13 Scandalous Folk Remedies to avoid During Pregnancy


Belief is simply considered as an idea that a person holds as being true. These can come from any source. Some have logic behind them and the same don’t. But people still believe them and defend their belief strongly. In early times there were no many doctors and every family could not afford a doctor. Herbal remedies were therefore used as supplements, herbal medicine. People started using them in the form of herbal tinctures, infusions, capsules or pills because they were cheap and found to be beneficial.

Most health care workers do not recommend such remedies because the safety testing of these herbal remedies is considered unethical. Many remedies are known to be quite harmful to the pregnant woman as well as the baby during pregnancy and thus are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. Following may be the reason for being unsafe :

  • It may increase blood flow during menses or help bring on menses. Though not causing miscarriage but should not be taken during early pregnancy.
  • It may cause a miscarriage by stimulating the uterus to contract.

It is always better not to consume any kind of remedy in the initial pregnancy phase unless any specialist has prescribed it. Such folk remedies are natural but not safe. Following are some herbal remedies to be avoided during pregnancy or labor :

13 Outrageous Folk Remedies to avoid During Pregnancy

It is always better not to consume any kind of remedy in the initial pregnancy phase unless any specialist has prescribed it. Such folk remedies are natural but not safe. Following are some herbal remedies to be avoided during pregnancy or labor :

Aloe Vera

Though aloe vera is one of the most beneficial herbs to be used in our day-to-day life. But during pregnancy, it should be avoided as it can cause miscarriage. The long-term use of aloe vera can lead to potassium deficiency in the woman’s body. Potassium is important for the normal functioning of the heart. Therefore, when potassium is deficit heart problems occur along with muscle weakness. The topical use of aloe vera in cosmetic creams and gels on the skin is safe.

folk remedies to be avoided during pregnancy


Anise or Aniseed

This acts as a uterine stimulant when given in high doses. Therefore, it should be avoided in the last trimester. It may cause skin irritation and also lead to heartburn.

Alder Buckthorn

It is characterized to cause cramps and nausea alongside the morning sickness a woman face during pregnancy. The long term effect leads to potassium deficiency in the body resulting in an imbalance of electrolyte and water loss from the body.

Autumn Crocus

Also known as colchicum autumnale. It is known to cause a defect in the cell division process thus causing the occurrence of birth defects in the baby.


It is a uterine stimulant that can also cause stomach irritation. Being a uterine stimulant, it can lead to miscarriage or preterm delivery.


It can cause vigorous contraction of the uterus, poor fetal development and light sensitivity.


It is also a uterine stimulant and stomach irritant leading to a miscarriage or premature labor.


Blue Cohosh

One of the most commonly used remedies. It is known to cause developmental abnormalities such as heart anomalies and can even lead to miscarriage.


It is very harmful to the baby inside the womb. This herb is characterized to cause thyroid gland enlargement as well as abnormal secretion of pituitary hormones.


This variety of capsicum is known to cause heartburn and gastrointestinal reflux disorder. Along with this, it should be carefully handled as it irritates the skin.


The remedy to be found in every house. But during pregnancy, if a woman experiences heartburn then this should be avoided as it can worsen the heartburn and is known to cause blood clotting disorders with liver complications.


Another remedy to be found at home easily. It is associated to cause allergic reactions as well as uterine contraction leading to miscarriage.


Garlic is considered healthy to eat as it increases immunity of the body but during pregnancy, it should be avoided because it can upset the stomach and high intake can cause blood clotting problems.



During pregnancy it is advised not to take this remedy as it can lead to vitamin B1 deficiency and hypersensitivity reactions can also occur.


Everyone in today’s world loves eating pizza and the oregano and chilly flakes make them taste even better. But consumption of oregano in large quantities is not worth, it may stimulate the uterus and then result in miscarriage or pre-term birth of the baby.


It is known to trigger the menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle thus leading to menstrual bleeding eventually turning out to be a miscarriage.


Such remedies are to be avoided during pregnancy. These are naturally occurring herbs but are not necessarily safe to use. Therefore, only after consultation from the doctor, these herbs could be used. The risk of miscarriage is usually high in the woman who goes for such remedies without any consultation
