201 Unique and Beautiful Baby Boy Names Starting with Y


If you are looking for baby boy names starting with Y, here are 201 best baby boy names starting with Y with meanings.

201 Cute Baby Boy Names Starting with Y

Read More: 4000 Baby Boy Names Starting with A

Names Origin Meaning
Yafeu African A bold and strong man.
Yaro African Son
Yaamir Arabic The moon
Yaasoob Arabic Ali’s Title
Yacine Arabic Yacine is a variant of the Arabic given name Yasin. It means happiness.
Yadid Arabic A beloved friend.
Yafir Arabic The one who leaves a mark.
Yahir Arabic He will enlighten
Yakub Arabic God will protect.
Yaman Arabic Proper name
Yamar Arabic Life, alive.
Yaqeen Arabic Certainty, or lack of doubt
Yaqinul Islam Arabic One who believes in Islam
Yaqoot Arabic Ruby, Garnet; Gold; Pearl; Coral
Yasar Arabic Wealth, ease
Yashem Arabic A green leaf.
Yazan Arabic A determined man.
Yazeed Arabic He who makes progress.
Yazid Arabic God will increase
Yeraz Arabic Dream
Yergha Arabic The one who strikes.
Yesal Arabic The crown of flowers
Yesoob Arabic A guiding person.
Yoonus Arabic A Prophet’s name; A variant transcription is Yunus
Yosif Arabic Bulgarian form of Yousuf, meaning Allah increases in piety, power and influence.
Yousef Arabic Derived from Joseph which means Jehovah increases
Yureed Arabic Want, desire.
Yates English Gates
Yeoman English Attendant
Yves French Yew Wood
Yael Hebrew Mountain goat
Yaghoub Hebrew Assyrian form of Jacob, meaning to heel.
Yagil Hebrew He will rejoice
Yahir Hebrew He will enlighten
Yan Hebrew Bulgarian form of Ioanne, meaning Jehovah has been gracious.
Yanick Hebrew Bretons form of John, meaning Yahweh is gracious
Yankel Hebrew Yahweh may protect.
Yann Hebrew Yann is Bretons form of John, which means Yahweh is gracious
Yasha Hebrew Hebrew – Yahweh will Protect; Holder of Heel; Supplanter
Yazdan Hebrew One who is mild and merciful.
Yechezkel Hebrew God will strengthen
Yechiel Hebrew May God live
Yedidya Hebrew Beloved of God
Yehochanan Hebrew God is gracious
Yehoshua Hebrew Yahweh is salvation.
Yehuda Hebrew God will be praised
Yerachmiel Hebrew God will have mercy
Yeshayahu Hebrew God is salvation
Yigal Hebrew He will redeem
Yirmiyahu Hebrew God will uplift
Yishai Hebrew A form of Jesse, meaning gift.
Yisrael Hebrew To struggle with God
Yissachar Hebrew There is a reward
Yitzhak Hebrew A form of Isaac. It means he laughs or laughter.
Yochanan Hebrew Yahweh is merciful.
Yoel Hebrew God is willing
Yohann Hebrew God is merciful
Yonatan Hebrew God’s gift
Yoran Hebrew Singing
Yosef Hebrew God shall add
Yosep Hebrew Assyrian form of Joseph, meaning God will increase.
Yoshiaki Hebrew To be happy or to be righteous
Yoshihiro Hebrew Common good
Yoshio Hebrew Righteous boy
Yoshiya Hebrew God delivers
Youel Hebrew A form of Joel. It means Yah is God.
Younan Hebrew Assyrian form of Jonah. It means dove.
Yousef Hebrew Derived from Joseph which means Jehovah increases
Yushua Hebrew A form of Joshua, meaning God saves.
Yael Israeli Mountain goat
Yagil Israeli He will rejoice
Yehochanan Israeli God is gracious
Yeshayahu Israeli God is salvation
Ye Joon (예준) Korean Ye means Art, Talent, or Craft,Yoon means Handsome
