201 Unique and Beautiful Baby Boy Names Starting with R


If you are looking for baby boy names starting with R, here are 201 best baby boy names starting with R with meanings.

201 Cute Baby Boy Names Starting with R

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Names Meaning
Raedwolf A red haired wolf
Raelan An essence
Raff A red wolf
Rahere A strong counselor
Rahshone English name for Boys
Rainger A gamekeeper
Rainhold A smart protector
Ralah A man with success
Raleah One from the meadow of roe deer
Ralegh A meadow of roe deer
Raleich One from the deer meadow
Raleigh Old English – From the deer meadow; A variant form is Railey
Raley A place name, deer meadow
Rally One from the roe deer meadow
Ralston Surname meaninig Ralph’s town
Ramm A male sheep, ram
Ramond One who guards wisely
Ramsay A variant of name Ramsey; Derived from a place name meaning Wild-garlic Island in Old English
Ramsden Valley of ram
Ramsey A variant of name Ramsay; Derived from a place name meaning Wild-garlic Island in Old English
Ramzey Ram’s island
Rance English – Son of the shield; Latin – Laurel; Bay; A short form of Ransom
Randale A shield-wolf
Randel A surname variant of Randolph, means wolf’s shield
Randkin One who has a little shield
Randolf A house wolf, protector
Randoll Surname, means wolf shield
Randon Variant of Randolph, means shield with a wolf emblem
Randson Son of Rand
Randulphus A shield with a wolf emblem
Rane A mighty counselor
Ranfield One from the raven’s field
Rangey One from raven’s island
Rangford He who is from raven’s ford
Rangley One from the raven’s meadow
Rangy One from raven’s island
Raniel A variant of Ranielle which is a variant transcription of the name Danielle
Rankin A small shield
Ranlyn English name for Boys
Ranndy A house wolf
Rannoch Gaelic name meaning fern
Ransford A raven’s ford
Ransleigh A raven’s field
Ransley A raven’s meadow
Ransly One who lives near the raven’s field
Ransom A son of a shield maker
Ransome Son of Rand
Ranulfus English name meaning a shield with the emblem of a wolf
Rao One who is auspicious
Raoul A red wolf
Readman A counselor with red hair
Reason A word name, meaning a reasonable one
Reave One who works as a steward
Reaves The steward’s son
Rebel English – Rebellious; Defiant Person
Red One of red skin or red hair
Redamann A counselor of red hair
Redbourn A person from the place where the reeds grow
Redbourne One who comes from the redds growing place
Redcliff One who comes from the red cliff
Redcliffe A person whose home is on the red sliff
Redd One who has a red hear or a ruddy complexion
Redding The son of a redheaded man
Redeemer One who redeems for his sins
Redfers To have red fur
Redford One who comes from the red ford. Mostly used as a surname
Redlea One who is from the red field
Redleigh A person who is from the red fields
Redley Red fields are his home
Redly One whose home is in the red fields
Redman A man of red hair or skin
Redmund A protector of red hair
Redvers An old English surname from the medieval period
Redwald One who strongly counsels others
Reed A person who lives in the red clearing in the woods
Reede One who comes from the cleared lands, from the reeds
Reeding A redhaired man’s son
Reef A reef, or an underwater or partly submerged ledge
Reeford A place name of the medieval castle
Reeve English – Steward; Bailiff; A variant spelling is Reave
Reeves A person whose job is being a steward
Reg One who is mighty caunselor of the ruler
Regenbald One who is a chancellor
Regenfrith An old english surname meaning a calm raven
Regenfrithu One who can be comapared to a peaceful raven
Regengar A very old british family name, refers to a raven
Regenhere A family name, the meaning loosly tied to raven
Regenmaer A surname of english origins
Regenweald A strong and powerful man
Reginal One who rules with his advices
Reginald A ruler od advices
Reginalt One who advices the ruler
Reginauld A ruler’s advisor
Reginault An advisor who the rulers trusts
Regnauld The power of the counsel
Regnault The ruler’s counsel
Regnheah He who knows the power of the advise
Regnhere A person who gives ruling advices
Reide A red man that comes from the cleared land
Reiding A male child of the red-haired person
Richman A powerful, strong, mighty man
Richy An elderly but very powerful and wise ruler
Rick One who is a strict ruler
Rickard A powerful and strict ruler of men
Ricker One who has a very strong army at his side
Rickert A powerful, hard rule. Mainly used as a surname
Rickey A ruler who is kind, loved and powerful. One who is a complete ruler
