Is It Ok To Put Baby To Sleep Without Burping


Most newborns ultimately need to be burped, however, some have more gas than others. Burping occurs far more commonly in infants than in older kids or adults. Since they ingest all of their calories, they may swallow a lot of air. A newborn may need to be burped both during the day and at night. Sometimes babies fall asleep while being fed, therefore you may need to learn how to burp them while they are still asleep. It’s astonishing how much a baby can sleep through.

burping a baby

Even if your child nods out, wait a few minutes before putting them back to bed so they can burp. If not, the trapped gas will cause them to awaken in pain. Not all infants, whether spontaneously or with your help, burp, though. Continue reading to find out how to burp your baby, especially if they are fast asleep.

How To Burp A Baby Who Is Asleep?

Newborns typically fall asleep while eating, whether breastfed or given a bottle. As their tummies begin to fill up, they typically feel relaxed and at peace, starting to make soothing sucking motions and frequently falling asleep.

This is more common at night when they are more inclined to fall asleep. Even if a baby appears content and to be sleeping peacefully, it’s essential to try to get a burp from them before putting them back to sleep. Burping a sleeping infant is quite similar to burping an alert baby. You can stroll slower to help them fall asleep. Some burping positions are slightly easier to control when the baby is asleep. For instance, many people will put a newborn in an upright posture on their knee with their chin cupped to support the baby’s head. In this position, gravity and the baby’s weight combine to force air out and upward.

If your goal is to keep the baby asleep, you might not want to try this position because it has a higher chance of rousing the child. You should push on a baby’s belly while they are somewhat upright to encourage burping. If your baby doesn’t poop immediately after eating, you might want to replace their diaper so you won’t have to rouse them up if they do before letting them have a bedtime meal.


A Sleeping Infant Can Be Burped

Burp mid-bottle or in between swapping sides. A baby that is tired could love their feeding so much that they overindulge and fail to recognize the need for a burping break. Slowing the meal can assist your infant in a smoother burp and prevent any severe gas pain.

Burp your kid before they finish their bottle or in between switching breasts. This will help your infant make room for more milk rather than burping and spitting up any of their food.

Should I Actually Burp My Child?

Parents must perform various activities until their child becomes more independent, including burping. Although children and adults may readily discharge their own gas, many newborns require assistance given their limited command over how their bodies are arranged.

You’ll be able to tell right away whether your child is the kind who can eat without burping or whether they need to burp frequently. If your baby spits up or has a lot of gas, you should talk to your doctor about reflux.

Focus on any comforting measures that assist and don’t stress too much about getting burps out if you do have a colicky infant but can’t manage to get them to burp. No matter how often your infant burps during the day, it could be helpful to burp them after each nighttime feeding.


Gas drops and gripe water are available from pharmacies, but before using any of them, see a doctor. Because they are not subject to safety regulations, these supplements can contain dangerous ingredients. Regardless of whether your child spits up, or if they are constantly agitated and gassy, ask your doctor about coping techniques. Most babies overcome this after a few months.

The choking risk from spit-up is quite uncommon. Try your hardest to burp while you’re up feeding the baby to make the most of your time. All of us could benefit from a good night’s sleep after supper.

How Long Does It Take To Burp?

Burping frequently just requires a little amount of time. When you turn your infant onto its back, a burp may sometimes start right away, but on other occasions, you may need to await a little while and encourage things with a gentle pat or massage on the tummy.

A smart alternate strategy is to get your baby accustomed to sleeping in their cot rather than while being fed. When you see that your child is beginning to nod asleep at the breast or bottle, stop feeding them, let them burp for a moment, and then put them to sleep. Making this decision when you are younger is easier.

If your infant is often stiff and uncomfortable, talk to their doctor about further gas treatment choices. Some infants with severe reflux may need to stay upright for 30 minutes after a meal, day or night.

What To Do If Your Child Doesn’t Burp?

If your baby is drowsy, try burping them for a minute before putting them back to sleep. Due to their slower digestion and less air intake during feedings, newborns may not need as much overnight burping. If they cry when they awaken, soothe them, check to see if they need a clean diaper, and if it’s time, feed them again and make an effort to burp them after that feeding.


Causes Of Gassiness In Infants

Although there is only anecdotal support for this, some individuals think that newborns who are bottle-fed are more prone to having gas. The increased air exposure that bottle-guzzling newborns might experience could lead to overfeeding. Even breastfed infants, who are known to have extreme flatulence occasionally due to dietary sensitivities, can do so because every child is different.

Even though it’s rare, a nursing mother might have to try several different foods before determining exactly what she ate to upset her baby’s tummy. A mother cannot be informed by the study as to the precise reason for her baby’s excessive gas. Additionally, a lot of newborns with gas don’t seem to mind it.


Burping is a simple but crucial method for ensuring and maintaining your baby’s comfort. Even while they are asleep, your baby can benefit from burping to relieve gas so they don’t feel uncomfortable or wake up too early.


  1. KidsHealth From Nemours, Burping Your Baby, June 2022. | Show in the article
  2. American Academy of Pediatrics, Why Babies Spit Up, April 2019. | Show in the article