Yoo Joon (유준) Korean Yoo is a variant of Yu or Yuu, meaning Tenderness, Evening, Friend, Qualified, Courage, Help, and Yoon means Handsome
Yong-sun Korean The dragon in the first position.
Young-Jae Korean One who is destined to be ever prosperous.
Young-Soo Korean Keeping prosperity
Yadiel Spanish God has heard
Yaachan Sanskrit Prayer
Yaaja Sanskrit One of the names of Lord Shiva.
Yaamya Sanskrit One of the names of Lord Vishnu or Lord Shiva.
Yaashk Sanskrit Exerting
Yaashvan Sanskrit Winner
Yaatiesh Sanskrit Lord of devotees
Yadab Sanskrit Yadab is the Oriya version of Yadav. It’s one of the names of Lord Krishna and means descendent of Yadu.
Yadav Sanskrit Yadav is a name of Lord Krishna.
Yadavendra Sanskrit Leader of the Yadavas
Yadhav Sanskrit A variation of Yadav, meaning descendant of Yadu.
Yadhavan Sanskrit One of the names of Lord Krishna, meaning descendant of Yadu.
Yadhu Sanskrit Name of an ancient Indian king.
Yadnya Sanskrit The holy fire
Yadu Sanskrit Name of an ancient king.
Yadunandan Sanskrit Son of Yadu. A name of Lord Krishna
Yagnakaya Sanskrit One who accepts all the sacred and sacrificial offerings.
Yagya Sanskrit A holy ceremony
Yagyasen Sanskrit Name of king Drupad
Yagyesh Sanskrit Lord of the sacrificial fire
Yaj Sanskrit A sage
Yajat Sanskrit One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Yajnadhar Sanskrit A name of Lord Vishnu
Yajnarup Sanskrit A name of Lord Krishna
Yakshit Sanskrit Who is made forever, permanent, God
Yansh Sanskrit God name
Yashas Sanskrit Fame, a famous person.
Yashmit Sanskrit Famed, a famous person.
Yashodhar Sanskrit Famous
Yatharth Sanskrit Complete, truth
Yathavan Sanskrit A name of Lord Vishnu.
Yatindra Sanskrit A name of Lord Indra.
Yatiyasa Sanskrit Silver
Yatrik Sanskrit Journey
Yauva Sanskrit Young or youth
Yavanan Sanskrit Ascetic
Yayati Sanskrit Name of a sage.
Yayin Sanskrit A name of Lord Shiva.
Yedhant Sanskrit Brightness
Yeshwanth Sanskrit A Person who attains fame and glory
Yogadeva Sanskrit God of all the yoga.
Yogadhipa Sanskrit The Lord of Meditation
Yoganand Sanskrit Delighted with Meditation
Yogesh Sanskrit The God of yoga.
Yoginampati Sanskrit Lord of all the yogis.
Yogiraj Sanskrit A name of Lord Shiva. It means great ascetic.
Yojit Sanskrit Planner
Yokanathan Sanskrit Devotee
Yoshi Sanskrit Better or best among the rest
Yuddha Sanskrit War
Yudhajit Sanskrit Victorious in war.
Yudhister Sanskrit Represent the truthful
Yudhvan Sanskrit Skilled in War
Yudit Sanskrit Praise
Yug Sanskrit Age or generation
Yugadarman Sanskrit Eldest Pandava brother
Yugal Sanskrit Pair
Yugantar Sanskrit Distance between two generations, firm in the battle, or ever Lasting
Yugap Sanskrit Best of the Era
Yugma Sanskrit Twins
Yukta Sanskrit Idea
Yushan Sanskrit Mountain
Yuval Sanskrit A brook.
Yuvan Sanskrit Youthful
Yuvaraj Sanskrit Prince, heir or successor.
Yuyutsu Sanskrit One who is eager to fight.
Yasha Russian Hebrew – Yahweh will Protect; Holder of Heel; Supplanter
Yeva Russian Life
Yevgeny Russian A variant of Eugene, meaning aristocrat.
Yad Lebanese A Lebanese word for jade.
Yahya Lebanese The almighty is gracious
