9 Perfect Red Wine Vinegar Substitutes for Pregnant Women


Apple cider vinegar, lemon and lime juice, rice wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar, tamarind paste, grape juice, cranberry juice, tomato juice and pomegranate juice are some of the perfect red wine vinegar substitute for pregnant women.

Vinegar is used popularly for food preparation, medicinal, agricultural or cleaning purposes. Vinegar is a fermented form of ethanol and acetic acid.  The distinct bitter taste of vinegar makes it a popular component for cooking. Some vinegar contains tartaric or citric acid which adds different flavors to the dish. Red wine vinegar is made by fermenting red wine until acetic acid is produced by placing the wine in wooden barrels after which it is purified, strained and bottled for sale. The quality of the wine used to create the vinegar determines the quality of the vinegar produced from the fermentation process. Good quality wine fermented will give the dish a fruity taste.

However, drinking wine can give rise to a number of complications during pregnancy. Fetal alcohol syndrome can occur if the pregnant mother drinks too much alcohol. It can also lead to other birth defects like mental retardation and physical abnormalities. This has been proved in scientific reports.       Red wine vinegar is popularly used as a salad dressing but its content of red wine makes it unhealthy for consumption during pregnancy. Here are nine easy substitutes for red wine vinegar.

9 Interesting Red Wine Vinegar Substitutes for Pregnant Women

red wine vinegar substitute

Apple cider vinegar

Using apple cider vinegar will not alter the taste of the dish substantially. It is the most popular vinegar in the market. Apart from enhancing the taste of your dish, it has benefits including weight loss, lower blood sugar levels, and improves symptoms of diabetes.

Its anti-bacterial effects help the pregnant mother to be immune to bacterial diseases, and it is a safe substitute for red wine vinegar due to its non alcoholic property. For every 1 tbsp of red wine vinegar, use 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar.


Lemon and lime juice

The main reason for adding vinegar in recipes is to get special flavor and acidity. When you want the flavor of acidity in your dish, lime juice and lemon is a good substitute for red wine vinegar for pregnant women. Lemon juice promotes hydration, supports weight loss and helps in digestion. Some ginger ale can be mixed with lemon juice for a closer taste of red wine vinegar.

Rice wine vinegar

There are 8 vinegars classified by the Food and Drug Administration.

Rice wine vinegar is derived by fermenting rice. It has zero alcoholic content which makes it a good substitute for red wine vinegar for pregnant women. Rice wine vinegar had antiseptic properties, improves immunity and can be used as a liver tonic. It can be substituted for a 1:1 ratio for red wine vinegar.

Balsamic vinegar

Balsamic vinegar is dark and concentrated and has an intense flavor as it is crushed from grape juice. It has a high antioxidant content which reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer. Balsamic can be used in the same proportion as red wine vinegar in recipes. It has zero alcoholic content and its tart and bitter taste makes it a perfect substitute for red wine vinegar.

Tamarind paste

Tamarind paste has good protein denaturing properties and can be used for marinating meat. It is often used in Asian, particularly Indian cuisine because of its sweet and sour taste. It has completely natural and has various health benefits as it is rich in vitamins, fiber, potassium and enriches your health as well as the flavor of your dish. Mix it with some water to obtain a light consistency. Its dark colour and flavor makes it a good substitute for red wine vinegar for pregnant women.

Grape juice

Red grape juice is a close substitute for red wine vinegar in cooking. It has no alcoholic content which makes it suitable for pregnant women to consume. Grape juice is close to red wine vinegar in colour and taste and should be substituted for a 1:1 ratio. Apart from being useful in cooking, it’s also rich in polyphenol antioxidants which have been studied to boost immune health and lower some heart disease risk factors like high blood pressure.


Cranberry juice

Cranberry juice is a tart beverage that makes an excellent red wine vinegar substitute due to its similar color, rich flavor and acidity which enhances the flavor of every dish.

Substitute red wine vinegar with cranberry juice in recipes at a 1:1 ratio. It is slightly sweeter than the original taste of red wine vinegar so to reduce the sweetness you can add a little water to bring it closer to its original taste. Cranberry juice reduces urinary tract infections. Its antioxidant content fights disease-causing inflammation as shown in this report:

Tomato juice

Tomato juice has an acidic and bitter flavor. You can easily substitute tomato juice for red wine cooking in vinegar because of its similar acidity and color. Tomato juice can be used in place of red wine at a 1:1 ratio. If the recipe requires a slightly fruitier flavor add some fruit juice to the tomato juice. Tomato juice has multiple health benefits and provides over 20 different nutrients, including 74% of your daily needs for vitamin C and 22% for vitamin A, according to nutritional data provided by USDA SR-21

Pomegranate juice

Pomegranate juice has a rich, fruity flavor and aroma. It is fairly acidic and enhances the flavor of any food. Its flavor, aroma and acidity are comparable to red wine, so it may be used to replace red wine equally in cooking. To make its taste closer to red wine, you can mix it with a tablespoon of vinegar, which will result in a stronger flavor. Its high content in antioxidants has been studied for its potential to lower blood pressure and reduces heart risk as proved by this scientific report.

These are the different and easily available substitutes for red wine vinegar which have zero alcoholic content and numerous health benefits.




Wine During Pregnancy

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