201 Unique and Beautiful Girl Names Starting with G


If you are expecting a baby girl and are in a search of girl names starting with G, here are 201 unique and beautiful baby girl names starting with G.

Read More:500 Most Popular Baby Girl Names with Meanings

Top 201 Girl Names Starting with G

Names Origin Meaning
Gabbs English A detail loving person who is conservative
Gae English Refers to delightful or blissful.
Gaela English The girls who made her father happy by her birth.
Gaelan English A person who has firm mind
Gaelyn English A Girl with a peaceful mind
Gaena English One who loves nature and outdoor
Gage English Of the pledge
Gaige English Of the pledge
Gaila English Refers to the person who is happy and merry.
Gailyn English Refers to a visitor or guest.
Galea English Refers to a fountain or a rock.
Gallifrey English Refers to fantastic or unreal.
Ganieda English Sister or female sibling of Merlin.
Garden English refers to a place where plants and flowers are growing.
Gargeolais English A good-natured and generous individual
Garnette English A girl who wears red color ornaments.
Gartrite English A responsible and self-sufficient human being
Geethika English Song
Gatsby English A left-handed person, or a person from Gat
Gay English Refers to joy, pleasure, delight, enjoyment.
Gayla English A form of Gail
Gaylyn English Girl who likes to sing happily or energetic or sparkling.
Gearldine English Person who is commanding with the spear.
Geby English God’s Able-Bodied One; A variant of Gaby
Geena English A well-born woman
Geline English The angel from the heaven
Gelsey English A native floret of Asia, Jasmine.
Genaya English The waves in the sea or ocean have seen white in color.
Genevieve English Tribe woman
Gennifer English The one who is fairer and pretty.
Gennyfer English One who is pretty and fair
Gentry English The one who has high dignity by his birth.
Geralynn English The person who gives instructions by spear.
Geranium English Refers to a kind of flower , Geranium.
Geranne English The graceful spear of the God
Gerarda English Brave spearwoman
Geri English The Person who is prevailing with spear.
Gerica English Mighty king with the spear.
Gericka English Combination of Geri (rules with a spear) plus Erica ( ever kingly)
Gerika English A mixture of Geri (ruling by spear) plus Erica ( king forever)
German English A person who hails from Germany, a language
Gerrilyn English The one who has spear in his hands comes from the cascade.
Gertie English Diminutive form of Gertrude (strong as spear).
Gertrude English The might of the spear.
Getla English One who belongs to the town of dark people
Ghia English A peaceful ruler
Gijs English Bright; Intelligent; Brilliant; Smart
Gilberta English Gilberta is a female name that means Hostage. It is of French, Germanic and English origin.
Gildan English Gildan is female English name. It means Gilded, Made of Gold.
Gillot English The name Gillot is an English female name. It means The one who unexpectedly rejects a Lover.
Gillota English Female English name, variation of the name Gillot. Means a Woman who Unexpectedly Recets a Lover.
Gingata English Old English name comes from the Italian word and means Flower.
Ginger English The name Ginger means Virgin and is also associated with Ginger Flower.
Githa English The meaning of the name Githa is Gift
Giulist English One who appreciates beautiful and elegant
Glad English Glad means Happy in English and derived from Welsh Territorial Ruler
Gladis English Gladis is a Welsh name and means Lame
Gladstone English Gladstone means Flat Stones. It is mostly used as a surname.
Gleda English Gleda in English means Happy, and in Welsh it means Lame
Glenn English Glenn is a female name and means Valley
Glennis English Gennis means Glen, Valley and is of Gaelic origin
Glyn English Glyn means Fair, Good or the One from the Valley
Glynn English Meaning of Glynn is Fair.
Glynnes English Glynnes is a female name and means Good
Gode English a good person. Maybe beloved and kindhearted.
Godefe English A person who is gift of God to her parents
Godelda English Imaginative, enthusiastic and lively person who loves to live life with joy.
Godeleva English a person who is the gift of God to her parents.
Godeleve English a person who is the gift of God to her parents.
Godelive English A person who is God’s beloved.
Goderun English The secretive Love of God, God Secret Love, The hidden or close love of God.
Godeue English Gift of God, The one who becomes the bonus and attribute for someone.
Godeva English The one who can be the gift for everyone from the God, who becomes the bonus and attribute for someone.
Godgeua English Gift of God, The one who becomes the bonus and attribute for someone.
Godgifu English Old Version of Godiva. Gift of God, The one who becomes the bonus and attribute for someone.
Godgiua English Old Version of Godiva. Gift of God, The one who becomes the bonus and attribute for someone.
Godgiva English Old Version of Godiva. Gift of God, The one who becomes the bonus and attribute for someone.
Godgyth English God’s War or Battle, A physical aspect of war. Powerful, Strengthful. Having strong power.
Godise English Female version of Godise, the descendant of Goda, The person who lives with and after us, Who will help everyone, keep happy everyone
Godit English The one who loves adventure and independence. Guide, lead and direct others to help them.