Yaqinul Islam Lebanese One who believes in Islam
Yamato (やまと) Japanese Great harmony
Youta (ようだ) Japanese Great sunlight
Yuuma (ゆうま) Japanese Gentle, Truthful, Honest
Yuuto (ゆうと) Japanese Gentleness or Tender person
Yoshi Japanese Better or best among the rest
Yoshiaki Japanese To be happy or to be righteous
Yoshihiro Japanese Common good
Yoshio Japanese Righteous boy
Yuka Japanese A bright Star
Yuu Japanese Excellence, Superiority, Gentleness, Brave
Yuvaan Indian Youthful; Lord Shiva; Young; Healthy; The Moon
Yuvaansh Indian Youthful; Lord Shiva
Yaamin Indian Blessed; Auspicious; Oath; Right hand; Right wing; Right side; Restrained
Yaani Indian Ripe; Scarlet
Yaashvan Indian Winner
Yadav Indian Lord Krishna; Descendent from Yadu; Name of Krishna
Yadhavan Indian Lord Krishna; Descendent of Yadu
Yadhuveer Indian Lord Krishna
Yadnesh Indian Spirit of happiness; Spirit of joy; God of Ganesha and Vignesh
Yadnyesh Indian Lord
Yadu Indian An ancient king
Yaduraj Indian Lord Krishna, King of Yadus
Yaduvir Indian Lord Krishna; Brave man; Descendent of Yadu
Yadved Indian
Yadvik Indian Unique
Yaeesh Indian Bin al-Jahm was a narrator of Hadith
Yafi Indian A narrator of Hadith
Yafir Indian To Image
Yagana Indian Unique; Unprecedented
Yagna Indian Ceremonial rites to God
Yagnesh Indian Religious leader
Yagnik Indian A person who performs Yagna / Pooja; Age of Nation
Yagnya Indian Ceremonial rites to God
Yagya Indian Sacrifice
Yagyasen Indian Name of king Drupad
Yagyesh Indian Lord of the sacrificial fire
Yahya Indian A prophets name
Yahyaa Indian A prophets name
Yaj Indian Worshipper; Sacrifice; Another name for Lord Shiva; A sage
Yajat Indian Sacred; Holy; Divine; Another name of Lord Shiva; Dignified; The Moon
Yajnarup Indian Lord Krishna; One who is as pure as Yajna; One whose form is Yajna
Yajnesh Indian Lord Vishnu; Lord of worship or sacrifice; Epithet of Vishnu; Epithet of Sun
Yajurv Indian Vedic Worship
Yajurva Indian One of the four Vedas; Lord Vishnu
Yajurved Indian
Yajvane Indian Performer of yagnas
Yajvin Indian Religious
Yaksh Indian A representative of God, a type of a demi God; Protector of forests; Speedy
Yaksha Indian A representative of God, a type of a demi God; Protector of forests; Speedy
Yakshit Indian Who is made forever; Permanent; God
Yakshith Indian Who is made forever; Permanent; God
Yakta Indian Unique
Yakul Indian Philosopher; Careful; Beautiful
Yala Indian Height
Yalmaz Indian Sahabi name
Yama Indian Stream; Motion; Night; God of death; River
Yamaan Indian Blessed
Yadunath Indian One of many names of Lord Krishna signifying him as Lord of Yadavas
Yamajit Indian One of many names of Lord Shiva signifying him as conqueror of death
Yash Indian Victory or glory
Yashesh Indian Fame and popularity
Yatesh Indian Lord Of Devotees; Leader of the devoted; A variant spelling is Yatish
Yathish Indian Lord Of Devotees; Leader of the devoted; A variant spelling is Yatish
Yogendra Indian The God of yoga

These were some of the best baby boy names starting with Y. For more baby boy names starting with Y, visit below links.

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