Health Benefits of Mint in your Child’s Diet


Starting from curing allergies to treating common cold, mint offers many health benefits to your child. This organic herb is full of anti-oxidants. That is the reason why it can cure indigestion in your child and regularize bowel movement. Mint is also a great pain reliever. It will help your child recover from any kind of chronic pains. When topically used, mint can also protect your child’s skin from the damages caused by the pollutants. There are many mint based oils and ointments and lotions available in the market. Mint is also good for your child’s oral health. It can cure your child’s gum related problems and help him/her fight off bad breath.

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Giving Mint to Your Child

Like any leafy green or organic herb, mint can be given to your child in a number of ways. Mint comes with a distinct tangy flavor. It can also act as a coolant in your child’s diet, during the hot summer days. You can add them in your child’s buttermilk. Also it can be added to salads and made into tasty chutneys.

Health benefits of mint
Mint sprigs in bowl

If both you and your child are up for it, you can add smashed mint leaves in meat and fish as well. This will give the dish a new flavor. You can always garnish your meals with chopped mint leaves. If your child is more than 8 years old, then he/she can also have the mint leaves raw. However, do make sure that you wash it well and clean it before offering it to your child. If you are planning to have the mint leaves on some other day you should store it in your refrigerator.

You can also make your child a big fan of mint chutney. It is very easy to make with proper condiments and spices. It adds nutritious value to the main course meal, your child will have. You can also offer your child mint tea. This is a good herbal tea for children. It will soothe their nerves and offer them respite from anxiety and stress.

Also a warm soup made from mint leaves can be given to your child. It works especially if he/she is suffering from cold or fever. Mint goes well with pea soup. It will not only improve your child’s health but also will improve his/her mood.


Health Benefits of Mint for Kids

There are multiple health benefits which you child can enjoy from mints.

Fights Allergies

Mint is very rich in antioxidants. They also have an anti-inflammatory agent called the rosmarinic acid. This helps your child to fight off any allergy related symptoms. Many children suffer from seasonal allergies. Consuming mint, on a regular basis, will help your child to cope with such allergic attacks.

Curing Common Cold

Mint has menthol. Menthol has aromatic qualities to break phlegm and mucus stored in your child’s respiratory tract. This helps your child to expel the mucus more easily. Menthol also provides your child the much desired cooling effect, especially when he has a sore throat and coughing too much. You can mix mint with tea to provide relief to your child.

Read More: 7 Home Remedies for Cough and Cold in Infants

Gives relief from Indigestion

Mint has a profound calming effect. It is used for soothing upset stomach and indigestion in children and also adults. Mint is known for increasing the secretion of bile. The increased movement of bile from the liver boosts your child’s digestion.

Also if your child is suffering from gas and bloating then also mint helps the cause. It soothes the upset stomach and it restricts the formation of gas in your child’s stomach.


Improves Bowel Movement

Mint has the potential of soothing out bowel movement in your child. If your child is suffering from problems related to irregular bowel movement then mint can come very handy.

Gives Relief from Pain

Topical use of mint or peppermint oil can ease out any form of muscle or abdominal pain for your child. If your child has incurred an abdominal pain or he/she is suffering from gastric pains, on a regular basis, then massaging mint oil can help him/her cope with the situation. It is an effective pain relief and it is known to provide aspirin-style relief to any sort of pain.

Improves Skin

The external pollutants often tend to cause harm to your child’s tender skin. Massaging the skin with peppermint oil or normal mint oil helps in soothing the skin and maintaining the glow. If your child has experienced a burn or if he/she is suffering from any sort of rashes then also mint oil comes handy.

Topical use of mint is very popular in many parts of the world. It helps your child’s skin to cure from insect bites or other burning sensations. So, whenever you are going for a trip to the country side, do not forget to carry suitable mint oil for your child.

Read More: 11 Tips For Taking Care Of Your Kids Skin


Improves Oral Health

Mint has anti-microbial properties. It is very effective for fighting off gum related problems. Children normally suffer from teeth and gum related problems as they are addicted to sweets. Mint based toothpastes or mouthwashes often tend to heal this kind of problem. However, before giving your child, please check whether or not the paste and the mouthwash is suitable for children.

Final Points and Precautions:

When you are buying mint for your child, make sure that the leaves are bright and unblemished. You can store the mint leaves, up till a week, in your refrigerator. However, make sure that it is wrapped in a plastic wrap.

You can also grow mint in your kitchen garden. They also can be grown in windowsill where sunlight falls. Mint trees also make sure that your home is free of any kind of ants and flies.

When you are cutting the mint leaves, make sure that you are doing it gently. Use a sharp knife. A dull knife will bruise the leaves and it will make it lose its flavour.

Do not give your child any kind of mint if he/she is diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflex disease. Mint will worsen the situation. Large dosage of peppermint oil is also dangerous. Internally pure menthol should not be taken. It has poisonous effect.

Also do not apply mint on the face of your child. It can create spasm and cause breathing problem.


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