21 Sweetest Ways to Celebrate Your Baby’s First Christmas


How to brighten up your baby’s first Christmas? There are numerous amazing fun ideas to help you out. Here are the top 21 festive ideas ranging from an annual Christmas photoshoot to a special Christmas craft. Check them out below!

Read More: 11 Tips for Baby’s First Christmas

21 Cute Baby’s First Christmas Celebration Ideas

Having a Christmas Family Photoshoot

Want to begin the annual tradition of a Christmas family photoshoot? It’ll frame and keep safe your Christmas memories. You may choose the natural light in outdoor space or decorate your home in the Christmas spirit to get the apt backdrop.

baby first christmas: Christmas Family Photoshoot

Dressing up Your Little Santa

Style your baby in any festive holiday attire, from formals to green and red onesies to wintry hats! Dress him up as a reindeer or a little elf or the Santa. As a bonus, these outfits are camera-perfect!


Read More: 11 Must Read Christmas Stories For Children

Making a Sentimental Holiday Card

This Christmas is the ideal occasion to showcase the photos of your baby’s first year. You may yourself create your baby’s first Christmas cards with wintry designs like sparkling snowflakes and colourful holly or may buy him beautiful Christmas cards.

Marking the Baby’s Height

Measure your baby’s height with a red, golden or green ribbon. Now roll it up, adding some glitter and tucking it into an empty ornament. Mark the date with a tag. Compare your child’s first Christmas measurement to his current height every year to see his growth.

Read More: 51 Best Christmas Cookies for Kids


Meeting Santa for the First Time

This is a must part of your baby’s first Christmas celebration.  Take him to a Santa on the street and click pictures of your baby with the Santa. Later on, even if your kid forgets who Santa is, you can enliven his cute memories by flipping through the photos.

Hanging Baby’s First Christmas Stocking

How about hanging the first special personalised Christmas stocking for your baby? Just see how this exciting little stocking shoots an instant smile on your baby’s face when he gets his first Christmas gifts!

Getting Baby’s First Christmas Pyjamas

Your baby will cherish the tradition of wearing Christmas pyjamas in the following years starting it right away! Go for red and white strips or any other Christmas pattern! If there are siblings, matching pyjamas are perfect to go with!


Trimming the Tree with a Personalized Christmas Ornament

How about commemorating your baby’s first Christmas by hanging a personalized Christmas tree ornament? It’ll swing there for years and can be an amazing keepsake as your kid grows older. Else, you may even get a new one for him every year.

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Making a Special Trip to See Family Members

This year your baby might be meeting his extended family for the first time. So turn this Christmas into an extra special occasion to create his new family bonds! Have the members come to your baby if it’s too far to travel.

Getting an Elf on Baby’s Shelf

This Christmas, the fun game of the elf’s hide-and-seek can begin the magic early! Both you and your baby will have great fun playing along. Who knows that in a couple of years, it may grow into a sweet tradition?


Donating Toys

Make this Christmas an ideal opportunity to donate toys and help out the community. It’ll also teach your child the value of gratefulness. You can thus model an attitude of gratitude and instil it in your kid right from now.

Starting a Christmas Cookie Tradition

Yet not into the tradition of making Christmas cookies every year? Start right away! Carve them out in various exciting Christmas figures. As years roll, your baby will grow to participate and help you.

Reading a Christmas Eve Bedtime Story

Begin the tradition of reading an absorbing bedtime story to your baby on Christmas eve. It’s even better to set the scene with soft fairy lights and hot cocoa. Then pick a classic like “The Night Before Christmas”.


Decking the Nursery

Adorn the newest room of your house with Christmas accessories such as holly branches, candles, and pillows? How cozy will it be for your whole family to snuggle up with your baby together in the room!

Making a Footprint/ Handprint Craft

Why not try a fun Christmas craft too? Take your baby’s footprint or handprint and produce Christmas figures like Xmas trees, reindeers, snowmen or Santa. It’ll become a timestamped keepsake!

Making a Christmas Baby Mobile

Time to make a DIY baby mobile yourself, this Christmas! Pick a Christmas color scheme and hang little green and red pompoms or Christmas pictures or stuffed animals to decorate the baby mobile.


Visiting a Christmas Tree Farm

Taste the adventure of visiting a Christmas tree farm with your baby in his very first year. Let your kid absorb the place with his whole family. As he grows up, he can even look back on these precious memories.

Watching a Holiday Light Show or Parade

Holiday light shows can steal your attention as a spectacular part of your baby’s first Christmas celebration. Those magnificent lights can make your baby ogle with festive spirit! A car ride can then lull your baby to sleep.

Giving Something Soft and Cosy

If you or another family member can knit well, create a special Christmas blanket to take out each year. You can then softly read out a book or sing a Christmas song to lull your baby to slumber.


Taking a Slice of the Tree

If you have a real Christmas tree each year, try this. Chop off a chunk from the bottom before throwing it out after the celebration is over. Paint the round for marking the year. Note, “Baby’s first Xmas” on the front.

Making a Special Christmas Dinner

Family Christmas dinners are adorable. Try adding baby-friendly holiday meals at the table. The addition of the little new family member to the table will light up the festive family dinner even better!



Hurry up and enliven your baby’s first Christmas celebration with these brilliant jolly ideas and sweet ways!



