51 Amazing Flower Names for Girls


Some of the best flower names for girls include Primrose, Poppy, Jasmine, Zahara, Marigold, Dahlia,etc. to name a few. Our team has brainstormed and put together a list of 51 unique flower names along with the meanings to choose from. So what are you waiting for ? Let the search begin!

Well, getting to know that one is pregnant a lot of things come across, different type of question arises and one does everything to answer the question which he or she is facing. After knowing that one is pregnant it’s obvious that one faces a lot of difficulties in dealing with day to day possibilities.

They start imagining about different stuffs. Like whether it would be a girl or a boy, they start planning for their individual rooms as well and which colour they should prefer, if boy than blue, if girl than pink and so on. Being a parent is one of the most difficult job or I would say responsibility were one should always be with the other to handle the whole scenario.

Now, the curiosity one goes through that whether it will be a boy or a girl. And in this advance world to know everything is so possible by a single click and so does it is possible to know whether a couple is going to have a baby boy or a baby girl.

Having a baby girl

Everyone in this world differs in opinion, about choice, about hobbies and so does they are different in opinion of having a boy or a girl. Generally people say whatever god sends us we should accept that happily and should always cherish that. And that’s the thing we should do but once you are pregnant its an obvious fight or conversation you will be having with your family about whether boy is coming or a girl. Many women prefers girl child and many women prefers boy child. Girls are the sweetest, loving, innocent and really very cute from their childhood itself. They are pampered more and they are always kept like a princess.

Every woman has one thing in common and that is rejoicing in themselves. This is one of the most valid point in here. Because when a girl is born the first think people say is that oh she exactly looks like her mother which is no doubt the biggest compliment a daughter will ever hear.


If you are expecting a baby girl and want to keep that as a surprise for your family and to yourself as well than be prepared for becoming a mother of a beautiful baby girl.

Baby Girls Names : 51 Unique Flower Names For Girls

flower names for girls

Name is sort of an identity, by which one is recognized always. Without a name there won’t be any primary introduction to oneself. Now, what does name actually signifies is a vital question which maximum of the people faces. Well, name is very important. It is something which one carries throughout his or her life.

Essentially a name does not have an effect on one’s abilities and relationships, but it does serve as a tool for distinction. We all work or feel like doing something very important just in the sack that one should remember our work as well as our name. That’s how important name can be.

Most beautiful thing in this nature is flower the most beautiful name one can get is the name of a flower. Every girl looks as pretty as a flower. It’s so amazing to watch a flower bloom in the spring just like a baby growing. It makes every parent feel amazing. Flowers are the most beautiful, gorgeous thing in this nature. It won’t be wrong to say flowers add beauty and fragrance to this nature. So, let us get to know the 51 beautiful flower names for girls and everyday you will see your little flower growing. And that will be the amazing feeling of giving a child birth.

51 Flower Names for Girls

        Flower  Names  Meaning
Amaryllis Pastoral beauties
Marigold Sunshine
Dahlia Sophisticated
Fleur Delicate and sweet
Calla Beautiful
Poppy Charm
Zinnia Spunk
Delphine Elegant
Jasmine Beautiful, peaceful
Llima Adorable
Primrose Good luck
Kerria Unique
Leilani Heavenly
Zahara To shine
Rose Sweetest
Lily Pretty
Camellia Gorgeous
Hyacinth Satisfaction
Antonio Greek word means flower.
Ren Lotus
Petunia Peace
Rosemary Dew of the sea
Jarred Means rose
Azalea Beautiful
Acacia Friendship
Begonia Colourful
Blossom Choice
Saffron Popular
Bluebell Divine
Carnation Cheerful
Narcissus Name for daffodil
Jessamine    Fragrance
Clover Prosperity
Daisy Full of life
Basil Fragrant herb
Indigo Strong
Violet Sweetest
Petal Beautiful
Sage Romantic
Olive Resembles star
Sorrel The red sorrel flower haves the caribbean its home.
Flora Flower
Gardenia Fragrant flower
William Sweet
Iris Rainbow
Holly Holds red berries and is a tree with white flower.
Hazel A tree which resembles long yellow strands
Heather Admiration
Cedar Beautiful
Lotus  Purity and beauty.
Ivy Unique green flower with tiny little yellow specks.

Read More : 500 Most Popular Baby Girl Names with Meanings


25 Timeless Hindu Baby Girl Names That Will Never Go Out of Style!

For more baby name suggestions, visit Baby Name Generator


Reason behind why having a baby girl is the greatest joy:

Shopping cute little clothes

Every woman loves shopping and if that too for their baby they would love too. Girls have variety of clothes, with variety of colours, beautiful and different pretty designs and what not. Shopping for them and that too so pretty clothes is never that tiring.

Hair accessories

Woman loves growing hair and always decorates it with pretty clips and ribbons. And doing that for their own baby girl make them feel ore happy and lively.

Reliving yourself

Every women sees a little her on her baby girl and that is true as well. Because girls are most of the time are like their mother’s only. And looking at them they remember all the pretty memories they went through in their childhood and they share them as well.


You’ll be her ideal

No matter what when she’ll be growing you will be the first person to know about her crush, her first love and she will try to be like you. She will copy you and will dress like you and will always try to act like you. So, these are some of the wonderful as well as beautiful reason of having a baby girl.
