Paxil During Pregnancy: Benefits and Side Effects


What is Paxil?

Paxil is the brand name for paroxetine and anti-depression medication approved by the FDA in 1992.  Paroxetine is a prescription medication which is available both as a generic drug and under the brand name Paxil. Paroxetine belongs to a class of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs. Paxil is available in tablets of 10 to 40 milligrams. An extended-release version Paxil CR is available in capsules of 12.5 to 37.5 milligrams.

Benefits and Side Effects of Paxil During Pregnancy

paxil during pregnancy

Benefits of Paxil during pregnancy

Treats Anxiety Disorders

Paroxetine is most commonly used in the treatment of clinical depression and anxiety disorders. It can also be effective in treating social anxiety disorder. Paxil is a powerful medication that lessens negative thoughts, anxiety, depression, irritability, mood swings, and various other anxiety disorders during your pregnancy. The medication reestablishes the balance of serotonin, a natural chemical in your mind and gives extraordinary help during pregnancy.

Paroxetine enhances the functioning of neurotransmitters and promotes the synchronization and communication of the nerves in your brain with one another minimizing the restlessness and irritability. The drug sustains an optimistic mental equilibrium

Improves Your Sleep, Mood, and Appetite

Paroxetine is believed to work by increasing the brain supply of the feel-good hormone,  serotonin this corrects an existing chemical imbalance, improving mood and creating a feeling of well-being.

Paxil reduces the urge to do compulsive actions, such as washing the hands, checking the doors and windows frequently, counting, and other compulsions, that trouble your daily life.


Cures Chronic Headaches

Paxil is very helpful in curing chronic headaches.

Reduces Tingling in the Limbs

You may experience the ill effects of tingling sensation in your hands and feet while pregnancy due to the impact of gestational diabetes. Having the correct dosage of Paxil reduces the tingling in your limbs to a great extent and helps you feel better.

Side Effects of Paxil during pregnancy

  • Dizziness and weakness
  • Difficulty to concentrate
  • Confusion and forgetfulness
  • Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, and gas
  • Constipation
  • Heartburn
  • Excessive sweating
  • Reduces appetite
  • Sensitivity to the light
  • Swellings of the joints
  • Pain in the back, bones, muscles, and other body parts
  • Sore gums and teeth
  • Strange dreams
  • Blurry vision
  • Palpitations
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • The appearance of small red spots on your skin or blistering of the skin
  • Frequent urination and difficulty to urinate
  • Unsteady walk
  • Symptoms of an infection, such as fever, chills, and cough

Other Side effects of Paxil during pregnancy

Increased Risk of Miscarriage

Having an excess of Paxil during pregnancy can raise the chances of abortion or miscarriage. So, it is advisable to have the prescribed dose

Risk of Birth Defects

A few medical investigations uncover that introduction to Paxil builds a slight danger of heart absconds in the unborn infant. Having the medication during the principal trimester can expand the odds of a heart imperfection in the fetus by two percent.

You should observe the newborn closely as many times birth defects are not prominent. Your child may likewise experience the ill effects of a basic state of oxygen lack in the infant’s blood. Likewise, specialists prescribe pregnant ladies who have the medication in the principal trimester to go for a fetal echocardiogram at 20 weeks of pregnancy

Withdrawal Symptoms in the Newborns

On the off chance that you are using Paxil toward the finish of your pregnancy or at the time of delivery, at that point, your infant may experience issues for beginning couple of days after the birth. Your baby may encounter irritability, tremors, disturbed sleep patterns, jitteriness, trouble in breathing, and expanded muscle tone. Most of the effects are mild, and they eventually subside.


You have to take extraordinary care of your newborn child till all the withdrawal symptoms die down. Be that as it may, not all infants experience the ill effects of withdrawal symptoms.

Lung Ailments for the Newborn

Newborn babies of women who took Paxil during their pregnancy,  show increased rates of primary pulmonary hypertension, PPHN, a lung disorder resulting in a lack of oxygen in the blood, putting stress on the brain and internal organs.

PPHN babies may have long-term breathing difficulties,  cerebral palsy, hearing loss and difficulty learning to walk and talk.

Autism in Babies

Utilizing the Paxil amid pregnancy makes the unborn children inclined to a high danger of an Autism. Medicinal analysts uncover that pregnant ladies who utilized Paroxetine amid the second and third trimester of incubation have an awesome risk of having babies conceived with an Autism.

Can Paxil be stopped abruptly?

  • Once you have been taking this medication regularly, do not suddenly stop using it, as serious withdrawal symptoms can occur. The most commonly reported side effects of paroxetine include apathy sexual dysfunction and drowsiness.
  • Also tell your doctor immediately if you experience spasms or seizures, yellowing of the skin and eyes, suicidal thoughts or any other significant changes.
  • Paroxetine should not be taken with MAO inhibitors like nardole or by anyone who is pregnant. Ask your doctor for a full list of medications and conditions that should not be combined with paroxetine. Paxil is a commonly used drug and it can be very effective at easing the people with depression.


If you took Paxil while pregnant and gave birth to a child with  PPHN, you may be eligible for financial compensation. It’s important that you inquire about your case as soon as possible, your individual states law may limit your time to file a claim.


Recent FDA findings indicate an increased risk of birth defects and newborns associated with the use of the antidepressant drug Paxil,  during pregnancy. If your loved one, use  Paxil while pregnant and gave birth to a  baby suffering birth defects,  including septal defects, persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn or other heart or lung defects, you may have legal rights and may be entitled to compensation.

However, this medication must always be used under the direct care of a physician. Please ask for and review all of the patient information provided by your doctor before taking paroxetine.

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