11 Postpartum Problems No One Told You About


Pregnancy and childbirth bring about a lot of wide-ranging changes in your life, so if this is your first baby, be ready for all the newness surrounding your baby. Perhaps, your friends and family have begun to tell you what to expect, but only as you live it out would you know exactly what it means to have a baby and incorporate all the newness in your life.

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11 Problems No One Told You About Postpartum

1. Your brain functions at a slower rate

Women who’ve just had a baby will soon realize this. In fact, there are mothers who feel this way even three years after delivering a baby.

2. Your skin will erupt with acne

Once you have a baby, you’ll have an acne breakout on your back and legs. However, this is momentary. It will pass. Your skin will also lose its elasticity for some time.

3. You’ll have cold sweats and hot flashes

Usually, women experience this for the first month after giving birth to a baby. It happens because of your hormones and it’s absolutely normal. No sweat.

4. You’ll have swollen feet

Though you will have swollen feet even before the delivery, it will still be there afterwards.


5. You will have a very heavy period

Whether you have a natural birth or a C-section, you’re going to have heavy bleeding post-delivery. Better-known as lochia, it lasts for barely a couple of weeks or six weeks at the most after childbirth.

Read More: 11 Must Know Facts about your First Postpartum Period

postpartum digestive problems, postpartum problems, postpartum breathing problems, postpartum health problems

6. Cover your curves in your maternity outfits

Even after your baby is born, you will prefer to be in your maternity clothes, so don’t let anyone tell you to get out of them. Accept your body shape as it is now and tell yourself that this is only a phase and that in some time, you will get your old body shape back.

7. You could lose a lot of hair

You are probably prepared that you’ll lose a lot of hair postpartum, but do you know that there will also be a change in its texture? You will lose hair in clumps and will thin. No matter how severe your hair loss is, don’t make the mistake of taking multivitamins at this stage as it could affect your baby, particularly if you’re breastfeeding as this could harm your little one. Instead, let Nature take its course.

Read More: Home Remedies For Postpartum Hair Loss


8. Your C-section scar will heal nicely

You’re going to love the spot of your C-section scar. You can go through a weird feeling when your scar is inspected but you will love the idea of having a healed scar at the site of your child’s birth.

9. Your crotch might seem horrible

If you have a swollen crotch, don’t worry. There are several ways of easing the horror of a swollen crotch like applying a bag of frozen peas, or taking a warm sits bath, etc. If you can’t accept yourself with this problem, just don’t look at this part of your body. This way, you won’t feel terrible for yourself and it will get all the time it needs to recover fully.

10. You’ll want to wear mesh panties for at least a month

These panties are amazing when it comes to holding your pads in. For one, they don’t interfere with your C-section scar, and you couldn’t find anything more comfortable than this. When you reach a stage where you no longer feel the necessity to wear them, you can wear them only to keep your pads secure.

11. You might cry a lot

Some women cry a lot after childbirth, while others don’t feel this way at all. There are some new moms who experience postpartum depression too, and need sympathetic people around them who understand their situation. If you’re miserable, remember this is only a phase, there’s nothing permanent about this.

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Despite all the trouble and pain you go through after delivery, it’s still well worth having a baby. After all, for the greatest experience on earth, if this is the price to pay, then why not? Once you go through the entire gamut of experiences post-delivery, will you be ready for another baby? Why not? This time round, it could be fun for you, so go ahead and enjoy your second pregnancy.
