Corpus Luteum Cysts During Early Pregnancy: Ultimate Guide


The dawn of the age of the internet has made it possible for everyone to conduct their basic research, no matter what the subject. This is handy for most pregnant couples as it helps them understand certain aspects of what they are experiencing, and also prepares them to pose their queries to a medical professional in a coherent manner. However, information on the internet can be sparse and this can create a block in how prospective parents may interpret certain conditions. The problem of the corpus luteum cyst is one such block that every couple should consider carefully before drawing their conclusions about it.

The name itself may sound complicated enough to create an automatic sense of trepidation around the subject. However, a detailed analysis of the symptoms and variations in the corpus luteum cysts in early pregnancy may provide a guide to future parents on how to identify and tackle a real problem.

Read More: Ovarian Cysts: Symptoms, Types, Risk, Treatment and Prevention

Corpus Luteum Cysts During Early Pregnancy: Every Women Should Know

corpus luteum cysts

What is a corpus luteum cyst?

The corpus luteum is a perfectly normal development that occurs regularly in women. During ovulation and early pregnancy, the female body comes up with an endocrine structure of a temporary nature. During ovulation, it helps in the development of the vesicular follicle which can rupture in order to expel the ovum into the fallopian tube. The corpus luteum secretes progesterone until conception and after 12 weeks, the placenta takes on the function of the corpus luteum.

Sometimes a small sac filled with fluid can develop on the corpus luteum. This is a functional cyst that can occur in women, in general or during an early pregnancy. The corpus luteum cyst is perfectly normal its size of between two to six centimetres. If there are other variations to the norm, however, you might need further treatment.


Read More: Your Changing Body: 6 Stages Of Pregnancy

Variations of corpus luteum cysts

The corpus luteum cysts in early pregnancy are normal, but they may vary from woman to woman with regard to certain aspects:


The size of the cyst is usually less than 5cm but may sometimes acquire a size as big as 12cm. Pain in such cases is normal and this may require immediate medical attention.

The substances inside

The fluid filled cyst may be a simple water filled sac, or may also contain some solid components.


The structure of the corpus luteum cyst may be that of a simple sac, or may comprise of multiple sacs lumped together, or having dividing lines between each structure.

Gestational age

The time at which the corpus luteum cyst in early pregnancy develops is also important. While the first trimester (first 13 weeks) poses minimal threat, corpus luteum cysts pregnancy during the second and third trimesters (13-22 weeks and 22-26 weeks respectively) should be taken more seriously.


These characteristics are important to identify in order to adjudge whether you require treatment and if yes, to what extent you do so.

Symptoms of a corpus luteum cyst

The development of a corpus luteum cyst in the early days of pregnancy is quite routine. The cyst may develop without much fanfare, with virtually no symptoms to suggest that there may be an aberration. Sometimes, however, the cyst may be painful. During the early days of the long nine-month period, a woman experiences various levels of discomfort and pain, making it difficult to trace the pain to the development of a cyst. Keeping in mind the trend of corpus luteum cyst in pregnancy can help identify any symptoms that might manifest.

Here are a few potential problems that you should be on the lookout for:


A corpus luteum cyst over 5cm in size usually causes pain but it is impossible to predict which cysts will cause or will continue cause pain. If you are experiencing inconceivable pain, however, it is possibly a result of torsion where the cyst distorts the ovaries itself causing them to twist. In such a case immediate medical attention and surgery is the only option.


Rupture of the cyst that has developed is extremely unexpected and almost never happens. If at all it does occur, a small cyst rupturing may cause some bleeding.


90% of all corpus luteum cysts that develop during the days of early pregnancy are benign and have no malignancy or tendency of cancer. But getting yourself checked all the same is recommended.


The extent of the problem

If you feel pain or have suspicions of a developing a corpus luteum cyst in early pregnancy, it is important that you notify your doctor immediately. Though these cysts are generally harmless, they can sometimes be unpredictable, causing complications later. In order to avoid such a turn of events, it is important that you get an ultrasound and monitor the size of the developing cyst in all the tests that follow so that you have a complete understanding of it.

Diagnosis and treatment

Just as it has been reiterated in the article, a corpus luteum cyst during pregnancy is normal and generally harmless. There are exceptions, however, and it is important to monitor the development of this fluid-filled sac in order to ensure that your case does not become an exception where the sudden acting up of the cyst takes you by surprise and creates unnecessary complications for your partner and you. You must notify your doctor and you must work together to ensure that no extra problems crop up on a journey that is already challenging and arduous in itself.


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