Godith English Someone who will be on righteous path from God and will save and protect others. The one who is generous, openness, discreet, impress, talented and warm-hearted.
Goditha English God’s War or Battle, A physical aspect of war. Powerful, Strengthful. Having strong power.
Godiua English The one who can be the gift for everyone from the God, who becomes the bonus and attribute for someone.
Godiuia English The one who can be the gift for everyone from the God, who becomes the bonus and attribute for someone.
Godiva English Old Version of Godiva. Gift of God, The one who becomes the bonus and attribute for some one.
Godlefe English Dear Love, It is the old version of “Goodliffe”. The one who is the dearer and love in someones life.
Godleof English Dear Love, It is the old version of “Goodefu”. The one who is the dearer and love in someone’s life.
Godleue English Dear Love, It is the old version of “Goodefu”. The one who is the dearer and love in someones life.
Godleva English The secretive Love of God, God Secret Love, The hidden or close love of God.
Godrun English The secretive Love of God, God Secret Love, The hidden or close love of God.
Goduia English Old Version of Godiva. Gift of God, The one who becomes the bonus and attribute for someone.
Goduin English Friend of God, The one with good deeds and qualities. Who will always be ready to help and lead others.
Godusa English The one with the big dream and achievements. They have the ability to change or transfer the dream in reality.
Goduse English The one with power and authority, who can lead and direct everyone to do. The one who will not give away.
Goldeholda English A person who is rich and has a huge collection of ornaments. In other meanings a person who is very intelligent.
Golderon English Golderon means Passionate. A person who always be ready to do anything with his full dedication and uses his passion in every field.
Goldgeofu English goldgeofu is the variant of the name Goldgifu, Which means the gift of God. A baby girl who is present to her parents from God.
Goldgeve English Goldgeve means the women of God. A girl who loves to pray to god and is very close to God.
Goldgifu English Goldgifu means the gift of God. The person with this name is a great present to his parents from god.
Goldhen English A person who has a bog collection of jewels. Or in other words it means a person who is very intelligent.
Goldhiue English Goldhiue is a variant of the name Goldgifu. Goldgifu means the gift of God. The person with this name is a great present to his/her parents from God.
Goldi English A girl with golden hair. Golden hair is a symbol of beauty. A beauty that is out of the world.
Goldrun English Goldrun means a person who likes to help other people. No matter what she has to do for the help but she will do it.
Goldy English Goldy is a variant of Golda, Derived from the vocabulary word gold which denotes precious jewelry metal
Graatsia English Estonian form of Grace, meaning graceful.
Grace English Grace, which means decency with a special beauty.
Gracealice English Gracealice name is derived from the word grace, which means decency with a special beauty.
Gracee English Gracee name is derived from the word grace, which means decency with a special beauty.
Graciana English The name is a variant of the word grace. It means decency and intelligence.
Gracie English The name is a variant of the word grace. It means Grace of God.
Graciela English The name is a variant of the word grace. It means Grace of God.
Graciella English The name is a variant of the word grace. It means Grace of God.
Gracye English The name is a variant of the word grace. It means Grace of God.
Gracyn English The name is a variant of the word grace. It means Grace of God.
Graeghamm English A girl from the gray family. Gray is the sign of intelligence.
Graegleah English A girl from the gray Meadow. Gray is the sign of intelligence.
Grania English People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.
Granta English They have the ability to analyze problems very quickly and solve all the issues. They love to spend time with family.
Grante English They have the ability to analyze problems very quickly and solve all the issues. They love to spend time with family.
Graves English Graves is the surname that was used in the old days.
Gray English Gray may be a nickname of a person who has gray here. Or who is very intelligent.
Grayce English Grayce means goodwill. A great vision about life or anything. A person who thinks positively.
Graycen English Graycen means goodwill. A great vision about life or anything. A person who thinks positively.
Graycin English Graycin means goodwill. A great vision about life or anything. A person who thinks positively.
Graycn English Graycn means goodwill. A great vision about life or anything. A person who thinks positively.
Greysi English Greysi name is derived from the word grace, which means decency with a special beauty.
Grip English Grip means strong hold on something. A girl who can hold everything very strongly.
Gweirfyl English Gracious, Wise and Experienced person.
Gyldan English covered with gold, gilded
Gynasys English An unusual English female name
Gynuara English A Medieval English variation of Guinevere, means a fair white and smooth one
Gabriel French God is my strength
Gabbie French A nice girl of God
