Hiccups in Babies and 11 Ways to Get Rid of Baby Hiccups Effectively


Some of the easy ways to get rid of baby hiccups include giving sugar to the child, massages, gripe water, keeping a straight posture while feeding the baby, anise seeds, help the baby burp, avoiding overfeeding the baby, etc. to name a few.

Hiccups in Babies

Hiccups are common in babies, and most of the time, they go away naturally. However, when the infant starts hiccuping during the diet or feeding hours, it may get choked. Mothers try out various ways to stop the child from hiccuping. When the diaphragm muscles come in contact, the babies start hiccuping. Although it is not a serious issue, you would not like your child to be in discomfort.

The baby may start hiccuping when he experiences any type of excitement, or undergoes anxiety. It may also be an effect of climate change, crying, coughing or as a result of Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

What Trigger Hiccups In Bottle Fed and Breast Feed Babies?

Hiccups are pretty common in bottle fed as well as breastfeeding babies. There can be a number of causes that can trigger hiccups in babies. Some of these are as discussed below:

hiccups in babies

1. Swallowing excessive air

Your baby may swallow too much air if he/she is fed by bottle because the flows much faster from a bottle as compared to your breast. The symptoms due to air inflow are very much similar to that of overfeeding. Thereby, overfeeding along with excessive gulping of air can trigger hiccups.


2. Airborne irritants

Pollution, fumes or intense fragrance are some of the airborne irritants that can trigger cough in the babies which further puts pressure on the diaphragm and makes it flutter. This can lead to hiccups.

3. Allergies

Some babies are allergic to the protein found in breast milk or formula milk which leads to an inflammation of the esophagus. Change in the breast milk composition can also be one reason behind the same. This causes the diaphragm to flutter, thus leading to hiccups.

4. Asthma

In case your baby is suffering from asthma, the airflow is restricted into the lungs which is because of the inflammation of the bronchial tubes of his lungs. The wheezing thus caused leads to spasmodic movement of the diaphragm resulting in hiccups.

5. Change in temperature

Particularly, a drop in the temperature leads to muscle contraction in the baby. Furthermore, the contraction of the diaphragm induces the hiccups in the baby.

6. Gastroesophageal reflux

When the contents of the stomach move into the esophagus, the condition is called as gastroesophageal reflux which happens due to the underdeveloped lower esophageal sphincter of the babies. This further induces the diaphragm to flutter, hence lading to hiccups.

How to Get Rid of Hiccups in Babies?

Here are eleven ways you can help your baby get rid of hiccups.


Give sugar to your child

Giving sugar to the child during hiccups is an effective solution. It can stop the hiccups within a few minutes. Provide water to your child after feeding him a teaspoon of sugar. The sweet taste attracts the nerves, while the contractions in the diaphragm go away.

Massages to get rid of hiccups 

Massaging the back of the baby helps him to get rid of hiccups. You simply need to run the back gently, and it works out well. Place the baby in an upright position, while you rub the lower back area to shoulder region. You need not slap the back, simply rub it gently. It will push the air out from the stomach.

Read More: Importance of Baby Massage and Its Benefits

Gripe water

Gripe water is a good solution to end hiccups in babies. It is safe for your kid and many parents provide gripe water to their children when they hiccup. It eliminates the intestinal discomfiture, including gas and colic acid to soothe the child.

Straight posture during feeding

The most common cause for hiccups in newborn children is the wrong feeding position. You need to place the baby in an upright posture when you feed him. Babies tend to swallow a substantial amount of air while eating. Make the baby sit at an angle ranging between 30 degrees to 45 degrees. This will prevent the air from accumulating in the stomach for long.


Bottle position

You should maintain the right angle while feeding the baby using a bottle. The bottle should be kept at an angle of 45 degrees, that does not allow air from entering into it. Evidently, the air cannot seep through the bottle, which the baby may swallow. This is an effective way of hiccups in babies.

Check the feeding bottle and the latch

Check if you have latched your baby in the right way. The areola should be covered by the lips of the child. If the lips do not cover them, air can get into their mouth, swallowing this air can cause hiccups.

Keep the baby straight after the meals

After you feed the child, make sure that it does not lie down instantly. The baby has to be kept in a straight position for a certain span of time. This will prevent reflux from affecting the digestive process. At times, the food in the stomach rises up the oesophagus. This can lead to hiccups. Place the child in an upright position after you feed it.

Feed the baby slowly

Feeding the baby too fast may lead to hiccups. When the child is hungry, it may eat at a fast pace. Take care to ensure that they swallow it slowly, or else, it may lead to hiccups.

Help your baby to burp

Burping releases the air in the stomach of the child. When you feed the child, make sure to hold it in a straight position. Even after the meals are over, maintain this position till he burps. The accumulated air should be let out to prevent hiccups.

Anise seeds

Anise seed is an effective remedy to prevent hiccups in children. This is safe for children and you simply need to add anise seeds in a cup of hot water and allow it to cool. Feed it to your baby to stop the hiccups.


Wait till the hiccups subside

You need to have the patience for the hiccups in your child to subside. Do not lie down the child when he hiccups while eating, the air in the stomach has to find a way out.

If the baby continues to hiccup for more than 24 hours, you should consult a doctor. Hiccups are not harmful, but you should make your baby as comfortable as possible. You will find these guidelines beneficial to soothe your child when he experiences hiccups the next time.

Hope this article was of help for all our parents!! Please share your comments/queries/tips with us and help us create a world full of Happy and Healthy Babies!!