When Did I Conceive?


Pregnancy is exciting and overwhelming for both parents. The pregnancy news brings happiness into a family. The expectations, love, and care are worth it. Every woman is finally in a phase of change, the phase which brings maturity in here. But she wants to know when did this it all happen. The time when she conceived is cheerful for her and when is her due date of delivery. She is curious to know every single detail about it.

The baby is conceived only when ovulation has taken place and then the fertilization process of egg with sperm has occurred. This is usually considered to happen at least 10 days after the first day of the woman’s menstrual period.

In this article:

How Many Weeks is the Woman Pregnant?
Conceive Calculator
Conception Calculator Based on the Due Date
Conception Calculator Based on LMP

When Did I Get Pregnant?

How Many Weeks is the Woman Pregnant?

The conception calendar calculator helps in dealing with all curiosity of the woman. The basic aim of the conception calculator is to estimate the conceiving date of the woman. The fertile period is defined as a period before ovulation about 3-5 days and one day after ovulation. Therefore, it is important to have intercourse within this time to conceive. The sperm can survive up to 7 days inside the woman’s body, but conception require ovulation. Thus conception day is ovulation day itself and may last for about 24 hours after the release of an egg.


When Did I Conceive?


Conceive Calculator

A conceive calculator is also known as a conception calendar calculator. This can be either based on :

  • Due date
  • Last Menstrual Period (LMP)

Conception Calculator Based on the Due Date

The very first method is to provide the birth due date. This requires the doctor as he with the help of ultrasound and blood tests would assess and give an estimated due date. Doctors are able to see the baby from the 5th-6th week of pregnancy with the help of ultrasound but the best time to go for sonography is between weeks 8 and 12. Along with sonography images and blood tests, the doctor can assess the due date, as well as the week of pregnancy, can also be determined. Usually, pregnancy is thought to last for about 40 weeks when counted from the first day of your last period. Approximately 266 days from conception is the due date. If the newborn is born in less than 37 weeks then, it is known as premature birth. The due dates are not fixed rather these are considered to be better known as expected delivery dates. Only 4 percent of babies born on their due dates and most of the babies are born at least two weeks before or after the expected due date.

The formula to  determine the conception date through the due date is as follows:


Due date – 266 = Conception date

Conception Calculator Based on LMP

This is another method of determining the conception date. Here woman needs to provide the first day of her last menstruation (LPM) and the average duration of her menstrual cycle. Normally in a woman a menstrual cycle is considered to be of 28 days. But, it may vary between 21 days to 35 days. In the 28 days cycle, ovulation is to occur on day 14 before the initiation of the next cycle. Therefore, in 28 days cycle, ovulation occurs on the 14th day after the first day of the cycle (bleeding starts). If the menstrual cycle in a woman is shorter then the corresponding number is subtracted and if longer than 28 days then some days are added. In exceptions like the woman with a shorter cycle than 21 days and longer cycle than 35 days, this calculation is not valid. Thus require doctor consultation. The formula which helps in determining the conception date based on LMP is as follows :

LMP + cycle length – 14 = Conception date


Conceiving a baby is a moment of joy. The methods to determine it are quite easy. Though it is always better to consult the doctor. Every pregnant woman should know single little detail about her pregnancy and therefore, she should be aware of changes happen to her, the changes taking place in her body during pregnancy. The use of conception calculator makes it simple and less complicated while the advancement of science techniques like ultrasonography also helps in determining the gestational age of the baby as well as risk or any problem which may be harmful to baby or mother during delivery.