Gabie French A woman of God
Gabriell French Heroine of God
Gabrielle French God is my strength
Gabrijela French A variant of Gabrielle, meaning Woman of God.
Gaby French From the name Gabrielle
Gaelle French Another name for Celtic people.
Gai French Refers to merry or easy going.
Galla French One coming from Gaul.
Garance French Angrier or more irate.
Garcelle French It resembles a small spear or tiny spear.
Garlan French Garland of flowers
Garlen French Refers to a bunch of flowers.
Geana French God is most merciful and kindful.
Gemma French Jewel; Precious Stone; Gem
Gencelina French A queen from heaven
Genette French God is kindful.
Genevie French Women of the society or community.
Genevieve French Tribe woman
Genevive French The population of the female sex.
Genevra French The person who is fair-minded and charming.
Genievre French Inflammation of the snowy waves.
Genn French The one who is spiritually open-minded.
Genny French The one who is pure, unpolluted, polite and fair.
Gennye French The virgin girl, pure
Georete French A farmer who tills the soil
Georgette French The person who works with soil, seeds, and plants.
Georgine French A planter who works in a farm.
Germain French A male person who is a fellow member.
Germaine French This refers to a young branch of new growth.
Germana French A person who comes from the country Germany.
Gersende French The path or the right way
Gervaise French A person who is working for a spear.
Gilberta French Gilberta is a female name that means Hostage. It is of French, Germanic and English origin.
Gilberte French Gilberte is a feminine version of the name Gilbert. It is of French origin and means Bright Pledge.
Gisele French Gisele means Pledge or Hostage.
Giselle French Pledge or Hostage
Giulia French The meaning of the name Giulia is Youthful
Giverny French Giverny is a French name after the French Town Named Giverny
Gladyce French The name Gladyce means Sword.
Gladys French Gladys comes from a Latin word and means Sword
Grainne French They have the ability to make life stable, to handle people and to get the solutions to difficulties of life.
Graland French The one with a kind and peaceful heart, ready to help and guide others and to create a peaceful atmosphere.
Grece French It comes from the french word “gris” which means grey and was commonly used in medieval France and England. It has many variations; the most common are Grace or Gracey.
Guiliaine French This name means pleasant. The person with this name will devote his life to a pleasant thing.
Guinivere French Guinivere means fair, white. A girl with great beauty and white color.
Gaetana Latin The person who originally comes from Gaeta, Italy.
Ganna Latin Favor, a woman who is full of grace.
Gariana Latin Latin – Charm, Grace; A derivative of name Grace
Gavina Latin The attacker who is white in complexion.
Gazelle Latin Who is gentle and merciful.
Gemini Latin Means two babies who were born together, two babies in single birth, twins.
Gemma Latin Jewel; Precious Stone; Gem
Genera Latin Refers to common, overall or universal.
Genesia Latin Newborn or newcomer to the family or society.
Georgia Latin Feminine form of George
Georgine Latin A planter who works in a farm.
Giliana Latin The female name Giliana is of Latin origin and means Graceful, Blessing.
Giliane Latin Giliane is a female name and means Graceful, Blessing. It is a variation of the name Giliana and has Latin and French origins.
Gillian Latin Gillian is a female name of Latin origins. It means Blessing.
Gillie Latin The meaning of Gillie is Bright Sky. Gillie is a female name of Latin and Germanic origin.
Ginna Latin Ginna is a variation of Vigrinia and means Virgin.
Ginnee Latin The name Ginnee means Virgin.
Ginnie Latin Ginnie is usually a short form of Virginia and means Virgin.
Ginny Latin Ginny means Virgin, Virginal.
Giustina Latin The name Giustina means Just, Fair
Gladiola Latin Gladiola means Sword.
Gladyce Latin The name Gladyce means Sword.
Gladys Latin Gladys comes from a Latin word and means Sword
Glora Latin The name Glora is a Latin name and means Glory.
Gloria Latin Gloria means Glory in Latin
Gloriana Latin Glorious Grace; Glory; Derived from the Latin word Gloria
Gloriane Latin Gloriane means Glorious Grace.
Glorianna Latin The meaning of the name Glorianna comes from Latin and means Glory
Glorielle Latin Glorielle means She, who is Glorious.
Grasia Latin In Latin, grase means beautiful and blessings.
Gratia Latin Grace; Favor; Blessing; Mercy; Eloquence or beauty of form, kindness; which is derived from the Latin gratia (favor, thanks)
Greer Latin They are very warm and friendly. They have spiritual nature and a peaceful mind
Griselda Latin In german, Griselda means the gray battle or Christianity battle, In Latin, it means Gray haired or in easy word an intelligent person.
Griselle Latin Grey Haired, The one with wisdom and intelligence. The one who has hidden qualities of knowledge, research and wisdom. Owing to a research and analytical mind.
Grisill Latin The one with the clever mind, quick-witted, excited, adventurous and intelligent.

These were some of the best baby girl names starting with G. For more baby girl names starting with G, visit below links.

Read More: 101 Beautiful Hispanic Baby Girl Names for Your Angel

Read More: 21 Strong and Powerful Baby Girl Names

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