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Dengue Fever In Children And Measures To Avoid It
Dengue fever or break-bone fever, as it is also called, is a tropical fever that is spread by mosquitoes. The disease is actually caused...
Consuming Onions During Pregnancy: Is It Safe?
Having unusual food cravings during pregnancy for a woman is normal. Some women crave for ice creams or pickles while others for raw vegetables....
Prurigo of Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Pregnancy brings immense changes to the female body. Changes that can be seen physically as well as mentally experienced by the woman herself. Physical...
Lithium During Breastfeeding: Is it Safe for You?
Research has found a “rule of halves” with lithium concentration in infant serum, breast milk and maternal serum. Lithium is well tolerated in infants...
11 Natural Remedies for Treating Mood Disorders in Children
Did you know that there were natural remedies to treat mood disorders in young children? Yes, there are over a dozen remedies that can...
11 Amazing Health Benefits of Jujube for Children
Jujube is a common fruit looks almost like a date. Belonging to the buckthorn family of plants, the fruit looks green and oval when...
11 Health Benefits of Kiwano (Horned Melon) in Your Diet
Kiwano, also known as horned melons, are extremely nutritious and have the properties to give your body a nutritional boost that can suffice into...
Health benefits of Strawberries for babies
Health benefits of strawberries for children include liver protection, rich source of vitamin c, good source of calcium and good source of phosphorous and...
Health Benefits of Mushrooms or Toadstool for Babies
Some of the health benefits of mushrooms for babies include supply of vitamin D, good source of iron, supply of antioxidants, strengthens the immune...
11 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Black Tea
Black tea fights cancer and harmful bacteria in the stomach, contains antioxidants, helpful for diabetic people, reduces blood pressure levels, lowers cholesterol levels, maintains...
11 Side Effects of Giving PediaSure for Kids
Affects the eating habits, unhealthy ingredients, milk allergy, absorption of vitamins and minerals, processed protein, high sugar content, sodium caseinate, genetically modified oil, sweetened...
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