Blighted Ovum: 11 Signs and Symptoms


Miscarriage can be due to many factors and reasons. When the embryo fails to develop despite the fertilized egg attaching to the uterus, you may have a blighted ovum. Read on to know the signs and symptoms of this kind of miscarriage.

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11 Signs and Symptoms of Blighted Ovum

Blighted Ovum is a type of miscarriage, where a fertilized egg gets attached to the uterine wall. However, the embryo fails to develop under these conditions. The cells do not develop into the embryo, but only forms the embryo sac. Generally, it occurs during the first trimester and the symptoms of blighted ovum are similar to that of miscarriage. The woman may not even know that she is pregnant when the ovum may get destroyed. This often happens due to a high level of chromosomes in the body.


Although bleeding is one of the earliest symptoms of blighted ovum, it is misleading in nature. Bleeding occurs during healthy pregnancies as well. Around 30% of women experience bleeding during pregnancies. You need to consult with your doctors in case you experience bleeding during this period.


A blighted ovum may lead to pain, and this is often associated with bleeding. This is one of the most prominent symptoms of blighted ovum. The pelvic area, abdomen and other parts of the body may have mild to severe pain. However, it is difficult to distinguish it from normal pain, similar to pain in the ligaments.


At times, pain caused due to blighted ovum may lead to cramps. This affects the lower back and pelvic areas of the body. Often, women are unaware of the actual cause of the pain. The uterus expands during pregnancy, which may also lead to cramps at times. It is recommended to consult the doctors if you suffer from cramps during pregnancy.


Decreased movements of the baby

Most of the time, the ovum gets destroyed during the first trimester. However, it may also take place in the later stages as well. The signs and symptoms of blighted ovum in the later pregnancy period is different from the ones in the early stages. Pregnant women will not be able to feel the movements of the baby in case the ovum gets destroyed.

Blighted ovum

No nausea

When the ovum gets spoilt, you will not experience the symptoms of pregnancy. For instance, nausea and morning sickness are among the common symptoms of a healthy pregnancy. In case the ovum gets destroyed, you will not experience any of these signs.

Reduced tenderness of breast

Another prominent symptom of blighted ovum is the lack of tenderness in the breast. As the baby grows in the body, certain physical changes take place in the women. By the third trimester, the breasts become tender, ready to breastfeed the child. However, in case of a blighted ovum, the tenderness of the breast gets reduced.

Normal energy level

Well, during pregnancy, the level of energy in the body gets reduced. However, if your ovum gets blighted, you will not feel like being pregnant. Women suffering from this type of miscarriages do not feel weak or tired. They experience the normal level of energy during pregnancy.


Normal urination

In case you find that the frequency of urination is normal, it might be a sign of a blighted ovum. In healthy women, the frequency of urination increases during pregnancy. However, if the ovum is destroyed, the frequency normalizes.


A blighted ovum can be identified by the color of mucous being secreted by the vagina. It turns pinkish-white in case the ovum is destroyed. You may also experience cramps in the abdominal region at the same time.  Have a consultation with your doctor in case you experience these symptoms.

Vaginal discharge

The vaginal discharge becomes unnatural in case you have a blighted ovum. It may result in unnatural gushes of blood and much thicker fluid being discharged from the vagina. You can also identify the fluid by its foul smell.

Decreased vomiting

Pregnant women have the tendency to vomit, especially in the morning. If you note a decrease in this symptom, you should go to a doctor. When the symptoms of pregnancy diminish, chances of vomiting and morning sickness are less. Besides, the hormones secreted from the body during pregnancy are also produced in a lesser quantity.

If you note any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor. Several factors can lead to blighted ovum. You should take necessary measures right from the beginning of your pregnancy period to prevent your ovum from getting damaged.

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