101 Best R Names for Girls


Are you looking for a beautiful name for your baby angel? If so, here are 101 beautiful baby girl names that start with ‘R’.

Top 101 Baby Girl Names Starting with Letter R

Names  Origin Meaning
Rachelle French Lamb
Radhiya African Swahili name meaning “agreeable.”
Rachid African Swahili name meaning “righteous.”
Radella English elfin counselor
Radeyah Arabic content; satisfied
Radwa Arabic a mountain in Medina
Raegan Irish Spiritual strength.
Rae English Doe
Raena Raena Queen
Rafa Arabic Happy
Raedself English Elfin counselor
Rahi Arabic Spring
Rahil Hebrew Innocent
Rahimah Arabic merciful; compassionate
Raghd Arabic pleasant
Rafela Hebrew Healer
Rahimateh Arabic grace
Ragnall Arthurian Gawain’s wife
Rahimateh Arabic Grace
Rahni Hindu Princess.
Raimunda Spanish Wise defender
Raicheal Irish Name of a saint
Raina French Queen
Rainaa Spanish Queen: Original name Raina
Raison French Thinker
Raissa French Thinker
Raja Arabic Hope
Ramla African Swahili name meaning “fortune teller” or “prophet.”
Ramona Romanian Wise defender
Ramira Spanish Judicious
Ranalt Irish Wealthy or charming
Rand Arabic to gaze; look
Rana Indian roayl
Ran Japanese water lily
Ranait Irish Wealthy or charming
Raniyah Arabic gazing
Ranica Hebrew Lovely tune
Raniesha African Princess.
Ranit Hebrew Lovely tune
Ranita Hebrew Lovely tune
Raphaella Hebrew healer
Raoghnailt Scottish Lamb
Raquel Hebrew innocent
Rasheeda African Swahili name meaning “righteous.”
Rashmika Indian sweet
Raven English Dark haired or wise
Rawiyah Arabic transmitter of ancient Arabic poetry
Rati Indian myth name (wife of Pradyumna)
Ratna Indian a jewel
Ravyn English Dark haired or wise
Raadhi Indian Achievement or success.
Raaga Indian Belongs to music terms
Raagini Indian A Melody, Music
Raaka Indian Full moon; Bright, Brilliant, Radiant and Luminant Moon
Raakhi Indian Symbol Of Protection; Destroyer of Evil; Protector; Destroye…
Raashi Indian Collection; Cluster of celestial star positions signifying g…
Rawdah Arabic garden
Raychel American Variant of Rachel.
Raylai Thailand Princess
Reagan Ireland From the King.
Reaghan Celtic Nobility
Rayya Arabic sated with drink
Reaghann Celtic Royal
Radhana Indian Speech
Radhika Indian Successful; Content; A variant name of Radha
Radhiyaa Indian Successful; Content; A variant name of Radha
Radnya Indian Daughter Of King
Raekh Indian Shape; Line; Limit; A variant form of Rekha
Raga Indian Melody; Tune; Musical Rhythm
Ragavarshini Indian One who showers ragas
Raziya African Swahili name meaning “sweet, agreeable.”
Reba Hebrew fourth born
Rebecca Hebrew Captivating
Rebecka Hebrew Captivating
Rebekah Hebrew Captivating
Rei Japanese gratitude
Rehema African Swahili name meaning “compassion.”
Regina Romanian queen
Rainah German An advice giver
Ramonda German A wise protector
Randilyn German A protected waterfall
Rapunzel German Girl with long hair
Rayla German Germanic – Well advised Protector; Wise Guardian; A wise and strong ruler; Strong Counselor;
Rayna German Germanic – Counsel; Advice; Latin – Queen; A variant of Raina
Raynel German Germanic – Well advised Protector; Wise Guardian; A wise and strong ruler; Strong Counselor;
Raynelle German Germanic – Well advised Protector; Wise Guardian; A wise and strong ruler; Strong Counselor;
Raynne German Germanic – Counsel; Advice; Latin – Queen; A variant of Raina
Reia German Germanic – Counsel; Advice; Latin – Queen; A variant of Raina
Rema French A deeply loving and sensitive person
Remie French A woman who is an oarsman
Remy French A person who is an oarsman. Can also mean a remedy, cure
Renada French A reborn woman
Renae French A woman who is born again
Riva French French – Shore; Bound, Riverbank; A short form of the name Rebecca
Rivera French Habitational name for someone who lives near the River
Robbyn French A flame that burns brightly
Rochel French She is a rock-like woman
Rochelle French A woman who is like a rock
Rochilda French A beautiful stone
Roesia French A woman who is like a rose
Romaana French A woman who is from a Rome
Romaine French A woman who is from Rome
Romane French A name of the Roman woman
Romy French A person from Rome, or can also mean Rosemary




