How to get pregnant with PCOS


If you’re dealing with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) getting pregnant can be a cause of concern for you. PCOS is among the most leading causes of infertility in women. This is because it causes hormonal imbalances in your body. This makes it difficult for you to get pregnant. However, if you want to get pregnant even after you have been diagnosed with PCOS, there are certain treatments that can help.

Read More: 11 Home Remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Here are the treatments that can help improve your chances to get pregnant with PCOS.

How to get pregnant with PCOS

Fertility Medications

Certain fertility drugs can help you conceive even of you have PCOS. These can temporarily help with the process of ovulation. These drugs can help give extra push for proper follicular development.

However, there are certain drawbacks to using fertility drugs to get pregnant with PCOS. This is that these kinds of drugs generally work only in one cycle. There is also the risk of your eggs becoming poor in quality. This happens because when you take fertility drugs, the egg goes through early growth stages. This early growth happens in an irregular hormonal environment.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

This is a great option for you if you’re suffering from PCOS and want to get pregnant. In this process the egg is extracted from your body and manually combined with the sperm in a laboratory dish. The embryo is then transferred back to the uterus.


Many women who are suffering from PCOS have found IVF to be very helpful in getting them pregnant. They have been able to get pregnant despite their condition and delivered healthy babies. On the downside, IVF treatment is both time-consuming and expensive.

pregnant with PCOS

Reducing insulin level

Drugs taken in combination with metformin are also used to help women get pregnant with PCOS. This helps to lower your insulin level and improve fertility. You can ask your doctor about metformin if you are wanting to get pregnant with PCOS.

Ovarian Drilling

One of the treatments that your doctor may suggest for helping you get pregnant with PCOS is ovarian drilling. This is a minimally invasive surgery that can induce ovulation. It is a kind of laparoscopic surgery that doctors usefor patients with PCOS.

The process involves puncturing your ovary with a small needle. This needle carries an electric current. This process damages a small section of your ovary. Many women select this procedure to get pregnant with PCOS. However, there are some drawbacks of this surgical treatment.

The effects of the ovarian drilling are shortlived. This procedure can induce ovulation and help lower the male hormones in your body for a short period of time only. There is also the risk of you developing scar tissues between your ovary and fallopian tube. There can also be other complications resulting from the surgery that can hamperthe chances of you conceiving later.


Reduce Weight

Most doctors suggest weight loss as the first line of treatment for patients with PCOS wanting to get pregnant. If you are suffering from PCOS and are also overweight, this could doubly affect your fertility. The excess weight can cause greater problems with your chances of getting pregnant.

Losing even a small amount of the excess weight can help stimulate ovulation. Research shows that losing even a minimal amount like five percent of your body weight can improve your chances of getting pregnant. If you are obese and suffering from PCOS you can try to lose some of the excess weight to increase your fertility.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can be a great way to improve your chances of becoming pregnant with PCOS. This helps you lose the excess weight. Exercising regularly also helps to keep your weight in control. This in turn can also positively affect your fertility. This is because it keeps your hormones regulated and increases your chances of ovulation.

According to the 2009 guidelines published by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, exercise is one of the first lines of therapies recommended for stimulating ovulation. However, before you begin to exercise, please consider any physical or health restrictions. Also make sure you talk to your doctor before starting any exercise regimen.

Make dietary changes

Eating a PCOS friendly diet can be a good way to improve your fertility. Change your diet to include foods that help keep your blood glucose stable. This plays an important part in improving the PCOS symptoms. It also helps to regulate your menstrual cycle. Include carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (GI).

Your body takes longer to break these down and digest them. This in turns helps to keeping your blood glucose levels stable for longer periods of time. Avoid foods with simple sugars. Instead, choose high-fiber and complex carbohydrates.


Consider taking dietary supplements

If you are suffering from PCOS you may also be suffering from a deficiency of Vitamin D. This can increase insulin resistance in your body leading to reduced fertility. You can get yourself checked for Vitamin D deficiency and ask your doctor for a recommended supplement.

There are also herbal supplements such as false unicorn roots that are considered to behelpful in improving fertility. However, please consult a qualified herbal doctor before you start taking herbal supplements.


Dealing with PCOS and related fertility issues can be very daunting. However, there is no need to get disheartened. There are treatments and remedies available that can help you get pregnant with PCOS. Having this condition doesn’t automatically mean that you won’t be able to have a baby. You may have difficulty in getting pregnant. But, with the right treatment, you can get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby.

Maintaining a healthy body weight, exercising regularly and making PCOS friendly changes in your diet can all go a long way in improving your fertility. You can also take dietary supplements and fertility drugs to boost your chances. If you and your doctor are both comfortable, you can also go in for the surgical option. However, before selecting any treatment option, please consult a qualified healthcare professional or fertility expert.

