first name, we will make your search easy. Here we have enlisted the most popular Serbian names from which you can choose. Serbia is a diverse country with rich traditions. Serbian names also exhibit this diversity and sound unique.

serbian baby names with meaning

Serbian Boy Names with Meaning

Name Meaning
Aca Defender of men
Andrej Strong
Blaza Sweet, good
Bogdan God given
Boris Wolf, battle, glory and fame
Branko Protection, and glory
Cvetko Blossom
Damir Peace giver
Dario Upholder of good, affluent, and rich
Dragos Dear, beloved
Emil Rival
Gavro Able-bodied child of God
Gerasim Respectable or honourable elder
Gradimir Builder
Goran Highlander or mountain man
Igor Warrior
Ivan God is gracious
Ivko Gift
Jablan Poplar tree
Jakov Supplanter or held by the heel
Kazimir Beautiful or world peace
Konstantin Constant or steadfast
Krazimir Beautiful or world peace
Krisitijan Follower of Christ
Maksim The greatest
Matija Gift of the Lord
Milan Kind
Milos Lover of glory
Miro  Peace and world
Nemanja Persistence or not to let go
Nikola Victory of the people
Novice Just
Oleg Holy, scared or blessed
Oren To look
Perica Stone
Radimir Joy and peace
Rodavan Care
Sergej Servant
Slobodan Freedom and liberty
Tadej Heart, courageous and friend
Todor Gift of God
Velimir Great and peace, prestige
Vladimir Of great power
Vojkan He who wins fame in war or famous warrior
Zivko Life or alive
Zlatan Golden
Ivo Yew
Mihajlo He who is like God
Paja Small or humble
Vlade To rule
Zoran Dawn, daybreak or aurora

Serbian Girl Names with Meaning

Name Meaning
Adrijana Sea or water
Aleksandra Defender or helper of men
Ana Favour or grace
Anja Gracious
Bojana Battle
Branka To defend or to protect
Dijana Heavenly
Dragana Precious
Elena Bright shining light
Evidokija She whose fame or judgement is good
Galina Calm healer
Gorana Mountain woman or woman from the highlands
Hana Grace or hope
Irina Peace
Iva God is gracious
Ivana Gift from the heavens
Jana God is gracious
Katarina Pure
Katya Pure
Leposava Beauty
Lidija Beautiful one or noble one
Malina Reapberry
Maja Splendid
Milena Gracious, pleasant or dear
Mina Protection or guardian
Nadia/Nadiya Hope
Nevena Flower
Nikolina Victorious people
Nina Flower
Olga Holy
Petra Stone or rock
Radmila Happiness and sweet
Ruslana Lion
Ruza Rose
Sanja Dreamer
Sladana Sweet
Sofija Wisdom, knowledge, teaching
Svetlana Light or holy
Tamara Palm tree
Teodora Gift of God
Tijana Silent
Valeria To be strong
Vesna Spring
Viktorija Triumphant
Violeta Violet
Vladana To rule
Xenia Hospitality
Zora Dawn
Zorica Dawn or aurora
Maga Blood relative
