Top 100 Baby Boy Names That Start With D


Choosing the perfect name for your baby boy is an exciting and important decision. If you’re looking for a name that starts with the letter D, you’re in luck! In this blog post, we will explore a list of the top 100 boy names that start with D, along with their meanings. Whether you’re seeking a traditional or unique name, this list will provide you with plenty of inspiration to find the perfect name for your little one.

boy names that start with d

Modern Boy Names That Start With D

  1. Darian – Persian name meaning “gift.”
  2. Dashiell – French name meaning “from the field of ash trees.”
  3. Dawson – English name meaning “son of David.”
  4. Declan – Irish name meaning “man of prayer.”
  5. Deon – Greek name meaning “of Zeus.”
  6. Desmond – Irish name meaning “one from South Munster.”
  7. Dexter – Latin name meaning “right-handed.”
  8. Dillon – Irish name meaning “loyal.”
  9. Donovan – Irish name meaning “dark-haired chieftain.”
  10. Drake – English name meaning “dragon.”

Unique Boy Names That Start With D

  1. Dacre – English name meaning “trickling stream.”
  2. Darian – Persian name meaning “gift.”
  3. Dashiell – French name meaning “from the field of ash trees.”
  4. Deacon – English name meaning “servant.”
  5. Delaney – Irish name meaning “from the alder grove.”
  6. Denzel – Cornish name meaning “from the high fortress.”
  7. Dorian – Greek name meaning “from Doris.”
  8. Draven – English name meaning “hunter.”
  9. Duke – English name meaning “leader.”
  10. Dune – English name meaning “hill.”

Cute Boy Names That Start With D with Meaning

  1. Darian – Persian name meaning “gift.”
  2. Dashiell – French name meaning “from the field of ash trees.”
  3. Davi – Hebrew name meaning “beloved.”
  4. Day – Japanese name meaning “great.”
  5. Deo – Greek name meaning “godlike.”
  6. Denby – Scandinavian name meaning “home of the Danes.”
  7. Desmond – Irish name meaning “one from South Munster.”
  8. Dexter – Latin name meaning “right-handed.”
  9. Dillon – Irish name meaning “loyal.”
  10. Donovan – Irish name meaning “dark-haired chieftain.”

Classic Boy Names That Start With D with Meaning

  1. Daniel – Hebrew name meaning “God is my judge.”
  2. David – Hebrew name meaning “beloved.”
  3. Douglas – Scottish name meaning “dark river.”
  4. Dominic – Latin name meaning “belonging to the Lord.”
  5. Derek – English name meaning “ruler of the people.”
  6. Donald – Scottish name meaning “world ruler.”
  7. Dean – English name meaning “valley.”
  8. Dennis – English name meaning “follower of Dionysus.”
  9. Desmond – Irish name meaning “one from South Munster.”
  10. Duncan – Scottish name meaning “dark warrior.”

Read More: Top 100 Indian Boy Names

Biblical Boy Names That Start With D with Meaning

  1. Daniel – Hebrew name meaning “God is my judge.”
  2. David – Hebrew name meaning “beloved.”
  3. Darius – Persian name meaning “possessing goodness.”
  4. Dan – Hebrew name meaning “God is my judge.”
  5. Demetrius – Greek name meaning “follower of Demeter.”
  6. Delilah – Hebrew name meaning “delicate.”
  7. Dennis – Greek name meaning “follower of Dionysus.”
  8. Donald – Scottish name meaning “world ruler.”
  9. Doron – Hebrew name meaning “gift.”
  10. Drusus – Latin name meaning “strong.”
  11. Danial – Arabic name meaning “God is my judge.”
  12. Dathan – Hebrew name meaning “fountain.”
  13. Deacon – Greek name meaning “servant.”
  14. Demas – Greek name meaning “popular.”
  15. Deron – Hebrew name meaning “bird.”
  16. Destin – French name meaning “destiny.”
  17. Devan – Sanskrit name meaning “divine.”
  18. Dov – Hebrew name meaning “bear.”
  19. Duncan – Scottish name meaning “dark warrior.”
  20. Dwight – English name meaning “white or blond.”

Virtue Boy Names That Start With D with Meaning

  1. Dare – Persian name meaning “wealthy” or “possessing.”
  2. Darian – Persian name meaning “gift.”
  3. Dashiell – French name meaning “from the field of ash trees.”
  4. David – Hebrew name meaning “beloved.”
  5. Dean – English name meaning “valley.”
  6. Delaney – Irish name meaning “from the alder grove.”
  7. Demetrius – Greek name meaning “follower of Demeter.”
  8. Desmond – Irish name meaning “one from South Munster.”
  9. Dominic – Latin name meaning “belonging to the Lord.”
  10. Donovan – Irish name meaning “dark-haired chieftain.”

Read More: 21 Top Masculine Baby Boy Names

Mythological Boy Names That Start with D with Meaning

  1. Daedalus – Greek mythology name meaning “cunning worker.”
  2. Dagon – Canaanite mythology name meaning “grain.”
  3. Dardanus – Greek mythology name meaning “son of Zeus.”
  4. Demeter – Greek mythology name meaning “earth mother.”
  5. Dionysus – Greek mythology name meaning “god of wine and fertility.”
  6. Draco – Greek mythology name meaning “dragon.”
  7. Dyaus – Hindu mythology name meaning “sky father.”
  8. Dard – Greek mythology name meaning “son of Zeus.”
  9. Dindymene – Greek mythology name meaning “mother of the gods.”
  10. Dyaus Pita – Hindu mythology name meaning “sky father.”
  11. Daeva – Persian mythology name meaning “demon.”
  12. Damballa – Haitian mythology name meaning “sky serpent.”
  13. Dazhbog – Slavic mythology name meaning “god of the sun.”
  14. Dellingr – Norse mythology name meaning “god of dawn.”
  15. Demogorgon – Greek mythology name meaning “dreadful demon.”
  16. Druantia – Celtic mythology name meaning “goddess of trees.”
  17. Duzi – Sumerian mythology name meaning “god of the underworld.”
  18. Dagonet – Arthurian legend name meaning “little knight.”
  19. Druas – Celtic mythology name meaning “wise one.”
  20. Dvalin – Norse mythology name meaning “dwarf.”

Read More: 101 Baby Names Inspired from Greek Mythology

Nature-Inspired Boy Names That Start With D with Meaning

  1. Dale – English name meaning “valley.”
  2. Darian – Persian name meaning “gift.”
  3. Darwin – English name meaning “dear friend.”
  4. Denali – Native American name meaning “the great one.”
  5. Dillon – Irish name meaning “loyal.”
  6. Drake – English name meaning “dragon.”
  7. Dusty – English name meaning “covered in dust.”
  8. Dune – English name meaning “hill.”
  9. Dylan – Welsh name meaning “son of the sea.”
  10. Forest – English name meaning “woodland.”

Choosing a name for your baby boy is a special and personal decision. The list of the top 100 boy names that start with D provides a wide range of options, from traditional and timeless names to unique and modern choices. Each name carries its own meaning and significance, allowing you to find a name that resonates with you and your family.


Remember, the perfect name is the one that feels right for you and your child. Take your time, explore the meanings and origins of the names, and consider how they sound with your last name. Whether you opt for a classic name like Daniel or a more unique choice like Dashiell, the most important thing is that it reflects your love and hopes for your little one.We hope this list has inspired you and made your naming journey a little easier. Good luck in finding the perfect name for your baby boy!