Rickie To rule strongly and with great power
Rickman Mainly used as an English surname, means a powerful ruler
Rickward A firm, strong, determined guardian
Rickwerd A mighty, determined one who guards
Rickwood A powerful and mighty guardian
Ricky A tough, strong, hard ruler
Ricsig A name of the Northumbrian king
Ricsige King of the Northumbria, an old Northern English Kingdom
Ricweard A firm and strong man who protects and guards
Riddley One who comes from the cleared woods
Rider One who is a horsman, a rider of the horse
Ridere A man who acts like a true Knight
Ridge One who comes from the hill, from the ridge
Ridgeiey One who lives at the meadow ridge
Ridgeleigh One who dwells at the meadow near a ridge
Ridgeley A man who is from the meadow near a ridge
Ridgely A person whose home is at the meadow near the ridge
Ridgeway To be on the ridge road
Ridglea To be from the ridge meadow
Ridglee One who lives at the meadow near the hill
Ridgleigh A meadow that is near the raised part of solid ground
Ridgley One who lives by the meadow’s edge
Ridlea One who lives in the cleared part of the woods
Ridleigh One who comes from the clearing, a meadow
Ridley English Habitational Surname from the name Reed which means Wood Clearing
Ridly A person who lives in the wood, clearing or a meadow
Ridpath A person who lives next to the red path
Ried A red haired man who lives in the cleared land
Rieden English Habitational Surname from the name Reed which means Wood Clearing
Riehard A strong, hard red-haired man
Rigby A man who comes from ridge farm
Rigg One who lives near the rigde or a hill
Riggs Son of a man who lives near the ridge
Rigo From the Ridge; A variant transcription of Ridge
Rihoithil A man’s name
Rikild One who is powerful in battle
Rikkey Riky is Estonian form of Rick and means powerful, strong ruler.
Rikmai A servant of power
Riks Riks is a short form of Riky and means powerful and strong ruler.
Rikward One who guards the ruler and his power
Riky Riky is Estonian form of Rick. It means powerful, strong ruler.
Riley A man who comes from the rye meadow
Rilie A courageous and brave individual
Rocati Battle; Warfield
Rocatos Battle; Warfield
Rocelinus A rock-like person
Rochester English – Fortress; From a roofed Roman fort
Rocker A stone-like person
Rockland One who comes from a rocky land
Rocklee He who comes from a rocky meadow
Rockleigh English – Rook’s wood; The wood of Rook; A derivative of the English Rockley
Rockley English – Rook’s wood; The wood of Rook; A derivative of the English Rockleigh
Rockly A man whose fome is near a rocky meadow
Rockne Anglicized from the Norwegian farm name Rokne, which means strong rock
Rockwell To be like a stone, like a rock
Rocky One who is stony, rocky
Rod He who is from the reed island
Rodan Fertile or productive; Fertile Earth; A variant form of name Rodin
Rodd A ruler who is well-known and renown
Roddric A renewn, famous ruler of men
Roddrick A ruler who is famous among people
Roddy A well-know, acclamied leader of people
Roderic A legendary ruler of men
Roderick He is a ruler who will become legendary
Rodes A person whose home is near a crucifixion
Rodge One who has a famous spear
Rodger One who is a legendary spear
Rodnee One who lives on the island near a clearing
Rodney A person who comes from the island that is near a valley
Rodnie He who lives on the island near the clearing
Rodwell A person whose home is by the spring near the road
Roe He who has red hair
Roey A reddish person
Roger A legendary, famous warrior
Rogers A holder of a renown spear
Rogue An unpredictable and dishonest man
Roick He who is hard like a stone
Roley One who comes from the legendary lands
Rolland One famous for his legendary lands
Rolle A man who is notable for his lands
Rollie A person who is famous for his lands
Rollin A wolfy legendary man
Rollo A notable, acclaimed wolf
Roly An owner of famous lands
Romello A Roman person
Romin Arrow Fish; An English Surname with Russian Origin
Ronal He who rules by the counsel
Ronald One who is famous for his legendary lands
Rondell To go around in circle
Ronn He who will rule with his counsel
Ronson The male child of the one who owns the famous lands
Rook He who is like a raven
Roper An occupational name for a rope maker
Ryken He who is widely famous
Rylan A meadow on an island
Rylen He who is from the rye clearing
Ryley A place name meaning an Island meadow
Rylin A field of rye

These were some of the best baby boy names starting with R, for more baby boy name suggestions, visit below links.

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