Tinnitus (Ringing in Ears) During Pregnancy–Ultimate Guide


Manage your stress levels, refrain from getting exposed to loud noises, exercise,take care of your diet, white noise music or music therapy, stay away from possible food triggers and some of the home remedies are options to reduce the symptoms of tinnitus during pregnancy.

Many unpredictable things are known to happen during pregnancy. You may come across weird ringing sounds in your ears. You may wonder whether or not such sounds are normal. Well, there is no doubt that pregnancy makes you susceptible to various weird kinds of health conditions but is this also some important condition? In this article, we will discuss tinnitus during pregnancy in details. We will discuss what the disease is, its causes and remedies. Read on to find out everything you need to know about tinnitus during pregnancy.

Tinnitus During Pregnancy: Causes and Remedies

ringing in ears

Tinnitus can be described as ringing sounds in the ears. Sometimes the sounds may be categorized into whistling, hissing or clicking sounds. This condition can be temporary, chronic or persistent. The problem arises when a part of the ear, which sends signals to the brain, gets damaged. This may result in a condition where the brain is not able to hear sounds, and thus, produces its own sounds. These sounds may fall on the ears as ringing sounds and may cause extreme discomfort.

Is Tinnitus Common During Pregnancy?

You may experience ringing in ears during pregnancy because it is a very common phenomenon. Therefore, if you hear a weird ringing sound, you are not hallucinating, but you may be suffering from tinnitus. Tinnitus or a ringing in the ears in the first trimester is very common, and it could last up until the end of your pregnancy.

Causes of Tinnitus During Pregnancy

During your pregnancy, you may hear ringing, clicking, whooshing or buzzing sounds. Some women may also heart heartbeat sounds, which are called pulsatile tinnitus pregnancy sounds. There are certain causes during pregnancy that may cause tinnitus:

  • If you are suffering from sinusitis during pregnancy, it may increase your chances of tinnitus.
  • If you have had tinnitus in your previous pregnancy or pregnancies, then there is a high possibility that you may have it in your subsequent pregnancies too.
  • If you suffer from iron deficiency during pregnancy, then it may cause tinnitus.
  • If you take a lot of stress during pregnancy, then it may put you at a higher risk of tinnitus.
  • If you are suffering from high blood pressure during pregnancy, then it may put you at a higher risk of having tinnitus.
  • If you suffer from depression during pregnancy, then you may be prescribed medicine for the same. Some medications used for depression may increase your chances of having tinnitus.
  • Increased progesterone production during pregnancy can also lead to the occurrence of tinnitus.

Remedies for Tinnitus During Pregnancy

There are various factors that may lead to ringing in ears during pregnancy. Here are some remedies to reduce tinnitus symptoms during pregnancy:

Manage your stress levels

You may battle with various issues during pregnancy such as fatigue, sleeplessness, restlessness and other such issues, which may lead to stress and anxiety during pregnancy. Apart from creating other complications, stress may also lead to tinnitus; therefore, it is very important to manage your stress levels during pregnancy.

Refrain from getting exposed to loud noises

Loud noises may further aggravate the symptoms of tinnitus and may cause more discomfort. Try and avoid all kinds of loud noises during pregnancy.

Exercising helps

The importance of exercising cannot be undermined during pregnancy. When you exercise, it has a positive effect on your body and mind. The improved blood circulation also helps in dealing with the symptoms of tinnitus.

Take care of your diet

Eat a healthy and well-balanced diet during pregnancy to feel fit and energetic. Also, limit your salt intake, which is a possible trigger for high blood pressure and may increase your chances of tinnitus.

White noise music or music therapy

You may make use of some white noise or any relaxing music for dimming the background noises that you may be hearing. These are very effective in helping you sleep at night.


Stay away from possible food triggers

Some food items such as surgery foods, caffeinated beverages, foods with msg etc., may further enhance the symptoms of tinnitus; stay away from all these triggers.

Home Remedies

You may use various home remedies to control or reduce the symptoms of tinnitus by using various remedial measures, such as holy basil, ginger, onion, apple cider vinegar, castor oil, etc. Do consult your health practitioner before opting for any home remedial measures.

The above-mentioned are some of the suggested options to reduce the symptoms of tinnitus; however, it is advised that you seek medical assistance before you opt for any of these.






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