11 Tips to Raise Brilliant Child Scientifically


Raising a brilliant child is not an easy task. You might read a hundred parenting article and set the perfect diet for your child but something or the other misses out from your mind. That is natural! 

Scientifically speaking, there are a lot you can do to ensure that your child grows up to be a brilliant human being. Brilliant is not just about excelling academically or in arts or sports, but it is more than that. These scientific approaches will make sure that your child is sharp, active and most importantly empathetic towards others.

Tips to Raise Brilliant Children Scientifically

  • Get Your Child to Sleep Enough:

Proper sleep has a lot to do with the overall cognitive development of your child. Lack of proper sleep of your child can make him/her cranky and he/she won’t be able to concentrate and all will lag in terms of proper development and achievements in school and home.

  • Vaccinate Regularly:

A healthy child is more likely to be brilliant when compared to a child who often falls sick. Vaccinating your child is one of the most important steps ensuring that your child is getting the immunity he/she requires in order to grow-up.

  • Introduce New Food Regularly:

Don’t treat your child as your pet by offering the same set of food every day, week after week. Introduce new food occasionally with the risk of being rejected. Introducing new food, not only help your child grow a varied taste and provides him/her with the desired nutritional balance but at the same time it helps your child to set his/her mind free and be open about new things.

  • Participate in School Work:

Your involvement in your child’s school assignments will make sure that he/she perceives it as an important matter and can be more open to you about queries which he/she didn’t get to ask the teacher back at school. The more you get involved in the school work, the more chances are that your child will dig deep into the subject matter and thrive in a comfortable environment as being offered by you.

  • Encourage Pro-Social Behaviour:

Your child’s academic and extra-curricular prowess is equally important as his/hers social skills. Lack of social skills is a big obstacle and it often hinders the overall development of your child. Make him/her socially open by taking them to the neighbours or in some play-dates where they can mingle freely with others outside home or school.

  • Don’t Put Pressure to Learn:

You can always encourage but not push. If your child is a good singer, a music class or a private teacher is a good idea. But you cannot force him/her to practice every day as it will ruin the natural interest he/she has for music. 

  • Listen to What Your Child has to Say:

You need listen carefully to what your child has to say about his/her liking and inclination of certain things. It is more likely that your child will reveal his/her hidden passion for something to you and it would be unwise for you to ignore it completely.

  • Allocate a special space:

If your child is showing signs of engaging him in certain activities then it is important that you allocate certain space to your child where he can paint or practice any instrument.

The special space will encourage your child as he will then get to know that you are also serious about his passion and also it will give him the chance to explore more.

  • Play With Your Child:

The more time you spend with your child the more confident he/she gets and that gets carried forward right into till adolescence. Try to spend “quality” time more than the quantity. Participate in the imaginary games that he/she has to play and get engaged in it. This will help him/her get the confirmation that his/her imaginations are worth participating in and eventually that will help your child to be more imaginative.

  • Answer all the Questions:

We know it is hard but answer your child’s simple questions is actually like downloading valuable information in his/her mind. Remember, that your child values your answers and keeps those in mind and for that reason it is important that you give proper and accurate answers. In case you don’t know the answers it is better to read about it and then answer rather than giving a wrong one.

  • Develop a Sense of Numbers:

Starting from “one” to “many” you can actually help your child develop a sense of number teach him/her to count. Giving your child a sense of numbers will help him/her to grow a deep analytical mind in the future.

Science is all about logic! You need to be logical in your approach and make sure as a parent that you don’t force your child to be brilliant but provide him/her the opportunity to thrive.
