11 Powerful Health Benefits of Sage During Pregnancy


Sage protects against cancer cells, lowers bad ldl cholesterol, reduces blood sugar level, supports bone health, oral health, memory and brain health.

Sage has been used as herbal remedy to treat a number of health conditions. Although sage is considered to be absolutely safe during pregnancy but it is important for you to consult your doctor before consuming this or any other herbal tea during pregnancy. In this article, we will be discussing about 11 benefits of sage during pregnancy. read below to find more:

sage during pregnancy


Top 11 Natural Health Benefits of Sage During Pregnancy

Supports Oral Health

The antimicrobial effects in sage can neutralize the microbes that promote dental plaque. As per a test tube study, a sage based oil was shown to kill and prevent the spread of candida albicans, a fungus that can lead to cavities. In addition to this, sage can also help with the treatment of infected gums, dental abscesses, infection and mouth ulcers.

Eases Menopause Symptoms

The natural decline in the hormone estrogen can lead to a number of unpleasant symptoms during menopause. Hot flashes, vaginal dryness, sweating and irritability are some of those symptoms. As per a study, use of sage on a regular basis helps to reduce the number and intensity of hot flashes over eight weeks.

Supports Memory and Brain Health

Being loaded with compounds that act as antioxidants, sage buffers your brain’s defence system. Considering healthy adults, sage in low doses was shown to improve memory, whereas high doses elevated mood, increased alertness, contentedness and calmness. But in any case, sage helps to improve the memory and brain function in both younger as well as older adults.



Vitamins and Minerals

Sage consists of small amount of magnesium, copper, zinc and vitamins A, C and E. in addition to this, a teaspoon of ground sage also consists of:

  • Calories: 2
  • Protein: 0.1 grams
  • Iron: 1.1% of the RDI
  • Carbs: 0.4 grams
  • Fat: 0.1 grams
  • Vitamin K: 10% of the RDI
  • Vitamin B6: 1.1% of the RDI
  • Calcium: 1% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 1% of the RDI

Lowers Bad LDL Cholesterol

The bad LDL cholesterol can build up in your arteries and can even cause damage. As per a study, consumption of sage tea twice daily helped to lower bad LDL cholesterol and raise good HDL cholesterol after just two weeks.

Reduces Blood Sugar Level

The leaves of common sage were used as a traditional method to treat diabetes. Although there is not much evidence if sage can be used to treat diabetes but sage leaf extract has been shown to lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity with similar effect as another anti-diabetes drug, rosiglitazone.

Loaded with Antioxidants

As per a study, drinking a cup of sage tea twice increased antioxidant defences. Sage consists of chlorogenic acid, rosmarinic acid and ellagic acid that all contribute to a number of health benefits such as lower risk of cancer and improved brain function.

Supports Bone Health

Sage offers vitamin K in large and sufficient amounts, which on the same side also plays a key role in bone health. Similarly, deficiency of vitamin K is also linked to fractures and bone thinning.

Protects against Cancer Cells

According to animal and test tube studies, sage helps to fight against certain types of cancer including breast, skin, cervix, colon, mouth and kidney. In fact, not only does it suppress the growth of cancer cells but it also helps in the stimulation of cell death. However, more research is needed in order to find out if it is effective in fighting against cancer in humans as well.


Alleviated Diarrhea

Fresh sage is considered to be a traditional remedy to treat diarrhea. As per the animal and test tube studies, sage consists of compounds that can help to alleviate diarrhea by relaxing the gut.

Can be Easily Added to the Diet?

There are a variety of ways in which sage can be added to the diet. You can make sage butter by combining some chopped leaves with butter, serve it with eggs in an omelette and even sprinkle as a garnish on soups. Similarly, you can also use dried sage combined with mashed potatoes, as a rub for meats or seasoning for roasted vegetables.


Loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, not all herbal teas including sage may be suitable for consumption during pregnancy. This is mainly because there is a lack of research on sage tea when it comes to humans and we still need for more scientific evidence of the same to consider it to be completely safe for consumption. It is thus recommended that you first consult your doctor and only then, move forward to consume it.





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