GM Diet While Trying To Conceive


GM diet is also known as the General Motors diet. It is weight management program introduced by the General Motors Corporation. GM diet covers a week’s plan of crash dieting to make your weight comes a certain level. It also makes sure that your overall well being is maintained. However, GM diet has its own share of criticism. It has known to cause much harm to many people in the past.

But before discussing the impact of GM diet while trying to get pregnant let us know whether dieting at all is advisable, when you are trying to conceive.

Read More: Is GM Diet Good For Breastfeeding Mothers?

Impact of Dieting While Trying to Conceive

Trying to lose weight, during pregnancy, is a good idea. This is because you normally will gain a lot of flab, once your baby is born. But make sure that you do not become underweight. Planning your diet is a very important step when you are trying to conceive. So, that means you need to take the necessary steps before you start.

Your body weight must be in ideal condition so that your uterus is not compressed and enough blood and oxygen is passed through your placenta. Also you must have sufficient fat to sustain the process of making the desired nutrition for your child. Being overweight during pregnancy is also not a good thing to experience. It can trigger many further complications.

how to lose weight while trying to conceive, GM diet before getting pregnant, Effects of GM diet, Dieting before pregnancy


In case you are overweight, losing the extra pound will help you get pregnant faster. You might also like to delay your pregnancy a bit till you reach that ideal weight. Losing weight via healthy eating habits is always a good idea. It will boost your chances of getting pregnant. Also losing weight, before getting pregnant helps you fight off serious pregnancy related complications.

Read More: Is it ok to Diet while trying to Conceive?

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GM Diet While Trying to Conceive

Generally speaking, GM diet is considered to be a safe dietary option for weight loss. This is because it does not involve any kind of chemicals. Any sort of chemical induced diets are harmful for new mothers as well as the child (if it is breastfeeding). GM diet does not prescribe any pills or drinks. In that way, your baby is safe. On the other hand, this kind of diet helps your body to detoxify. GM diet prescribes you to have a whole lot of fluid. The added intake of fluid helps you to flush out the harmful toxins from your body. It also helps you fight off the chances of obesity.

Moreover, GM diet will help you bring discipline to your overall diet. During pregnancy you had to undergo a different sort of diet. Naturally since you had a fetus in your womb, you had to eat more. But reducing the amount of food intake, drastically, is also not possible. Going in on a GM diet helps your cause. GM diet schedule gives you the ultimate push and motivation to reduce your food intake to the desired level, which will help you get rid of all the natural fat you have gained during pregnancy.

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Negative Impacts of GM diet While Trying to Conceive

Your body must be in an ideal condition when you are trying to get pregnant. However, GM diet can cause various layers problems.

  • It can negatively impact your digestive system and overall health of the stomach. The digestive juices might create permanent damage on the walls of your stomach. This will make it challenging for you to digest food when you get pregnant.
  • If you have previous history of any sort of heart or liver ailment then this kind of diet might inflict further damage in your system. This will make it harder for you to conceive.
  • It can impact your overall health. In some cases people experience sudden hair loss. The skin also tends to lose the moisture. It can tend to dehydrate you a lot. This is not a suitable condition for you to get pregnant. Your body must remain hydrated for you to get pregnant.
  • It might put your heart at risk. You can also suffer from anemia. This lessens your chances of getting pregnant. Your body needs iron to sustain the pregnancy. However, GM diet exposes the risks of heart diseases and creates a loss of blood count.
  • A general feeling of fatigue might overwhelm you. You will feel tired and dehydrated. These are not ideally good conditions to get pregnant.
  • Due to the loss of water, your muscles also might get weakened. Losing out on muscle fibers is not an ideal situation if you are planning on pregnancy.

So, considering an overall picture it can be said that GM diet is not a safe choice if you are trying to be pregnant.

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Conditions Ideal for Trying on a GM Diet:

Getting rid of the excess fat is necessary. But you have to choose the right time to get started. Timing of going on a GM diet is very crucial. It determines your health as well as your baby’s. Below are some generic tips which you can follow to make sure that your GM diet works well. This will help you time your diet perfectly and help you get back to your pre-pregnancy body shape.

  • Start a GM diet after you are done with breastfeeding. The breastfeeding period is not defined. However, if you are continuing breastfeeding even after your child is well into solids then you can start on with the dieting after consulting your doctor. The ground rule here is that you should not go on in a GM diet while your baby is drawing a majority of the nutrients from your body.
  • GM diet can take its toll on your body. Make sure that you rest well for two to three weeks, once you have undergone that kind of strict dietary plan. GM diets can tend to be very tiring. This is because it deprives the body of important carbohydrates. Good amount of rest helps you restore back the energy, you might be lacking during the diet. Also before going on the GM diet make sure that you inform your partner or nanny or anyone supporting the care of your child. This is because of the fact that during the week, you will be exhausted and tired.
  • Try and do some stretching. Stretching often helps your muscles to relax, while you are on such strict diet. It also helps your muscles to tone. Toning is necessary especially when you are losing so much weight in such a short duration. Stretching and light exercising also will help you combat anxiety. It will keep you active as a new mother.

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