11 Effective Benefits of Cinnamon for Babies


Cinnamon offers a number of health benefits to your child. It helps in boosting your child’s immunity. It will help your child from falling ill, often.  Also at the same time, cinnamon is a great anti-oxidant. It helps your child recover from any form of tissue damage. Cinnamon is also a natural anti-microbial agent. It fights off the microorganisms from your child’s system and keeps him/her healthy. Apart from this, cinnamon also helps your child to fight common cold and flu. It also speeds up the overall healing process of any sort of bone fracture and wounds in your child. It is also known for healing any sort of burns and wounds.  (Ranasinghe, 2016).

Giving Cinnamon to Your Child:

Cinnamon can be given to your child in many ways and forms. It can be added as a spice in the food. It makes the foods tasty. Adding cinnamon to chicken and fish will make your child love the dish. You can marinate your Sunday roast in cinnamon, before the actual grill. This will not only enhance the taste of the meat but also at the same time it will help your child digest it faster.

Cinnamon can also be added in the milk. It mixes will with milk. You can make your child have milk mixed with cinnamon on a regular basis. Drinking the cinnamon milk will immune him/her from any sort of digestive disorders. It will also provide an alteration in the flavour.

Then cinnamon can be made into a paste and applied topically on your child’s skin. This helps to heal any burn or injury. The paste must be thick enough to stay and dry in the affected area. Otherwise, also topical use of cinnamon paste can actually improve the quality of skin of your child. It will help maintaining the tenderness of your child’s skin. Cinnamon has many benefits to offer. It also can be given to your child in many forms.


Health Benefits of Cinnamon for Children

Cinnamon offers many health benefits to your child. From boosting immunity to healing wounds, cinnamon is indeed the magic spice, which every child needs.


Anti-Inflammatory Agent

Cinnamon has super anti-inflammatory properties. Cinnamon can generate anti-inflammatory chemicals which prevents your child from falling ill. It also aids in faster recovery from any injury or disease. (Ranasinghe, 2016).

Strong Anti-Oxidant

Cinnamon, as a spice, is a strong anti-oxidant. It helps in the production of the anti-oxidant enzymes. It helps to fight-off any free radicals in your child’s system and protects his/her vital organs like heart, kidney and liver from any critical damage.

Anti-oxidant properties of cinnamon help in maintaining a healthy stomach, kidney and intestine of your child.

Boosts Digestion

Consumption of cinnamon, at a regular basis, might improve your child’s digestive capacity. The anti-oxidant property of the spice tends to protect your child’s stomach lining. It prevents the digestive juices to harm the lining of the stomach. (Opara, 2014).

Anti-Microbial Agent

Cinnamon has the capacity of fighting off any sort of microbes which might harm your child’s internal system. That is why children who consume cinnamon, on a regular basis, tend to fall less ill than children who do not.

Over the years, cinnamon has proved its worth in curing digestive problems in children, along with


Boosts Immunity

Cinnamon is a great immunity booster. It will protect your child from any sort of disease or ailment. Common ailments like cold or flu can be prevented by a great extent, if your child is regularly having cinnamon.

It protects the respiratory system of your child and keeps it clean from any kind of phlegm creation. For that reason, if you plan to add this tasty spice, in your child’s diet, then it is likely that he/she will fall less ill. (Jiang, 2016).

Heals Wounds Faster

 Along with the internal healing, cinnamon is also known for its benefits associated with topical usage. Cinnamon paste, applied on any sort of wound will make it heal much faster. The anti-microbial properties and anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon quicken the healing process of the wound.

Natural Painkiller

The extent of your child’s pain and suffering, due to any injury and ailment can also be reduced by the consumption of cinnamon. The suffering of your child can considerably reduced by using cinnamon. (Opara, 2014).

Speeds the Healing of Bone Fracture

What is childhood without a fractured arm or leg? It is very normal for kids to break their limbs, once or twice. Consumption of cinnamon often speeds the healing process of fractured bones.

You can mix cinnamon with milk and make your child have it on a regular basis. This normally quickens the healing process.


Protects Teeth Decay

Your child’s addiction to sweets can cause severe issues with his/her teeth. In such cases, massaging the teeth with grounded roast cinnamon helps to prevent the decay. Cinnamon also can cure aching and bleeding gums, in children.

Protects Skins

Cinnamon has the quality of protecting your child’s tender skin from the harshness of the pollutants. As a great detoxifier, cinnamon helps in energizing the skin cells of your child and help him/her maintain the tenderness.

It also helps in healing any sort of skin disease your child is suffering from. Diseases like eczema and acne can be treated very easily by using cinnamon paste on your child’s skin.

Great Anti-Allergic

Allergies normally happen to children as a reaction to any foreign bodies entering the system and the immune system failing to combat it completely. However, if your child is having cinnamon on a regular basis, then already he/she is having a strong immune system to cope with such foreign attacks.  (Jiang, 2016).

Cinnamon equips your child’s system with anti-allergic capabilities. Your child’s system gets additional help from the anti-oxidants present in cinnamon.

Treats Asthma

The chemicals and enzymes present in cinnamon are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. That is why they have great effect on any sort of disease and bacterial blockages found in your child’s respiratory tract. In this way cinnamon can heal asthma by clearing any sort of problem found in your child’s respiratory problems.



Cinnamon is safe to consume in little amount. However, consumed more it can cause severe stomach upset. It can also trigger skin and mouth irritation amongst kids. It might also create problems in blood clotting.  Under normal circumstances, cinnamon is healthy for your child. In fact it is one of the healthiest spices which you can safely add to your child’s diet, without any worries. However, if your child is under any sort of blood thinning medication then cinnamon is strongly not advised. That is why it is essential that you consult with your doctor before adding cinnamon in your child’s diet.



