Can I Be Pregnant with an IUD?


Contraception is an important aspect of life in a modern society, allowing women to live life on their own terms without having to succumb to biological pressures early on in their life. Not everyone having sex necessary wants a child immediately. Couples that are sleeping together may or may not be committed enough to each other to raise a child together. Raising a child is not easy and should not be chalked up to an accident. For the parents of a child to do well by their child, the pregnancy must be planned and monitored. An IUD can help a woman take action in this regard.

It follows therefore, that unplanned pregnancies can really complicate things on multiple levels for a couple who enjoy each other’s company. For individuals to remain independent, contraception is not only a modern day amenity but a necessity of life. While protected sex is the easy and the most popular way to prevent pregnancy, intrauterine devices are also good options to consider. While the chances of getting pregnant with IUD are very low, no contraception can be said to be 100% effective. The success rate of IUDs may be estimated to be around 98-99%.

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Can You Get Pregnant with an IUD?

pregnant with iud

What is an IUD?

In the area of birth control, IUD presents one of the long term contraceptive methods that sexually active women can opt for in order to prevent pregnancy. The IUD is an intrauterine device that is usually shaped like the alphabet ‘T’, and is inserted into the uterine of any woman who seeks to avoid pregnancy while enjoying a sexually active lifestyle. There are two main types of IUD available- the copper IUD and the hormonal IUD which is also known as the progesterone-releasing IUD.

Copper IUDs or ParaGard may be used for emergency contraception and may be inserted within 5 days from the day when a woman engaged in unprotected sex. The hormonal IUD like the kind manufactured by the brand Mirena, on the other hand, releases progesterone and works efficiently by making the inner wall of the uterus virtually impenetrable to sperm. The chances of getting pregnant with IUD are therefore almost nil as intrauterine devices can be highly effective. When the device is removed, the norms of fertility cycles are restored quickly. However, no contraception can be said to be 100% full proof. There may be slip-ups which may result in a woman getting pregnant with IUD, impossible as it may seem. Protected sex is therefore always encouraged.


Read More: 11 Side Effects of IUD

Benefits of IUD

There are a host of advantages of using IUDs as opposed to other forms of contraception. A few of them are mentioned below:


IUDs are generally much more convenient than all other methods of contraception. You can insert an IUD and then not worry about any other measures to prevent conception during sex. While IUDs have a date of expiry, you can enjoy sex without having to worry about pregnancy for a period of 3 to 12 years according to your preference.


IUDs are temporary and do not tamper with your fertility cycles. Once you remove the IUD, the normal cycle is easily restored and you may be pregnant with IUD after the device has been removed.

Lessens cramps

The insertion of an IUD can often result in reduced cramping during menstruation, providing much-needed relief to women.

Emergency contraception

The copper IUD can be used as a means of emergency contraception within 5 days of unprotected sex.


Read More: 11 Mirena IUD Side Effects After Removal

Can I get pregnant if I opt for IUD?

Getting an IUD is a dependable means of contraception with a success rate of 98-99% where potential conditions of pregnancy may be averted. But nobody can really account for the gap of 2% with respect to these statistics. If you are wondering if you can get pregnant with an IUD, it is important to keep in mind the possibility of exceptions.

In case you do get pregnant with an IUD, it is important to note that the pregnant with IUD symptoms are very much similar to normal pregnancy. Here are a few pointers:

Missed period

If you have missed your period and have a feeling that you might have conceived, it is best to check if you are pregnant with IUD.


Morning sickness and nausea are a definitive aspect that can help identify a pregnancy. If you are experiencing chronic nausea, make sure to go in for a test to detect pregnant with IUD symptoms.

Breast tenderness

This is a common symptom of pregnancy that you may experience even if you are pregnant with IUD.


Read More: Getting Pregnant After Contraceptives and Birth Control: How Long Does It Take?

Risks of a pregnancy with IUD

If you are tested positive for a pregnancy in spite of having an IUD inserted in your uterus, it may give rise to a host of complications in your body:

High risk of miscarriage

If you are tested positive for pregnant with IUD symptoms, medical statistics suggest that there is a 50% likelihood of miscarriage. Even when the IUD is removed, the threat of miscarriage remains but is reduced to 25%>

Ectopic pregnancy

A much higher risk of being pregnant with IUD is that conception may occur but the foetus may develop in the fallopian tube of the woman’s body. In such cases the baby is almost always lost, and if the condition is not identified and treated in time, it may cause permanent damage to the reproductive system in the anatomy of the woman.


The reproductive cycle of a woman’s body is restored to its normal state after three months of removing an IUD if you wish to get pregnant after your IUD is removed. If you already have a child and wish to prevent conception in future, IUD is presents a great mode of contraception.


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